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Fexzz (DayZ)

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About Fexzz (DayZ)

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  1. Fexzz (DayZ)

    Banned from US129 for shooting at admin

    bump for justice. What gives Server Admins and Clans the right to ignore the rules?! Server should be blacklisted and whoever rented the server shouldnt be allowed to set up a new server.
  2. Zombie Snipers? Uhm...no.
  3. Fexzz (DayZ)

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I would love a "Whos shooting in Cherno?" or "Friendly in Cherno?" Shirt, like the one that rocket has
  4. Fexzz (DayZ)

    Zeds in buildings. Bug or on purpuse?

    I tried that with the bottles and tin cans - but its pretty annyoing when you spawn and cant even get bottles out of buildings because there are zeds everywhere :D
  5. Fexzz (DayZ)

    1.7.1 in 20 words or less

    Hate it. Zombies act like "super zombies on crack", they seem to have binoculars cuz they spot me everywhere. Spawning without weapon is cool Edit: Zeds too strong sometimes. got oneshotted with 10,8k blood left. not funny.
  6. Fexzz (DayZ)

    My Issues with the 1.7.1 Changes

    My issue with 1.7.1? Randomly dieing at joining. I logged out in Balota - got an AK and a M1911 and alot of food and stuff. When i logged in, i could walk for 2 seconds and then just died. With 12k blood left. 1hour later - same story. I was in Elektro Church, got a Winchester. When i logged in (different server btw) i just died with 12k blood left and no zeds around. Great. I know its an alpha but that just sucks and this never happend with 1.7.0
  7. Fexzz (DayZ)

    How much would you pay?

    ~20€. maybe a lil more if it gets retail.
  8. Fexzz (DayZ)

    I killed two guys, one with obviously hacked gear

    Thanks m8! I was really scared, because i heard of some "Database Bans". But if you guys say everthing is fine :)
  9. Fexzz (DayZ)

    I killed two guys, one with obviously hacked gear

    Well okay, then im going to pick up that pistol. I found the corpse again, its a silenced M9!
  10. Hey Guys! I was near Stary Sobor, when i noticed a dead person. While i was walking to him to loot him, another guy opened fire but i managed to kill him. I first looted the guy i shot and he had crazy loot: NV Goggles, Map, M4A3 CCO and more. I made a screenshot of this gear in my Inventory now - can u tell me if its legit? The other guy who was already dead obviously had some hacked gear, because he had an silenced pistol and an admin told me that it is obiously hacked. Can i get in trouble now? I havent picked up that gun. Here is the screenshot of my gear right now: Any of this gear is hacked? I know that the person with the silenced pistol (he also had some kind of sniper suit) had "Anton" in his name, but i forgot the full name. It happend at 19:12 CEST (German Time). Greetings, Fexzz
  11. Fexzz (DayZ)

    Forest Fires?

    Looks like alot of campfires to me oO
  12. Fexzz (DayZ)

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Can someone explain how this "hiding from infected" should work? For example: Is it enough to drive away with my bicycle? Or do i need to run in the forests or sth?
  13. YES, but not atm. This feature sounds good, but at the moment, where you cant really get rid of zeds without a weapon and the fact that you cant reset aggro (we really need sth like this. driving 5 miles with a car and zeds still chasing is just stupid) makes it too frustrating.