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Auto-run DLC $7.99

More loot DLC $7.99

More Zombies DLC $3.99

Less Zombies DLC $24.99

Or if you got a joystick, plug it in and add throttle to move forward.

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Auto-run DLC $7.99

More loot DLC $7.99

More Zombies DLC $3.99

Less Zombies DLC $24.99

Or if you got a joystick' date=' plug it in and add throttle to move forward.


have they sold out to EA? xD

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Honestly OP, just stick at it and your opinion will change. I'm sure many of us who started playing within the last few weeks felt like this at the beginning, you just have to plough through. Eventually you'll get lucky, find a weapon and some supplies, and head north into the wilderness. If you still don't find the idea of surviving for as long as possible fun, then maybe you shouldn't be playing a survival based game...

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well if you wanna go by that context then there are way to many flaws with that. I just happened to end up with a backpack filled with these randomed things but no gun or knife? for some reason i have bandages and a flashlight.. but no pocket knife of any kind...that really makes sense :/ what person in their right mind goes "you know what' date=' i think i might just need some bandages for some unknown reason...but screw a knife which is one of the most vital things someone always carrys in a backpack, or even on them."

and also, wanna talk about this game being realistic? who can run for two hours straight with 40lbs on your back and not stop. or who would even try to not defend themselves?


I have heard that in North America it is the norm to carry a knife everywhere you go.

Someone told me that in some states you aren't even considered a man if you don't have some kind of knife or multitool on you.

Several Americans I talked to about the subject couldn't possibly understand how a person can get through the day without carying a knife and we were taking knives in the kitchen drawer and the ones available in the workplace into account.

This is in stark contrast to most of urban Europe however because carrying even a small swiss army knife or a leatherman is very uncomon and even frowned upon.

People have learned to get by without it and make use of tools they keep in and around the house but not on their person.

The only time I really need a knife outdoors is when I go fishing and I personaly don't know anyone who carries a knife on them.

Guns are even more uncommon as it is a crime to carry a conceiled firearm in most parts of the world and exemptions like a concealed carry permit aren't available.

This isn't some plea against carrying knives as tools by the way.

I'm just trying to say that there are parts of the world where not having access to a knife when caught up in a zombie apocalypse is the norm.

Hell, if the game was set in an American state like Utah or Kentucky people would complain that the game was too easy because of the lack of zombies and 10 guns in every house. ;)

It is interesting to consider what the average Chernarussian would carry on them on a daily basis.

I do agree that it is weird to have bandages, painkillers or even a flashlight on you when you spawn.

In my opinion most new survivors shouldn't have any of those items and a small chance to receive items from a starter loot table like painkillers (for a sore tooth perhaps), a can of pepsi, a weak keychain Maglite, knife, and if you are really lucky a gun.

What is the frequency of each item in Chernarus is to be determined by the devs but it would be obvious to base it on the countries they took inspiration from when designing Chernarus.

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well if you wanna go by that context then there are way to many flaws with that. I just happened to end up with a backpack filled with these randomed things but no gun or knife? for some reason i have bandages and a flashlight.. but no pocket knife of any kind...that really makes sense :/ what person in their right mind goes "you know what' date=' i think i might just need some bandages for some unknown reason...but screw a knife which is one of the most vital things someone always carrys in a backpack, or even on them."

and also, wanna talk about this game being realistic? who can run for two hours straight with 40lbs on your back and not stop. or who would even try to not defend themselves?


I have heard that in North America it is the norm to carry a knife everywhere you go.

Someone told me that in some states you aren't even considered a man if you don't have some kind of knife or multitool on you.

Several Americans I talked to about the subject couldn't possibly understand how a person can get through the day without carying a knife and we were taking knives in the kitchen drawer and the ones available in the workplace into account.

This is in stark contrast to most of urban Europe however because carrying even a small swiss army knife or a leatherman is very uncomon and even frowned upon.

People have learned to get by without it and make use of tools they keep in and around the house but not on their person.

The only time I only really need a knife when I go out is when I go fishing and I personaly don't know anyone who carries a knife on them.

This isn't some plea against carrying knives as tools by the way.

