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The messages seem fine, except I don't think it says anything when it's at the one or two minute mark. Every 6 hours is probably the best bet. Also, the little white/green dots crap is on, I think that has to do with the difficulty setting. It kinda shows where zombies/animals/players/etc are at.

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Yeah, it was certainly there for the past 9 hours I was playing. I didn't feel safe at all. :-/

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Would just like to thank those in Novy and Stary for some excellent firefights this evening and thanks to the hosts.

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Something to consider AgentX. Looks like it's a mechanic in ARMA2 to simulate peripheral vision.

I know, and I don't like it at all. You can track things with it almost as well as tracking people with the nametags on.

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Hmm, I don't get it. They weren't there pre-, I wonder if it really does have to do with that. Also, it's on the top and bottom of the screen too. I really, really don't like it. Far too easy to spot players with it. :-/

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I've seen them there the entire time, even before ;)

We knew they were apart of the engine, but with everything off, I figured there wasn't anything we could do to disable it. Then stumbling across posts here on the daymod forums and on BI hits the nail on the head.

In all honesty, it's not game breaking, I hear they don't show up at nights. You also can't decipher what's a zombie, dead body, player, etc.

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In all honesty' date=' it's not game breaking, I hear they don't show up at nights. You also can't decipher what's a zombie, dead body, player, etc.


Yes you can. Animals and zombies are white, players show up as green. Not sure about cars and dead bodies. They also do show at night, or at least they did two nights ago. I usually only play at night, remember this. :P

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Hmm' date=' I don't get it. They weren't there pre-, I wonder if it really does have to do with that. Also, it's on the top and bottom of the screen too. I really, really don't like it. Far too easy to spot players with it. :-/


Yes they were there before You just weren't paying enough attention.

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It should have rebooted on it's own about 5 minutes ago (just remoted in to verify). Usually if you get stuck at the loading screen, it has something to do with reading characters from the main database.

If it's still happening, feel free to let me know. :)

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Working fine now thanks.

Also I know it may be a bit too much to ask but is it possible to set the max ping to 200ms? Me and a couple of friends who play frequently on your server sometimes have trouble when the ping peaks over 175 i.e. we get kicked.

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Logged in on this server today, heard gunshots before my loading screen was finished and I instantly got put in Debug Wilderness with the Killed by Friendly Fire message on the bottom left. ALT F4'd as fast as I could and joined another server, ended up losing everything on my inventory but kept the contents of my back pack. Not sure what happened or if it was even a problem linked to this server but just a cool story I guess.

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Hi Admin.

Between now and 15 minutes, 2 peoples logged off to avoid death.

One just now 2 mins ago. (Gullie suit).

One 15min ago.

They was three, one scouting, 2 rushing.

I killed 2 and the third one logged off when he miss me.

Pls look at the logs of your server if you can, to kick those noobs.

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Logged in on this server today' date=' heard gunshots before my loading screen was finished and I instantly got put in Debug Wilderness with the Killed by Friendly Fire message on the bottom left. ALT F4'd as fast as I could and joined another server, ended up losing everything on my inventory but kept the contents of my back pack. Not sure what happened or if it was even a problem linked to this server but just a cool story I guess.


I'll check the logs to see if I can find out who was killing in debug forest. Do you have a time this took place? (And give me the time zone you're in).

Fruity_Rudy [TGW] logging off to avoid death. He logged in short after he went on another server and moved away from the location. Please ban.

I'll investigate. Any additional proof (screenshots or video) on your end will be helpful. Server logs don't tell damage taken.

EDIT: I can confirm that Fruity did disconnect on his own accord for about 1 minute 40 seconds (10:47:42-10:49:21). However' date=' I cannot confirm that he did this to move to another server (time frame is pretty tight). I'll keep an eye out for repeat behavior, but I do not have enough evidence to ban at this time. If you have any additional evidence, please PM me. I'll continue to monitor logs.

Hi Admin.

Between now and 15 minutes, 2 peoples logged off to avoid death.

One just now 2 mins ago. (Gullie suit).

One 15min ago.

They was three, one scouting, 2 rushing.

I killed 2 and the third one logged off when he miss me.

Pls look at the logs of your server if you can, to kick those noobs.

I'll check the logs but any additional screenshots or video proof can be helpful. Server logs don't tell damage taken.

EDIT: The timeframe you supplied is a bit wide and I cannot confirm who left during your encounters (multiple people leaving the server). I do have a list of a few possible names and will keep an eye on them in the logs. I cannot distribute bans for your situation at this time.

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Thanks dude to respond quick like it.

What is your in game nick ? :)

Next time i will note the exact hour, and name of player involved if possible.

Cannot play with fraps atm, and i dont understand how screenshots can help you to ban for Dcers :D

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Thanks <3 Unfortunately I do not have any screenshots I will try to take some next time I see it happen.

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Thanks dude to respond quick like it.

What is your in game nick ? :)

Next time i will note the exact hour' date=' and name of player involved if possible.

Cannot play with fraps atm, and i dont understand how screenshots can help you to ban for Dcers :D


Same as the forums, I don't play often enough though. If it's me, you'll see that I'm verified as an admin by BEC at login. We have other admins as well.

Thanks <3 Unfortunately I do not have any screenshots I will try to take some next time I see it happen.

To both of you, video is preferred. But in worst case, have your watch out before encounter and after it in screens. I understand this is near impossible in hair trigger situations, and in those, they are a bit difficult for banning (video is most helpful). However, watch based screenshots can give a little more insight into the time frame if you're the initial aggressor.

Screenshots may or may not result in a ban instantly. Video tends to be bona fide proof (with a few exceptions). Make sure to note down the time of the incident as well. Bonus if you include the score board at some point during the recording by the way (it shows the server name).

I err on the side of caution on the subject of leavers. I don't like handing out bans unnecessarily, but if people abuse the system and negatively affect gameplay, there will be recourse.

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Love your server, will continue to stick to it , and if it continues its smooth course I will gladly donate every month to keep it up and going, good servers are hard to find!!

Side note, keep your eye on a player named RED, twice last night (late) he seemed to kill my partner and then lose connection, the first time we thought, ok maybe a coincidence but when it happened again an hour later and we watchedhim lose connection again, we thought it seemed a bit fishy... he was camping the firestation in electro and seemed to be logging out if the situation got sticky (us or zombies).. anywayz, no creenshots just htought I would give a heads up .. could have been a coincidence, but i rather mention it and him stop doing it if he is then not mention it at all!!

again thanks for an awesome server!!!

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Logged in on this server today' date=' heard gunshots before my loading screen was finished and I instantly got put in Debug Wilderness with the Killed by Friendly Fire message on the bottom left. ALT F4'd as fast as I could and joined another server, ended up losing everything on my inventory but kept the contents of my back pack. Not sure what happened or if it was even a problem linked to this server but just a cool story I guess.


I'll check the logs to see if I can find out who was killing in debug forest. Do you have a time this took place? (And give me the time zone you're in).

Indeed, GMT -5 (Chicago) about 10-15 mins before I posted. Not sure what time zone my forum account is using but it shouldn't matter.

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