Elias (DayZ) 57 Posted July 8, 2012 I hate to see you leave, you seem like a decent person. Why don't you give it another try, and this time change your tactics? Be even more carefull? There should be more people like you in this game, who want to team up and coöperate. That's a good thing.See you in the field. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Womb Raider 92 Posted July 8, 2012 You lost your gear? So.Get over yourself. Also are you retarded' date=' why would you think walking through a town is a good idea? And then you complain about people killing you constantly, oh ok.[/quote']Are you retarded? I understand this is a military sim but if i should fear walking through town then it destroys the point of the mod. The point of the mod isn't for pvp killing. Its about survival and zombies along with interacting with pvp. If everyone wants to kill you then whats the point? I know this isn't real life but its supposed to be immersive and in what world would ppl just kill everyone that wasn't a zombie? There would definitely be ppl forming up with one another to survive. But nope, i forgot this is a game where everyone wants to kill each other because its fake. If this is the way the mod continues, its ruined for me.Once again, why would you think walking through the middle of a heavily populated town is a good idea. Yes you should fear walking through it, do you think if a real zombie apocalypse happened, people wouldn't sit and wait for other survivors to come in and then shoot them and take their gear or people that have gone crazy and shoot for fun, not to mention the zombies that would be in there. I get that you've had bad experiences with the mod, but I implore you to reconsider, you will find nice survivors, not everyone shoots on sight.It's basically an elevated level of paranoia, I encounter people daily on Day Z, do I kill them? No. But I make sure I have the advantage over them. For instance I was playing the other day, myself and a friend were running towards a town inland, my buddy happened to turn around and see a survivor coming our way, but he hadn't seen us yet, I and him instantly hit the deck. Then two more survivors came along with the first person, rather than shooting them all, we laid in wait to see what they would do. They came close to where we were, my buddy said over direct chat "We're friendly, we don't want any trouble, leave now." They initially didn't say anything and started to move towards us, did we fire, no, we waited. One of them responded eventually and said "Ok, we'll leave" and they left. If they hadn't complied with our orders we would of had no choice but to shoot them as we didn't know what their intentions are. But most of all we had the advantage over them, we were on a hill, I was behind a tree and my buddy was in the bushes. If they had decided to engage us, we would of slaughtered them. Both parties left and no blood was shed, simple. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phased 2 Posted July 9, 2012 Tbh people would kill in real life, Crazy things lead to people doing crazy things lol xD Look on the Survivors hq or something for a group and get some people to play with it is alot easier and alot more fun :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RootsRasta 0 Posted July 9, 2012 I am new and also fed up with everyone shooting you, The enemy is the zombies not human players, it particularly makes me mad when people shoot players who have just spawned, armed with just a deadly backpack they pose extreme risk....I think its just become a fuelled viscious circle of mistrust, where, "oh I got shot for no reason so I can't trust anyone" etc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
psychopigeon 32 Posted July 9, 2012 Players that shoot unarmed people are heathens. However, you'd have to be retarded to give up. This is an apocalyptic scenario, TRUST NO ONE. Find a group that use Teamspeak and work together. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Superior 9 Posted July 9, 2012 Bye, won't be missed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thorne (DayZ) 10 Posted July 9, 2012 Reading the off-topic responses in this thread was hilarious. The following posters would fail an LSAT exam: "So.. You're mad why? Dying is half the fun in DayZ"That wasn't his point. "Do not get attached to your gear' date=' as it will not get attached to you."[/quote']That wasn't his point. "You lost your gear? So? Get over yourself."That wasn't his point. "This is not the game for you if you feel this strongly after dying."That wasn't his point."You're quitting the game because you died is just the most whiny thing ever."That wasn't his point.Even high school drop-outs who drive garbage trucks at least possess the ability to comprehend the topic of a discussion. Don't bother voting or watching political debates if you can't figure out the topic of a conversation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Disgraced 1123 Posted July 9, 2012 The following posters would fail an LSAT exam: "So.. You're mad why? Dying is half the fun in DayZ"That wasn't his point. "Do not get attached to your gear' date=' as it will not get attached to you."