I'm just trying to say that there are parts of the world where not having access to a knife when caught up in a zombie apocalypse is the norm.

Hell, if the game was set in an American state like Utah or Kentucky people would complain that the game was too easy because of the lack of zombies and 10 guns in every house. ;)

What ridiculous generalisations you're making.

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Regardless you have access to melee weapons, many of which spawn is stupidly large abundance. I guess in DayZ you are not a man unless you have 3 hatchets in your house or barn.

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Regardless you have access to melee weapons' date=' many of which spawn is stupidly large abundance. I guess in DayZ you are not a man unless you have 3 hatchets in your house or barn.


I know, right?

It's a miracle they still have so many trees. :P

What ridiculous generalisations you're making.

My is post lacking in nuance and I may have exagerated a bit but only for the sake of argument. :angel:

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It's sooooooo easy to find some gear, weapons.... only noobs are blind to see where they spawn. I just let my 11 years old kid play this game, in 25 minutes he got a gun and a revolver with clips and food. This game is close to be too easy to gear at the begining of your survival experience. This game rocks

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People still forget it's a privilege to be an alpha tester of this modification, not a right. You bought ARMA II, not DAY-Z. So yeah, piss off?

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and also' date=' wanna talk about this game being realistic? who can run for two hours straight with 40lbs on your back and not stop. or who would even try to not defend themselves?


Uh, soldiers.

They can't dead sprint across vast swathes of terrain, but they do forced marches (often at the pace of a jog) over many miles of treacherous or downright threatening terrain with forty to eighty pounds of kit on them and in their ruck - possibly more, depending on what their MOS is. For the more driven soldiers, such as Special Forces, nine hour forced marches with over a hundred pounds of kit is absolutely nothing new.

It amazes me how few people know things like that.

lol but i thought we were just civilians...not soldiers? so how could we carry all this weight and run forever without stopping? so your logic makes no sense. From what has been said before we are not trained soldiers who know know military skills, we're just civilians lost on an island marching to our deaths..

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well if you wanna go by that context then there are way to many flaws with that. I just happened to end up with a backpack filled with these randomed things but no gun or knife? for some reason i have bandages and a flashlight.. but no pocket knife of any kind...that really makes sense :/ what person in their right mind goes "you know what' date=' i think i might just need some bandages for some unknown reason...but screw a knife which is one of the most vital things someone always carrys in a backpack, or even on them."

and also, wanna talk about this game being realistic? who can run for two hours straight with 40lbs on your back and not stop. or who would even try to not defend themselves?


I have heard that in North America it is the norm to carry a knife everywhere you go.

Someone told me that in some states you aren't even considered a man if you don't have some kind of knife or multitool on you.

Several Americans I talked to about the subject couldn't possibly understand how a person can get through the day without carying a knife and we were taking knives in the kitchen drawer and the ones available in the workplace into account.

This is in stark contrast to most of urban Europe however because carrying even a small swiss army knife or a leatherman is very uncomon and even frowned upon.

People have learned to get by without it and make use of tools they keep in and around the house but not on their person.

The only time I only really need a knife when I go out is when I go fishing and I personaly don't know anyone who carries a knife on them.

This isn't some plea against carrying knives as tools by the way.

I'm just trying to say that there are parts of the world where not having access to a knife when caught up in a zombie apocalypse is the norm.

Hell, if the game was set in an American state like Utah or Kentucky people would complain that the game was too easy because of the lack of zombies and 10 guns in every house. ;)

What ridiculous generalisations you're making.

Well, he is somewhat correct. At least about the US anyway. Dunno about the EU, I've never been over there. But where I live, carrying a knife is very normal indeed. My father carries either a leatherman or a pocketknife wherever he goes, along with almost every other guy I know. Most boys even take them to school, some even as young as 6th grade, and the teachers couldn't care less. Nobody is stupid enough to use them to hurt anybody. I personally keep a USMC KA-BAR in my truck for protection.

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Why even give this poster the time?

Obviously doesn't have any respect for the mod, this forum or any of you. One less troll.

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well if you wanna go by that context then there are way to many flaws with that. I just happened to end up with a backpack filled with these randomed things but no gun or knife? for some reason i have bandages and a flashlight.. but no pocket knife of any kind...that really makes sense :/ what person in their right mind goes "you know what' date=' i think i might just need some bandages for some unknown reason...but screw a knife which is one of the most vital things someone always carrys in a backpack, or even on them."

and also, wanna talk about this game being realistic? who can run for two hours straight with 40lbs on your back and not stop. or who would even try to not defend themselves?


I have heard that in North America it is the norm to carry a knife everywhere you go.

Someone told me that in some states you aren't even considered a man if you don't have some kind of knife or multitool on you.

Several Americans I talked to about the subject couldn't possibly understand how a person can get through the day without carying a knife and we were taking knives in the kitchen drawer and the ones available in the workplace into account.

This is in stark contrast to most of urban Europe however because carrying even a small swiss army knife or a leatherman is very uncomon and even frowned upon.

People have learned to get by without it and make use of tools they keep in and around the house but not on their person.

The only time I only really need a knife when I go out is when I go fishing and I personaly don't know anyone who carries a knife on them.

This isn't some plea against carrying knives as tools by the way.

I'm just trying to say that there are parts of the world where not having access to a knife when caught up in a zombie apocalypse is the norm.

Hell, if the game was set in an American state like Utah or Kentucky people would complain that the game was too easy because of the lack of zombies and 10 guns in every house. ;)

What ridiculous generalisations you're making.

I agree. Whoever told you those stereotypes about North America probably told you that every Irishman is an alcoholic too?

I live in northern Wisconsin (which is very rural) and of the people I know maybe two carry pocket knives on them. (Note: most Pocket knives are basically useless as a weapon, and are hardly comparable to fixed-blade hunting knives) Both of them happen to use said knives on a daily basis at their work.

Expecting the average citizen to be carrying a hunting knife is like expecting the average citizen to be carrying a gun or to have a bug-out bag. Sure, a few people might have those things, but the majority? No.

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lol exactly...not many people in NA carry hunting knives around with them on a daily basis. but we are "survivors" randomly stranded on the coast who somehow have a backpack with a few supplies and somehow know how to shoot guns with perfect accuracy...so wouldn't it make sense for the guy to start out with a knife...?

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If you ask how do I succeed in the game, most will help. If you just bitch, well, yer gonna get shit.

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lol exactly...not many people in NA carry hunting knives around with them on a daily basis. but we are "survivors" randomly stranded on the coast who somehow have a backpack with a few supplies and somehow know how to shoot guns with perfect accuracy...so wouldn't it make sense for the guy to start out with a knife...?

You are a civilian, who had to run and survive in a infected world...you just managed to grab a backpack, a flashlight, some painkillers and a bandage with you.

So no, it wouldn't make sence. What would make sence is that every character starts with random loot.

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To everyone complaining about not enough guns, no starter weapons etc. :

Your wit is the the best weapon to survive. Without it you will die. A lot.

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I dont get why a surviver starts with just a flashlight and a gun holder.

Well' date=' how much surviving skills would be necessary if you spawn in a M1 Abrams full of beans, ammo and pepsi ?

In all seriousness would you just run for hours from one zombie, or would you turn and try to kick it over or something and defend yourself?

Id never run. Without a weapon id be stealthy as fuck.

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DAYz caught my eye last week, but before I started playing it, well, just a few hours so far, I played ARMA II boot camp for around 3 hours to become familiar with the all the controls. I am still learning the controls, in fact, I am going back to boot camp again to practice some more.

I would highly recommend doing that first and become proficient on all your moves.

Remember, this game is about survival. That is what intrigued me. Never played a game with perma-death before. Reminds me of the good old Ultima Online days before they care-beared it with Trammel.

PK'd and completely looted. Loved it. I was scared all the time.

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This is hilarious.

I really, really hope you feel like you wasted $30. I hope that you continue to waste your money on games, expecting instant gratification from each and every one of them.

You know what, I'll be kind.

There's this wonderful franchise called Call of Duty. The second you do ANYTHING in the game, it gives you points and makes you feel special. You get to blow things up and shoot stuff, sometimes even zombies! It's great!

You should really give it a try.

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