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Put survival first

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On 2/11/2023 at 2:14 PM, Larens53 said:

Hello. I have been playing since the mod version and each of my sessions is about enjoying the atmosphere of the gameplay. I always imagine that if it were in life, how would people behave?

Why not bring more communication between unfamiliar players to survival? Make wildlife and zombies the main opponents, not players. Make the central and far part of the map more violent. To force players to communicate and unite, and not to kill with a stone knife for the sake of a plum.

hey. if you are looking for a dayz experience you describe,,,, I recently found a server that might interest you .. look up DayZ IntenZ - Hardcore Servers. Bet you cant even make off the coast in your first tries 🙂

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On 2/11/2023 at 2:15 PM, Parazight said:

People wouldn't kill each other in a zombie apocalypse.  No way.  People kill each other in dayz because they can't do it in real life.   It's a sandbox with other people and ways to kill them.  And there's no real consequence for killing another player.  In fact, it's encouraged.  It's encouraged because the sole focus of the game is to loot things and players are the absolute best source for good loot.

Your only option is to find a community server with active administration.  good luck.

Yes in real apocalypse people would just band together, sitting around camp fires holding hands and singing koombaya while building a better tomorrow. 

Actually that's unlikely to happen, sure the killing one another wouldn't be as common as it is the game because you'd be risking your own life and you only get one. But plenty of people would go off rails and kill just to get more stuff or just so they don't get killed. 

For most people the game doesn't have that much to offer apart from the thrill of pvp multiplied by the risk of losing all your hard earned gif and sweetened by the chance of reward which is their their loot. Map isn't that big or varied and eventually it the exploration does get boring. Farming sure as hell isn't a solution to that problem because it's hardly something exciting. Same goes for base building, it can be fun and distract you from killing but that won't last long. 

Also most player who tried to trust someone else got burned, multiple times. Especially when it comes to freshies, they have nothing to lose and everything to gain which is why thet get shot indiscriminately. The fact that someone can knock me out bare handed when I'm wearing a bike or ballistic helmet without as much and getting a bleed is a joke. 

Edited by General Zod

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3 hours ago, General Zod said:

But plenty of people would go off rails and kill just to get more stuff or just so they don't get killed.

Plenty of people would not go off the rails. Maybe a tiny percentage is 'plenty' to you.  People won't lose their morality because of stress.   Humans are social animals and band together to survive.  Been happening for a few years now, here on planet earth.

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4 hours ago, Parazight said:

Plenty of people would not go off the rails. Maybe a tiny percentage is 'plenty' to you.  People won't lose their morality because of stress.   Humans are social animals and band together to survive.  Been happening for a few years now, here on planet earth.

I think all the riots when police shoots someone in the US or the mass looting when hurricane cuts power beg the different. All that mayhem happening over relatively small incidents or temporary paralysis of emergency services. Sure most people would end up having a small tribe of trusted individuals who's goals align, but the general approach to strangers would be cold and reserved and best hostile and worse. And as the collapse continues food and medical supplies would become more and more hard to come by people would end up doing more desperate things to get them. So while it wouldn't end up being the battle royale we have in dayz which is due to having a respawn button and general boredom with lack of other things to do I don't think it would be the friendly adventure time some people here would want it to be. 

At the end of the day this forums has seen thousands of posts on how to reduce the rampant killing and devs have ignored all of them, so you might as well take this game as what it is or look elsewhere. 

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