[/quote']That wasn't his point. "You lost your gear? So? Get over yourself."That wasn't his point. "This is not the game for you if you feel this strongly after dying' date=' and you come here to post. If, after reflection, you still feel the same, then you really SHOULD go."[/quote']That wasn't his point."You're quitting the game because you died is just the most whiny thing ever."That wasn't his point.Even guys who drive garbage trucks possess the ability to comprehend the topic of a discussion. Don't bother watching political debates' date=' guys, you wouldn't be able to figure out the topic of the conversation.[/quote']THE INTERNET: serious business. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blitzcloud 1 Posted July 9, 2012 I wish getting a decent firearm was much harder in the game. THat's how it would be in real life too. If a real zombie apocalypse happened everyone would seriously not be slinging assault rifles and shotguns. There would probably be groups of people carrying one weapon. Also with lesser weapons people wouldn't kill other people as they needed people with weapons with them to raid cities.But that defeats the purpouse of "anyone, anywhere". You're asking the game to have MMORPG elements from servers that host thousands of people. You cant ask for extensive guilds like that.I personally think that if magazines didn't replenish themselves on disconnect, people wouldn't be able to cling on their "OP" weapons forever like they do.Honestly i'm so happy with my mp5sd... sneaky killing infected without problems. If when I disconnect after every playthrough my ammo stays the same, I would have no ammo for it at the moment. So it's not a matter of the weapons themselves, it's a matter of being able to generate ammo out of nowhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThomasTheCreeper 9 Posted July 9, 2012 Oh man' date=' you know a guy with AR15s? That totally makes you a badass. Lets team up. Meet you in Cherno?[/quote']I said he sells those in large quantity. He has military weapons such as a few m16 and m4. He also has two barret rifles, m107 and the civilian version of the m85 bolt action. He has many others in his dedicated weapons room of his basement including an m2 browning. Guess this makes me more "badass" than you will ever be. So keep hiding behind your "badassery" from surviving in a game.You sir, have just reached max badass level!On your problems with the way people play the game/mod i would advice you to do one of the following:- leave the game for now and maybe ruturn at a later stage.- keep playing and use the search function to post about what you dont like in one of the already existing threads in the suggestions subforum.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xeroph 12 Posted July 9, 2012 Me too, finally got some good stuff, after hours of walking around Cherno, I had a good supply of food and drinks to last me weeks, I had an Aks-74 and a makorav with like 4 clips, and was killed by a person who i had dropped a G17 to like a second ago. There isn't any friends, at first it was fun, a game having to survive the zombie apocalypse, but now its just running from every city, isolating yourself so you aren't killed by 'friendlies'. It's Not Dayz, its PvPz. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bell Pepper 1 Posted July 9, 2012 Me too' date=' finally got some good stuff, after hours of walking around Cherno, I had a good supply of food and drinks to last me weeks, I had an Aks-74 and a makorav with like 4 clips, and was killed by a person who i had dropped a G17 to like a second ago. There isn't any friends, at first it was fun, a game having to survive the zombie apocalypse, but now its just running from every city, isolating yourself so you aren't killed by 'friendlies'. It's Not Dayz, its PvPz.[/quote']You didn't even make a dent in the game with that loadout... Keep playing! Play with people you trust (your long-term friends on Steam)! I've died several times before I struck big with on this life and our squad is pure badass! If you don't know the "friendlies" and they're not using proper "etiquette" for presenting their friendliness (i.e lowering or putting away their weapon/going into a salute position/sitting, etc.), I wouldn't take my chances trusting 'em! :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Budzilla (DayZ) 2 Posted July 9, 2012 Yesterday I had my leg broken by a zombie and was bleeding out. I managed to get behind cover to bandage up and started crawling around Cherno looking for the hostpital, as I didnt know where it was. I was calling out "Help me!" and such over Direct Com. and about 3 minutes later a guy found me and helped me behind cover and gave me morhpine and a blood bag. I even had an Alice pack, M9 SD and AK-74 he could have easily killed me for, and he didnt. Moral of the story, not everyone is out to get you. Just hide and call out to them. If you see them and they dont see you, ask them to lower their weapon, and if they dont, take it as a sign of aggression and shoot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
