triplesek 5 Posted July 8, 2012 I've been playing Day-z for around two months now, and I enjoy it immensely (just wanted to get that out of the way, this is not a complaint thread).Anywho, to the esteemed Rocket:I'm sure you are confident in where the mod is going, and I share that with you. In months, and perhaps later when Arma3 comes, it should be a great mod that will be fun to play for many years.But, at this stage of the mod, I must protest on the adding of new content until a larger problem is addressed; and that is: Hacking/Glitching/Cheat/Exploiting.This is an issue that has been seemingly ignored, perhaps arrogantly, by you; and your staff. But, a lot of the things being abused are within your power to control. Obviously there isn't much, outside of monitoring stats, you can do about people ACTUALLY aimbotting/spawning vehicles/etc; but you can fix a number of things:1. ALT-F4/Logging out mid fight. Now, this is an issue that you said would "easily" be done away with, but it has not come. And WHY WHY WHY did you post about it on the announcement forum? When I ask where most people learned about the log-out exploit, they said "from rocket's post." In the future, please don't be so vocal about shit, will you? And for godsakes fix the fucking thing!2. Invisibility. Now, personally I stumbled across how to consistently pull this off a few days ago and its pretty much game-breaking in every sense of the word. I've noticed quite a few people abusing this, and it can't really be stated enough how retarded this is. GAME-BREAKING. I prefer to have this shit dealt with rather than some fucking "bear-trap" piece of garbage that will probably be exploited anyway.3. Switching Servers - There are some seriously amazing players out there that have just god given talent. You engage them in a fight, they logout; They login to a different server to setup their mega-flank on the building you are shooting them from; then logout once more - only to log back in your server hovering over your body. The funny thing is, I've caught a few of these retards in the act and joyfully shot their fucking heads off (also talked shit in direct to state my point on how they are a gutless faggish dumb cunt fucking bastard - anyways...) Please come up with some kind of reasonable mechanic to fix this (I have a few elegant solutions that would fix this and alt-f4ing, if your low on ideas).4. Duping. Dear god please fix this before you implement bear-traps. Enough said, basically.5. Legit Hacking - There are those unfortunate individuals who prefer to cheat the game to have fun (aimbotting, spawning vehicles, etc). With Day-z stat tracking I don't see why this couldn't be controlled rather easily. It's just going to take constant monitoring, which you may or may not have the manpower to do. If not, PM me; I'll lend a hand for free (if you felt compelled to pay me, I accept baked beans).6. Misc - There are other things that I might not even know of. If your reading this post and know something I don't, please reply (And please don't describe HOW to do it, only what is happening kind of thing)7. BTW - By the way. I can't really help track hackers unless I know the name of the person who just killed me. Triplesek was killed by Dumbass would be amazing. Make it mandatory on all servers.While there are important things that need to be fixed game-mechanic wise, I don't feel there is a more significant issue today than what is listed above. We don't need bear traps, we need anti-cheat. When the game is played the way it's meant, there really isn't any need for new shit. I mean sure, a fix here and there is good, but imo Dayz is amazing as is. Just get rid of all the exploits broski!PS - In the odd chance you read this, dear rocket sir, just want to say thanks. And also - There is no way to fix people killing each other. Don't give in to the carebears. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thedoubled 10 Posted July 8, 2012 I need patches, Rocket. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 38 Posted July 8, 2012 c'mon man, an Alpha without hax/glitches/exploits wouldn't be an Alpha anymore.I'm sure dat Rocket is working on fixing it, till then we'll just have to show those hax0rs that they better not mess with us ! :angel: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wulfear 6 Posted July 8, 2012 Don't give in to the carebears.heh, You are really gripping your "US vs. THEM" mentality very tightly.I'm a carebear. I will also shoot you with zero hesitation. Your mind=blown. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paah (DayZ) 0 Posted July 8, 2012 >Wants stuff fixed>Doesn't want patchesThe man is a lunatic, don't listen to him! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ulme911 0 Posted July 8, 2012 The point of the alpha is to gather information about how game mechanics work and how content plays in real situations. Glitches and hackers dont matter at all in alpha stage because they can simply be ignored.Its still important to gather that data which is why we need more patches : ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
