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Experimental Update 1.15 (Changelog)

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PC Experimental Update 1.15 - Version 1.15.154306 (Released on 04.11.2021)


  • Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
  • Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
  • In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q.DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q.
  • You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.



  • AUR A1 assault rifle
  • AUR AX assault rifle
  • 30rd AUR magazine
  • Hunter vest
  • UI indicator when being hit
  • Craftable barbed wire baseball bat
  • Craftable Sawed-off LE-MAS
  • New female survivor
  • Sounds for switching the fire mode of a firearm
  • Day-time setting for night vision scopes
  • Metal wire can now be crafted out of barbed wire


  • Ski masks and balaclavas would clip with several pieces of headgear
  • Fixed a server error caused by specific attachment slots
  • Electric appliances would always make plug-in sounds when the user was connecting to the server (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159441)
  • The sawed-off version of the BK-43 had wrong fire mode names
  • Added a missing bed in the big yellow medical tent
  • Fixed bad collisions in the yellow medical tents
  • A killed chicken couldn't be picked up properly in all cases
  • The fishing hook was not visible on the boonie hat on the ground
  • If a player died while in surrender stance, the death animation was played twice
  • Base building parts could become indestructible under specific circumstances
  • The CR-75 could not be damaged by gunfire
  • Small items could not be picked up from specific positions in car wrecks (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T160968https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161261)
  • Livonia bunkers were missing textures of fallen leaves


  • Grenades can't be pinned anymore, once the fuse has started
  • Adjusted the thresholds for energy and hydration levels
  • Food now takes longer to process in the stomach
  • Slightly reduced the health damage caused by dehydration and starvation
  • Adjusted weapon fire rates and recoil
  • Added new variants of muzzle flash for more variety
  • Secondary cooking processes were adjusted to not ruin the food in all cases (e.g. boiling already boiled food)
  • Changed the weight of tents to be more realistic
  • Head torches now count as eye-wear so they can be worn with other types of head gear
  • Removed ghillie wrap attachment slot from the sawed-off BK-43
  • It is now possible to craft rags using the shovel or farming hoe
  • Bushes drop more long sticks instead of short sticks
  • Dry bags can now be repaired with the tire repair kit (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161090)
  • Removed grenade armor and cut protection from the high capacity vest
  • Unconsciousness caused by firearms lasts longer
  • Reduced the inventory size of the carp fillet from 2x3 to 1x3


  • Fixed: Infected weren't spawning at the Balota air field and military area
  • Fixed: Position of some loot spawn points on the western helicopter crash site
  • Fixed: Incorrect loot spawn points of Land_HouseBlock_2F1
  • Fixed: Incorrect loot spawn points of Land_House_2W01
  • Fixed: Livonia CE tiers 1 and 2 were mixed together (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161247)



  • Added: Particle overhaul, with the addition of "ParticleSource" and "ParticleManager"
  • Added: New script method PlayerBase::OnVoiceEventPlayback called per frame during voice sound event
  • Added: ErrorEx, script error message containing what class and function it came from
  • Added: HasActiveParticle for fast checking if the IEntity as any active particles
  • Added: GetParticleEmitorCount to quickly obtain the count of emitters
  • Added: IEntity::IsFlagSet for fast testing if a flag is present on the IEntity
  • Added: IEntity::IsHierarchyPositionOnly to check if it was added to a parent with "positionOnly" enabled
  • Added: Exposed AbstractWave::GetVolume to script API (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161111)
  • Added: ParticleList.GetParticleIDByName, a faster alternative for ParticleList.GetParticleID
  • Added: CGame.IsDedicatedServer to check if the current instance of the game is a real server or not
  • Added: Differentiate put in cargo from inventory interaction and load/spawn in cargo (CanReceiveItemIntoCargo/CanLoadItemIntoCargo)
  • Fixed: Baseball bat cleanup: removed the bottom half of textures (unused) and adjusted UV amps accordingly. Fixed damage materials. All materials now have normal and specular maps, the _view rvmats are unused now
  • Fixed: OnExplodeClient should now support usage of modded particles
  • Fixed: Config entry "healthLevels" inside of "DamageSystem" not reading integers
  • Fixed: StartupEvent not being sent to CGame.OnEvent on script side
  • Fixed: ScriptModule.CallFunction always returning 0 even when succeeding
  • Fixed: SetDirection and SetOrientation not working on DayZCreature
  • Changed: IEntity::AddChild now returns a bool instead of int and has an updated description
  • Changed: IEntity::RemoveChild now returns a bool instead of void and takes an extra parameter to enable keeping of WS transform
  • Changed: Moved the AUG magazine's textures and materials to the magazines folder
  • Changed: Reduced sizes of unused AUG textures to 256x256
  • Changed: Engine-level entity events are now protected (instead of private)