caeden 1 Posted July 9, 2012 Stuff like this makes me sad.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYGp5eiS1jg&feature=related Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 524 Posted July 9, 2012 The only thing that bothers me is that taking other people's stuff clearly isn't the primary motive behind killing them in most cases. I've been shot unarmed so many times it's getting a bit silly now. Like today, I stumbled upon a guy in Elektro, I realized he saw me and since he was armed I thought I'd just get out of his way and go in a different direction thinking he would leave me alone as all I had was a crowbar and of course the basic backpack. Yet he decided to chase me across the whole town and shot me wasting so much ammo in the process it couldn't have been possibly worth it. It seems the vast majority of the people are playing it strictly like a deathmatch and that's a shame but not much can be done about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LackofCertainty 2 Posted July 9, 2012 (did not read the thread up until this point)To the OP:If you don't want to play with people who shoot on sight, then you need to find a group to play with. There are a lot of DayZ communities and clans springing up so it's not too hard to do.If you refuse to join a clan/community or If you want to play a solo survivor, then don't try to party with people. Especially not when you have gear. Either stealth away from them, or shoot on sight. You don't have any other options, because you have too much to lose, and they have too much to gain from killing you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LieutenantDan 1 Posted July 9, 2012 Reading the off-topic responses in this thread was hilarious. The following posters would fail an LSAT exam: "So.. You're mad why? Dying is half the fun in DayZ"That wasn't his point. "Do not get attached to your gear' date=' as it will not get attached to you."[/quote']That wasn't his point. "You lost your gear? So? Get over yourself."That wasn't his point. "This is not the game for you if you feel this strongly after dying."That wasn't his point."You're quitting the game because you died is just the most whiny thing ever."That wasn't his point.Even high school drop-outs who drive garbage trucks at least possess the ability to comprehend the topic of a discussion. Don't bother voting or watching political debates if you can't figure out the topic of a conversation.Good evaluation' date=' since clearly none of them did understand. Think i will wait a while to play again. Give time for the deathmatch killers and item hoarders to get bored of the game which eventually will happen. Then ppl can play the game as intended without disturbance from these incompetent people.[hr']You lost your gear? So.Get over yourself. Also are you retarded' date=' why would you think walking through a town is a good idea? And then you complain about people killing you constantly, oh ok.[/quote']Are you retarded? I understand this is a military sim but if i should fear walking through town then it destroys the point of the mod. The point of the mod isn't for pvp killing. Its about survival and zombies along with interacting with pvp. If everyone wants to kill you then whats the point? I know this isn't real life but its supposed to be immersive and in what world would ppl just kill everyone that wasn't a zombie? There would definitely be ppl forming up with one another to survive. But nope, i forgot this is a game where everyone wants to kill each other because its fake. If this is the way the mod continues, its ruined for me.Once again, why would you think walking through the middle of a heavily populated town is a good idea. Yes you should fear walking through it, do you think if a real zombie apocalypse happened, people wouldn't sit and wait for other survivors to come in and then shoot them and take their gear or people that have gone crazy and shoot for fun, not to mention the zombies that would be in there. I get that you've had bad experiences with the mod, but I implore you to reconsider, you will find nice survivors, not everyone shoots on sight.It's basically an elevated level of paranoia, I encounter people daily on Day Z, do I kill them? No. But I make sure I have the advantage over them. For instance I was playing the other day, myself and a friend were running towards a town inland, my buddy happened to turn around and see a survivor coming our way, but he hadn't seen us yet, I and him instantly hit the deck. Then two more survivors came along with the first person, rather than shooting them all, we laid in wait to see what they would do. They came close to where we were, my buddy said over direct chat "We're friendly, we don't want any trouble, leave now." They initially didn't say anything and started to move towards us, did we fire, no, we waited. One of them responded eventually and said "Ok, we'll leave" and they left. If they hadn't complied with our orders we would of had no choice but to shoot them as we didn't know what their intentions are. But most of all we had the advantage over them, we were on a hill, I was behind a tree and my buddy was in the bushes. If they had decided to engage us, we