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Experimental Update 1.22 (Change Log)

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17 hours ago, General Zod said:


There is a post from you in 1.21 stable topic on this saying it's scheduled for a fix. That was on 31st May. Considering how rare explosives and detonators are this is something that should have been fixed in 1.22. 

Hi Zod, 
So I checked and the issue with explosives not arming was fixed on Experimental. But it"s currently missing in the patch notes as there is still other related work being done.
It should be part of the future 1.22 patch notes once the job is completely finished.

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5 hours ago, Kyiara said:

Hi Zod, 
So I checked and the issue with explosives not arming was fixed on Experimental. But it"s currently missing in the patch notes as there is still other related work being done.
It should be part of the future 1.22 patch notes once the job is completely finished.

Good to know, thanks. 

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15 hours ago, Kyiara said:


Hello, this hasn't resolved the issue. The barbed bat is still worse than the regular bat after this change. 

barbed baseball bat (updated) heavy attack: 22 damage, 35 shock

baseball bat heavy attack: 25 damage, 40 shock

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On 8/8/2023 at 9:32 PM, Riddick_2K said:

What about this issue?
I know it's not serious and Italian players are not the majority, but it should be a very simple adjustment... just widen the window a little.
How many years will this adjustment take?
Thank you

I asked the team to look into it If they would have a minute.

On 8/9/2023 at 4:22 AM, analjesus said:

Hello, this hasn't resolved the issue. The barbed bat is still worse than the regular bat after this change. 

barbed baseball bat (updated) heavy attack: 22 damage, 35 shock

baseball bat heavy attack: 25 damage, 40 shock

Feedback forwarded. Thank you

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I have seen the "cars driving after death" discussion here. I think the input of the driver should keep going after death. If you die with the foot on the brake, keep braking after death, if accelerating at the moment the bullet kills you, keep accelerating. That would be a really cool detail, clips of people driving unconscious or dead always make me laugh 🙂

Another idea: If you die / pass out on the steering wheel the car horn should be honking until your body is removed or the battery is drained xD

In 0.62 your head would literally smash onto then rest on the car honk when you died.

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I want to give some feedback regarding the melee changes. I like that it was changed up, with more differentiation between the weapons and more diversification with shock/health damage. However, there are some things that put me off. For example, 'good' knives like the hunting knife will stagger infected with a heavy attack, while the kitchen knife doesn't. That's still kind of okay, but e.g. the hatchet does not stagger as well (while a good knife does). That seemed very counter intuitive to me. Also I think it's perfectly fine that no melee weapons one-shot infected anymore (making them stronger), but now I feel like there is no benefit in carrying a splitting axe over a good knife.

Really enjoying the new backpacks and bug fixes though!

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The melee system is terrible and needs a complete rework...at least for PC. The melee right now just trade hits  until someone falls, no need to aim for the head since the shock and damage is all the same, why are we allowing bad players to win melee fights because they memorised the stun timings, it feels like a place holder of what it was. The old system wasnt great but atleast the guy who aimed for the vital parts won and not the guy who got the first hit. Even if this means you add a headshot hitbox which does increase shock damage that would be such a huge improvement. Also unfreeze my feet when im punching, what is that about?

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14 hours ago, SleeperZ said:

The melee system is terrible and needs a complete rework... [...] it feels like a place holder of what it was. [...] Even if this means you add a headshot hitbox which does increase shock damage that would be such a huge improvement. Also unfreeze my feet when im punching, what is that about?

Wait... this isn't my post? I think EXACTLY the same 🙂

Below I list the things which the old system did well and I compare them to the current system and point out how the current system handles those.

I really hope the devs look back at the old system and try to bring back the aspects it did well.



Melee headshots for instant or at least faster KO was amazing back in the day, and I SORELY miss them.

Headshot knockouts were so cool, realistic and absolutely badass and tied into gameplay WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the current wishy-washy hitscan and quantitiy over quality requirement for knockouts.

Back then the developers really tried to make it realistic, and i highly appreciated that.

You could grab heavy objects or melee weapons and hit someone on the head with them, and they would instantly go KO or die IF you hit the head.

EXACTLY where the swing VISIBLY connected to the enemy / environment the damage would be applied. Taking into consideration that head hits had a huge multiplier to shock damage, and that arm/leg hits would result in broken bones long before killing the player.

Also the swing would visibly STOP once it hit something, wether it was the environment or the player.

You could freely move while swinging, even jump or fall, you could literally do Assassins-creed attacks off buildings! Your legs and your arms were two seperate parts of the body you could control apart from eachother.

The weapons on someones back and in their hands actually had melee collission. You could literally clash blades and it was badass.

You could in theory block, it was realistic but sadly had no animation. If you placed your weapon in the swing of an enemy, the hit would be blocked.

Without an animation this was close to impossible though.


Nowadays it seems a dice is thrown when i swing at a player, a random number deciding where they are hit. Running powerattacks have three meters range and some servers literally give you melee aimbot which shoves you in the direction of the next player. Sometimes the game decides, even though you are swinging nowhere near your friend, that you have hit him in the head with your sledgehammer powerattack because the aimbot decided you definetly want to hit the next player.

You swing THROUGH the players and environment like they are air, the swings do not stop or visibly connect or stop when impacting something.

You cannot control your legs at all while swinging, you suddenly stop, almost always resulting in your enemy walking out of range of your swing with nothing you can do, or you get shot because you can't keep moving while swinging. OR you are forced to step forwads off a cliff, just because you swing your weapon.

While falling you have no control over anything except what way you are facing, so even if you jump down onto someone, you can't hit them as you land.

Items in your hand may have bullet collission now, but melee attacks completely disregard what you are holding or what weapons are on your back..

If you are holding a huge V3S wheel in your hands, you'd think the person with the steak knife would have a hard time stabbing you through that huge tire, but they don't. They just stab through the tire, clashing with blades like real badass knights is impossible.

Blocking is just ridiculous compared to how it was. Your forearms are made out of impenetrable steel which summon an invisible shield that will have even sword slashes leave you completely unharmed. Even though the possibility to enter a defensive stance is great and would go well with the previous system.


It feels to me the player controller update did the exact opposite to melee, of what DayZ is supposed to be.

The REALISTIC zombie apocalypse game. It went from "The game actually lets you do this? And is THIS detailed?!" to "How did that guy not go down?!" "Why can't I move?!" "How did that swing possibly land?!" etc.


Edited by Pyongo Bongo
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Not sure if it's this update that's caused it, but Direct Connect doesn't seem to actually do anything anymore. I pop in my server IP address and press connect then nothing happens

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12 hours ago, Big Dogge Tom said:

Not sure if it's this update that's caused it, but Direct Connect doesn't seem to actually do anything anymore. I pop in my server IP address and press connect then nothing happens

Try to check out your logs.

You need to open .RPT file that stored in: %localappdata%\DayZ\DayZ_x64_yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.RPT, checkout line 5, it should have the parameters like: -connect=IP and -port=23** (at end of the line).

If it's not then yeah there's an issue if it has then it might be an issue tho. So get out from here and type to BI Bug Tracker.

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Yo guys!

There seems to be a problem with playing experimental (both builds) on windows 7. At least three people have this issue due to https://feedback.bistudio.com/T174350 (myself included 😄). The question i like to ask is:

Has someone got this 1.22 experimental running on windows 7? What happens is, that the .exe crashes instantly when you start the game (or join a server) thru the launcher (at "Battleye: Starting the game") .

If some people have it running we could exclude that it has something to do with this ass old operating system. It would suck if this experimental would go live stopping the win7 support (at least without warning).

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5 hours ago, Officer Failure said:

There seems to be a problem with playing experimental (both builds) on windows 7. At least three people have this issue due to https://feedback.bistudio.com/T174350 (myself included 😄).


It would suck if this experimental would go live stopping the win7 support (at least without warning).

Honestly if you want to game on Windows use a recent version. Win 7 will drop support for more and more games in the future, and also get issues with security.

If you don't like Windows 10/11 use Linux, DayZ runs perfectly fine there as well :) Linux Mint has a similar UI to Win 7 and is great for switching.

Edited by thafluu

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23 hours ago, Officer Failure said:

Yo guys!

There seems to be a problem with playing experimental (both builds) on windows 7. At least three people have this issue due to https://feedback.bistudio.com/T174350 (myself included 😄). The question i like to ask is:

Has someone got this 1.22 experimental running on windows 7? What happens is, that the .exe crashes instantly when you start the game (or join a server) thru the launcher (at "Battleye: Starting the game") .

If some people have it running we could exclude that it has something to do with this ass old operating system. It would suck if this experimental would go live stopping the win7 support (at least without warning).

Hi, the status of the ticket changed to "Awaiting internal Testing", so it's being looked into. 👍

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PC Experimental 1.22 Update 3 - Version 1.22.156540 (Released on 17.08.2023)


  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q.DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.



  • DLC section in the main menu


  • Some ambient sounds were missing in the amusement parks (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169241)
  • It was possible to skip the staggering animation triggered by a heavy attack (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T173573 - private)
  • Unconscious players did not receive falling damage
  • Crafted baseball bats did not have knockback
  • When joining the game without a microphone plugged in, it was not possible hear other players' voice chat
  • When joining the game without a microphone plugged in, proximity chat messages were not received
  • Changing voice level would not function as intended if no microphone was enabled/connected
  • It was not possible to arm improvised explosives on the first attempt (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166879)


  • Infected can spawn with head torches again
  • Experimental: It was possible to escape from the melee arena map
  • Reduced the amount of shock damage dealt by hands.
  • Reduced the chance for infected to cause bleeding wounds
  • All heavy attacks across the board now cause knockback



  • Watchtower's roof widget blocks other wall widgets - will be fixed in the following update 1.23
  • Vehicles will keep driving after the driver is killed - will be fixed in the following update 1.23
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May be a super noob question (and probably in the wrong place for this question) but I'm running Experimental as a docker container on UnRAID, my steam Experimental just updated and now my server is out-of-date as compared to client. How do I force update on my docker container?

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Can you release the xml files of the 1.22 update so we can get ready our server xml files.

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Will IEDs be placeable in cars again?

This functionality was removed when IEDs hit stable.

I have not seen a comment on it by Bohemia.

Putting ticking timebombs on people and remote detonating driving cars was a lot of fun :)

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@KyiaraThe unconscious times seem completely out of whack to me in general.

If I fall and break my leg, I'm unconscious I would say for about 5 to 10 times longer than I am if I'm downed from being shot.  Also, for the shooter, there should be the opportunity to move in on the unconscious player for an interaction, like tying him up for example.  Usually though, the guy is already conscious again before I can get there because he's awake in about 10 seconds.

This really needs some balancing.  I think regardless of how it happened, unconsciousness should last around 60 seconds (maybe a random variable amount, so up to +/- 15 seconds, so sometimes conscious again as early as 45 seconds, other times, unconscious as long as 75 seconds).

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10 minutes ago, drgullen said:

@KyiaraThe unconscious times seem completely out of whack to me in general.

It seems pretty realistic that getting shot doesnt KO you for a long time.

But then again I have no idea how incapacitated people are from getting shot.

I like realism a lot more than forced gameplay for example: "you HAVE to have the option to SAFELY tie up the person even if its unrealistic"

In my opinion people should be irreversibly doomed to bleed out after a minute after taking a shot to internal organs, even by small calibers 🙂

Edited by Pyongo Bongo

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On 7/28/2023 at 11:57 PM, Infernales said:

Better late than never. I am also waiting for the release of the stable branch of the server for Linux in order to finally get rid of the virtualization server with Windows Server 2022 and thereby reduce the load on my server.

The real cream on the cake would be if we ever get a official DayZ Server Docker Image. (Devs if you read this please consider a linux docker image)

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On 8/29/2023 at 4:52 AM, Equilibrium-bc6d94a43dbd166f said:

The real cream on the cake would be if we ever get a official DayZ Server Docker Image. (Devs if you read this please consider a linux docker image)

While official Docker image would sure be nice it would also take away resources from other dev tasks.
Community can easily offer base images for DayZ and also Dockerfiles for complete images even if binaries could not be redistributed with prebuilt community images.

After all, first time I built my own Docker image for DayZ it took me just about three hours to get working image up and about one hour to get server up with few mods. This was my first time ever setting up and launching DayZ server or steamcmd (but not first time with docker, containers or linux).

I do believe in the end it would be better if BI sticks with game dev focusing resources there and community provides server tools, base images for containers, setup scripts, container documentation and such.

Edited by Zcsabk Regfiozre
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Hello! When do you think linux will be released to the mainstream outside of exp?

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