triplesek 5 Posted July 8, 2012 c'mon man' date=' an Alpha without hax/glitches/exploits wouldn't be an Alpha anymore.I'm sure dat Rocket is working on fixing it, till then we'll just have to show those hax0rs that they better not mess with us ! :angel:[/quote']Can we please man up a little and just say - Yes, I know it's a problem. Fixing asap.No one wants to hear "This is alpha verison bro." I mean, maybe if it was an actual video game in a beta test I would accept that, but a fucking mod? I don't think I've ever heard the term so widely used for a modification of a video game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hkurban 31 Posted July 8, 2012 You do know the next patch is mostly a stability and security patch, which is more or less what you're asking for, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfstriked 143 Posted July 8, 2012 I think Rocket is overloaded with stuff at this point.Seems he is putting alot of effort in to making the zed experience work better.Just give him time and it will come. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wulfear 6 Posted July 8, 2012 c'mon man' date=' an Alpha without hax/glitches/exploits wouldn't be an Alpha anymore.I'm sure dat Rocket is working on fixing it, till then we'll just have to show those hax0rs that they better not mess with us ! :angel:[/quote']Can we please man up a little and just say - Yes, I know it's a problem. Fixing asap.No one wants to hear "This is alpha verison bro." I mean, maybe if it was an actual video game in a beta test I would accept that, but a fucking mod? I don't think I've ever heard the term so widely used for a modification of a video game.Part of the reason for that is because "mods" for PC games have largely gone the way of the dinosaur. Alphas and beta were quite common at one point, but most people stayed away because of their rough state.The other reason is they are idiots. lol :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Partypants Pete 7 Posted July 8, 2012 c'mon man' date=' an Alpha without hax/glitches/exploits wouldn't be an Alpha anymore.I'm sure dat Rocket is working on fixing it, till then we'll just have to show those hax0rs that they better not mess with us ! :angel:[/quote']Can we please man up a little and just say - Yes, I know it's a problem. Fixing asap.No one wants to hear "This is alpha verison bro." I mean, maybe if it was an actual video game in a beta test I would accept that, but a fucking mod? I don't think I've ever heard the term so widely used for a modification of a video game.What? Lol... I think you might just like to hear yourself speak because you contradicted yourself multiple times. Who cares if there are hackers? It's a free alpha. If you don't go into an alpha knowing there are going to be hackers and glitches then you're extremely nieve. Why wouldn't a mod be in an alpha stage? In fact, a mod would be more prone to being in alpha than a full game because there are paid testers to work out the bugs in a game in real developement. We're playing this game, for free I'd like to add again, because it's our job to find the bugs and experience the glitches and hackers so that Rocket can find a way to work around them. The only way he's going to know if the fixes work is by patching the game and seeing what new glitches and hacks are added in. I don't understand why people complain about a game being given to them that they knew was in the beginning stages of their life. If games with full budgets get released FULL of bugs/glitches, hello Skyrim, then don't assume a mod like this won't have them. Assume it will. It's going to save you a lot of disappointment. Instead of focusing on the things that are wrong then have fun with it and focus on the things that are right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
triplesek 5 Posted July 8, 2012 c'mon man' date=' an Alpha without hax/glitches/exploits wouldn't be an Alpha anymore.I'm sure dat Rocket is working on fixing it, till then we'll just have to show those hax0rs that they better not mess with us ! :angel:[/quote']Can we please man up a little and just say - Yes, I know it's a problem. Fixing asap.No one wants to hear "This is alpha verison bro." I mean, maybe if it was an actual video game in a beta test I would accept that, but a fucking mod? I don't think I've ever heard the term so widely used for a modification of a video game.What? Lol... I think you might just like to hear yourself speak because you contradicted yourself multiple times. Who cares if there are hackers? It's a free alpha. If you don't go into an alpha knowing there are going to be hackers and glitches then you're extremely nieve. Why wouldn't a mod be in an alpha stage? In fact, a mod would be more prone to being in alpha than a full game because there are paid testers to work out the bugs in a game in real developement. We're playing this game, for free I'd like to add again, because it's our job to find the bugs and experience the glitches and hackers so that Rocket can find a way to work around them. The only way he's going to know if the fixes work is by patching the game and seeing what new glitches and hacks are added in. I don't understand why people complain about a game being given to them that they knew was in the beginning stages of their life. If games with full budgets get released FULL of bugs/glitches, hello Skyrim, then don't assume a mod like this won't have them. Assume it will. It's going to save you a lot of disappointment. Instead of focusing on the things that are wrong then have fun with it and focus on the things that are right.This is not a video game. It is a mod. We didn't pay for the mod, sure, but we did pay for a shitty military simulator.As said in the post, I enjoy Day-z a lot. I hate hackers. In my opinion, the MOD is fine as is; just needs a stick to beat off the glitches and hacks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Partypants Pete 7 Posted July 8, 2012 Well, for the record you're going to be in the minority by saying that we don't need patches. In fact, you might be literally the only one. You're entitled to your opinion even if it's ridiculous. I'm just glad Rocket does his own thing and lets these threads pass to the Land of QQ Threads. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrismgtis 55 Posted July 8, 2012 This thread is a bit redundant. You don't seem to know what Rocket's job IS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zoop 343 Posted July 8, 2012 7. BTW - By the way. I can't really help track hackers unless I know the name of the person who just killed me. Triplesek was killed by Dumbass would be amazing. Make it mandatory on all servers.No, not knowing who killed you makes up a large part of the atmosphere of the game. Forcing all servers to have it on is a shitty idea. Find some other way to track hackers. Like, y'know, actually getting BattlEye to work properly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NinjaFate 0 Posted July 8, 2012 Sound like you're in the wrong place, dude. Yeah, it's an alpha stage mod, what's the big problem here? Are you new to the modding scene? I thought so. If you don't think there's going to be patch after patch, fixing bugs and causing new ones, then you need to remove your head from your ass. Moaning about ArmA after you paid for it is a bit pointless as well. No one forced you to buy it, and no one's forcing you to TEST this alpha version mod that you paid nothing for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heretic (DayZ) 76 Posted July 8, 2012 This is an issue that has been seemingly ignored' date=' perhaps arrogantly, by you; and your staff. Don't give in to the carebears.[/quote']You're seriously accusing Rocket of behaving arrogantly because he hasn't done the things that you see as a priority?Please re-read your original post and tell us again who you think is being even remotely arrogant?"Don't give in to the carebears" but do give in to me, because my tears are special.Give it a rest kid... please! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Missile 0 Posted July 8, 2012 Patches are exactly what we need to fix the issues you raise.How else would they be addressed? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KWilt 157 Posted July 8, 2012 >Wants stuff fixed>Doesn't want patchesThe man is a lunatic' date=' don't listen to him![/quote']This, right here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BossFi 90 Posted July 8, 2012 Probably only gonna be exploiters and hackers left to alpha test this game if it carries on! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lukio (DayZ) 24 Posted July 8, 2012 Probably only gonna be exploiters and hackers left to alpha test this game if it carries on!There is reason most ARMA 2 servers run as private/locked servers and have cheat detection mods running. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bascal 1 Posted July 8, 2012 You are severely mislead. I agree hacking is a much larger issue but,1 - Players who have taken PvP damage and log out are knocked out for 3 minutes upon logging back in. That's in the game already, Rocket has said he's looking at more.2 - This can be a bug caused by the female skin. Some players experience it, and when they do, they can't see anybody using the female skin.3/4 - I'm, sure they're looking for fixes... this is alpha.5 - There are no hitboxes in ArmAII, and therefore aimbot hacks DO NOT EXIST! Hacking in gear and vehicles do, as well as many others but aimbots do not exist.I know CQF's servers have taken the brunt of hackers and rest assured, Rocket knows about it. I can't even play on my own clans servers anymore because hackers love to shit on the "good guys." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Partypants Pete 7 Posted July 8, 2012 5 - There are no hitboxes in ArmAII' date=' and therefore aimbot hacks DO NOT EXIST! Hacking in gear and vehicles do, as well as many others but aimbots do not exist.[/quote']You don't need hit markers to aimbot. I'm not sure where you've heard that but it's completely wrong. Aimbots have been around since before the CS era and they didn't need hit markers either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kcbanner 8 Posted July 8, 2012 From a programmer's perspective, you gotta love reading these QQ threads. People really don't understand how much work all of this is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Partypants Pete 7 Posted July 8, 2012 From a programmer's perspective' date=' you gotta love reading these QQ threads. People really don't understand how much work all of this is.[/quote']I've just gotten tired of pointing this out to them. Everyone assumes it's just that the devs haven't noticed the problems and that, when they do, all they have to do is click a button. "Oh, gee whiz, I forgot to click the zombies run straight button? Silly me. *click*" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites