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New zombie type- dead snipers! (Please read before commenting)

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People have been rattling on and on about the psychotic mass murderers who sit behind rifle scopes all day. And frankly, it's getting a bit tiring to hear the same suggestions come up again and again and again.

I had an idea a few days ago, and I just realized that it may well be an added challenge to players who want to sit at the tree line with long range rifles, safe from the zombies and pistoleros below, picking them off one by one.

Zombie snipers.

By this, I mean we place zombies in ghillie suits around the areas where snipers tend to congregate. By force of habit, these long-infected snipers are remaining in place, for they are in death what they are in life- distant Slavic relatives of the infamous Camping Carl. They have regular zombie aggro characteristics, regular statistics, and I feel I should say this before someone calls me an idiot (EDIT: Even with the disclaimer, people are too illiterate to be able to read this, so...)

:exclamation:No, they don't know how to use sniper rifles.:exclamation:

That way, sever hopping snipers may find themselves suddenly being assaulted by a hooting, shrieking, sprinting bush, and they'll have to flee or give away their oh-so-painstakingly-selected location. OrLf they might fire their fancy-schmancy anti-materièl rifle, and the dragon's roar it belts out would suddenly cause a figure or two to rise from the bushes and chase after him before he can line up a second shot. Those two zombies might buy our hapless noob friend enough time to hide under a shed and curl up into a fetal position until the sniper loses interest because he didn't see where his target went an he doesn't feel like waiting for him to come back.

And don't think this is specifically aimed at you psychopaths in green! It also affects everyone traveling by the tree line, especially skirting places like Stary or Chernogorsk. They'd all have to watch for more than just the brightly coloured, frequently-argyle clothing of zombified locals, they'd also have to scan the path ahead of them for zombie snipers.

And who knows- maybe as a side effect, people might begin to believe they can get infected :p

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I am being kinda rude. Your idea is bullshit.

But thats how it is. Random sniper bandits are annoying as they right now are. By adding Zombie sniper which probalby shoot with Aimbot is just ridiculous.

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By adding Zombie sniper which probalby shoot with Aimbot is just ridiculous.

Did you even read the original post?

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i would like to see ghillie suit zombies but that's about all.

Maybe giving trees a 1% chance of spawning a zombie engeneral, rather then setting zones for them to spawn in.

But thats how it is. Random sniper bandits are annoying as they right now are. By adding Zombie sniper which probalby shoot with Aimbot is just ridiculous.

lol, that's not even what the post is about

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It's three paragraphs in, and yet somehow you STILL didn't read it. I even separated it from the rest of the text.

Why are you even commenting here?

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hope you learned your lesson. Forum users are like 6 year olds and your thread title was too controversial for us.

would be an okay idea, though Id just add a few zombies that randomly roam all of the map. or just spawn 1Z per hour near a player regardless of where he is.

Tricky idea, Im kinda against it.

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Well, something to occupy the forest/tree lines would be nice indeed. Why ghillie suits?

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Because I figured the ghillie suits would help them to blend in to their surroundings, thus making it easier for a sniper to overlook one while he's setting up shop, only to have it stand up and chase him when he fires, or perhaps just to scare the ever living crap out of some random passerby.

Think about it. You're walking along, minding your own business, when suddenly you hear a shuffling sound behind you. You turn around, and you're suddenly staring a zombie right in the eyes, because you walked right past it when it was on the ground in the grass.

I think it would be a nice touch for the atmosphere.

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They will not fire sniper rifle.. only comouflaged zombies in ghillie suits.. god.. stop criticizing if you didn't read it at all

i think it could be good, we need more difficult zombies to spot,kill,...

+1 ;)

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They will not fire sniper rifle.. only comouflaged zombies in ghillie suits.. god.. stop criticizing if you didn't read it at all

i think it could be good' date=' we need more difficult zombies to spot,kill,...

+1 ;)


Thank you, my goal is to make zombies more unique and more dangerous without having to simply buff their base stats, or...go left 4 dead style...*shudder*

And I made a few "subtle" changes to the OP. I won't change the title because whenever I have normal, reasonable ones, people blow them off.

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zombies wearing ghillie suits that spawn near sniper spots would be interesting. or maybe just ghillie suit zombies in general. interesting suggestion!

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FLAW - You won't be able to see the difference between a gillie zombie and a gillie friendly.

Imagine, 3-4 guys with gillie suits being attacked by 2 gillie zombies! I'd love to see the panic and confusion :P

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Yeah sorry for my misbehaviour here. I didnt have enough time to actually read it. So i went by the Title. (Which is misleading...). And i am 17. And that was my first DERP comment.

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Why not add zomie wild boars that attack them? Of course they have to stay for a coupld of minutes when the player DCs or else the idea is useless.

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Well' date=' something to occupy the forest/tree lines would be nice indeed. Why ghillie suits?


Ghillie suits gives players that want a new type of monster that, but isn't out of the realm of authentic possibilities.

I suggested this in my Skins post that no one read :-/ but I said that they should only spawn at deer stands.

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It did just click with me that yes, it would be hard to tell the difference between a sombie's ghillie and a sniper's ghillie. That was kind of my point at long range, that sometimes players might see a ghillied figure and STILL be unsure whether or not it's a threat.

But yeah, that scenario you pointed out is true. Therefore, if they include this, they should alter the zombie's suit to be somewhat bloodstained and matted, not visible at long range but just enough for the people who are actually dealing with them to identfy.

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Additional thought:

Perhaps we could add in zombies that lie under piles of rubble and crawl out quietly when alerted. That way, you're in a hangar or something, you scan the area, see no drunken zombies swaying around inside, crouch-run in, pop your unobservent little self into a corner loot spawn, and BOOM. Zombie out of nowhere, because you didn't look at the rubble itself.

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Hmm.... If it could be done, and if it was, when a survivor changes to a bandit they change sides. Not sure how it's set up now, but I think they remain on both sides. You then could have zombies who just attack bandits. They are not using AI for the zeds, but the animal script to run the zombies with the zombie model. In order to do this would require these zombies to be AI. Or so I think. They might be able to test it, to see how much of an effect it has on performance. One AI zombie for every bandit, that spawns somewhere close to the bandit after the bandit remains in a certain sized area for more than a certain length of time. Or just have them spawn like they do when players enter an area now. Just have them spawn in the areas most typical for sniper activity. A normal zed doesn't know the difference between bandits and survivors, the sniper zed would, and could only spawn and attack bandits.

Ahh... forgot about this one. Rocket mentioned in an interview that he was working on a pet dog that could be acquired. Maybe the dog can be used to hunt down and uncover the snipers.

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I dunno whether or not we'd want it to specifically discriminate. That would cause a bit of a ruckus in the "bandit pride" forums, and also draw a double standar when a regular survivor walks by.

I think they should spawn in commonly sniped-from areas (no need to explain why zombies in ghillie suits are there, after all), and target whomever alerts them. Of course, 90% of the time that will be bandits, but that's just a side effect, however intended it may be.

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I definitely think that random zombies in ghillie suits along the outskirts of forests would be awesome. It'd be freaky to be running to the woods, thinking that you're safe, only to have a ghillie suit zombie pop out from near a bush/bundle of grass and attack you.

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+1 camoed zombies sounds like a good variant.

Also the immature kids that couldn't be bothered to take 30 seconds to read the OP should feel like shit.

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I am being kinda rude. Your idea is bullshit.

Hahahahaha dunno why but this proper made me laugh, even if he didn't fully read the idea, the flaming on this forum actually makes my day.

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