would of slaughtered them. Both parties left and no blood was shed, simple.Oh and i guess you would know all that from experience? Pretty sure there hasn't been a zombie apocalypse. So you really believe a big majority of ppl would sit around waiting for survivors to come around to kill them? Please tell me your joking. You would try and pair up with them, doubling your chance of survival. Sure there would be crazy ppl kill for survival but definitely not 9/10 ppl. More like 1/100 as ppl would be paired up for the most part anyway. Plus not everyone would be armed with guns in an apocalypse. I will do a playthrough without a gun and i guarantee you someone will shoot me for absolutely no reason.Clearly you have played too many games to think like that, or watched too much TV. Human nature draws people together in times of extreme need and survival, not killing each other off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 164 Posted July 9, 2012 Perhaps you just need an attitude change or perhaps you're simply talking to people in the wrong way. One day I was walking near a hedge and was shot in the back and looted of all my stuff. I called them Bastards and laughed it off, respawned, brushed myself down and carried on. Later on that day I actually spoke to a friend of the guys that shot me. Seemed they liked my chipper happy go lucky attitude and invited me on their TeamSpeak. Been playing along side them ever since and found out they aren't a bunch of blood thirsty sociopaths but actually a fun group of people. Fact is, don't take PVP personally in this game. If you do, you will never make any friends. I remember the days when one could play an FPS game, kill someone and get a reply of "good shot!" or "nice gun fight" Seems those days good sportsmanship have passed and game chat nowadays is filled with "FU NOOB!" or "WTF did you kill me you asshole!" I find that the latter group of players make less friends than the former. Could possibly also be due to the fact that PC game players are getting younger and younger. Either way, a good attitude and not taking it too seriously is a good direction to go, in my experience anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zexis 127 Posted July 9, 2012 I haven't played this game yet and don't even know if I will, but speaking from experience in other games, some people get bored and just kill for "lulz". It's annoying as hell but is just the nature of the game. Until the devs implement greater consequences for being a bandit, ya just have to deal with it or move on. It sounds like part of the fun is dealing with other survivors anyways, right?Also, newbie question: how easy is it to get killed? Single-shots, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fishmitts 65 Posted July 9, 2012 I haven't played this game yet and don't even know if I will' date=' but speaking from experience in other games, some people get bored and just kill for "lulz". It's annoying as hell but is just the nature of the game. Until the devs implement greater consequences for being a bandit, ya just have to deal with it or move on. It sounds like part of the fun is dealing with other survivors anyways, right?Also, newbie question: how easy is it to get killed? Single-shots, right?[/quote']Why are you bothering posting in a forum for a game you may or may not play? And on top of that, ask a question that can be answered watching youtube vids? Think about it. Are you that lonely?Question: How easy is it to get killed?Answer: Hit yourself in the face with a hammer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trylan 25 Posted July 9, 2012 wow fishmitts, i think you hit the top of the retard list on this thread. why not just answers his fucking questions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie_chew_toy 2 Posted July 9, 2012 I haven't played this game yet and don't even know if I will' date=' but speaking from experience in other games, some people get bored and just kill for "lulz". It's annoying as hell but is just the nature of the game. Until the devs implement greater consequences for being a bandit, ya just have to deal with it or move on. It sounds like part of the fun is dealing with other survivors anyways, right?Also, newbie question: how easy is it to get killed? Single-shots, right?[/quote']Why are you bothering posting in a forum for a game you may or may not play? And on top of that, ask a question that can be answered watching youtube vids? Think about it. Are you that lonely?Question: How easy is it to get killed?Answer: Hit yourself in the face with a hammer.You could have spent 1/2 the time it took write up that troll post and just answered him instead.Zexis, one shot to the head is enough to finish you. Either by killing you outright or knocking you unconscious so they can finish you off. 2-4 shots to the body depending on the weapon.Actually now that I think about it, a headshot maybe an instant kill. Not sure, maybe some else can confirm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThomasTheCreeper 9 Posted July 9, 2012 headshots are one shot one kill with all weapons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites