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Spawned in Wilderness?

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Hi I logged on today only to find out that I was stuck in a place called Wilderness, theres nothing around me, I have some sick gear on me, I also lost a veichle in a town because of this, and a bike.

How do I get out of Wilderness?

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Thanks guys, but I've been running for 2 hours now, 1 hour to the east and one hour to the south.... maybe i spawned outside the east side of map? and been running the wrong direction all along ??? its soo weird, i came to a point where I heard the ocean like it was next to me, but it was only plains and more hills...

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I spawned their twice yesterday, I just killed myself and started someplace else.

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The best way I have found to get out of the wilderness is to log into Canada 2 (god knows why), It will spawn you in debug forest, at which point you can find east and run to the nearest town (to find east look at your shadow and the sun)

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The best way I have found to get out of the wilderness is to log into Canada 2 (god knows why)' date=' It will spawn you in debug forest, at which point you can find east and run to the nearest town (to find east look at your shadow and the sun)


No... Do not try the Canada 2 trick. There are snipers camping there that know of the trick, and they are killing off people in the debug forest. DO NOT DO IT.

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Canada 2 trick did not work for me, im still in the same spot I was when I logged off.... damn....

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Maybe wait till the next patch? I think it might fix everyone's position (maybe). Go get some sun in the meanwhile.

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I managed to find Kamenka at 3 hours of running!!!!!!

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This just happened to me and I loged in again and it restarted. Thanks alot for loosing my first good character. I would be cool if I got shot but a glitch ending my character after I had it all.

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Hit that nice Respawn button ;)

This just happened to me and I loged in again and it restarted. Thanks alot for loosing my first good character. I would be cool if I got shot but a glitch ending my character after I had it all.

After all' date=' it's [b']ALPHA. Glitches like these needs to be weeded out.

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