  • Road flares and torches are missing their particle effects

PC Experimental 1.15 Update 2 - Version 1.15.154322 (Released on 11.11.2021)



  • Fixed a server error related to particles
  • Torches and road flares were missing their particles
  • Slicing rotten pumpkin produced raw pumpkin slices
  • Charcoal tables were only working for a very brief time window
  • The fishing rod was not properly extended during the fishing process
  • It was possible to equip both the head torch and night-vision goggles
  • The AUR AX was considered to be as long as the AUR A1
  • Muzzle flash of the CR-61 Scorpion was missing particles at the start


  • Reworked conditions for allowed item combinations
  • Increased the volume of the LE-MAS reload sounds to make it more audible
  • Closed containers won't show their cargo space anymore
  • Increased water and energy consumption (still non-linear in nature)
  • Further increased time it takes to stomach to process its contents
  • Adjusted the size of the inner circle of AUR A1 reticle to match person at 300 meters
  • Splash hit effect iteration (more subtle, slightly bigger and less accurate)
  • Legacy red overlay hit effect disabled (still possible to enable it through the configuration)


  • Added: Configuration for the onscreen directional effects into the server-side gameplay settings
  • Added: More types of onscreen directional indicators (available through the server-side gameplay settings)


PC Experimental 1.15 Update 3 - Version 1.15.154355 (Released on 02.12.2021)



  • Fixed a game crash cause by bad memory handling of particles
  • Fire barrels could despawn when all attachments were removed
  • Inventory attachment slots were not visible on some items while in hands
  • AUR rifles played the reload sound twice when reloading


  • Fixed: Gameplay settings modifiers for stamina (sprintStaminaModifierErc and sprintStaminaModifierCro) were not working correctly
  • Fixed: Incorrect message handling on loot from the dynamic events (causing excessive flooding of logs)


  • Fixed: Crash when calling GetGame().ObjectDelete() on a ParticleSource managed by a ParticleManager, it will now ignore the request and output an error

PC Experimental 1.15 Update 4 - Version 1.15.154452 (Released on 14.01.2022)


  • Added a security fix
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  • Sad 2
  • Beans 3

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Sawed-off LE-MAS?
Whoever created that, I want to have what they were having.

Edited by Masgel
  • Haha 2

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I am most excited for the sawed off LE-MAS!!!! Yes thank you! I am not joking, i would love some more crazy sawed off weapons. Would be cool if ALL weapons could be sawed off.

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And still nothing new about cars... so the entire promise of looking into vehicle physics for 2021 was a complete lie. This game is never going to actually improve its core aspects, just keep dredging it with more garbage and fluff. What's that, 8 years now? Christ

Edited by Pinneddown
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the "InitGlobals" crash (aka. too many scripts/classes) is still a massive issue, even if its marked as resolved

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  On 11/4/2021 at 9:19 AM, Kyiara said:
  • UI indicator when being hit

lulz... how about no. Did someone ask for dumbing down the game or something?

Edited by 'AZAZEL'
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"ZmbM_Santa" "SantasSleigh" Love it! 😂👍

Edited by Getsome

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A Waste of Time. Sorry but it's a joke - not an update. Nothing for basebuilding. Nothing to stop cheaters from using explosives across the map. Nothing to fix already existing vehicles and Nothing to keep people playing. If if wasn't for mods, this game would be dead.

ps. oh! And nothing to fix light effects... Right now lights are visible through walls and flicker when zoomed...

Edited by nemorus
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Is there any chance that we can have to ability to combine bandages?

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Does the AUG A1 built-in scope actually zoom the middle of the screen? Cuz it seems like it does. It appears more zoomed in than the surrounding area, that's cool.
Apparently Mosin does that already so... nothing new.

Loving the rate of fire changes. Thank you devs.
Gonna need to test this patch much more than last one.

Edit: time to go and play experimental.

Edited by DefectiveWater

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  On 11/4/2021 at 9:19 AM, Kyiara said:

Grenades can't be pinned anymore, once the fuse has started

I hope this only applies only to the m67 grenade, because the RGD-5 can be used without any tools for instant detonation traps. 

Edited by abdul1975
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cars are not CORE ASPECT of SURVIVAL GAME ) 

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And obviously still no action taken to fight against the cheat massively used on this game? Update useless therefore.

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  On 11/4/2021 at 6:47 PM, Astalonte said:

Hit markers has not place in this game

It's not a hitmarker but a directional damage indicator.
Makes some sense tbh, if you get hit you would know from which direction you got hit.

Now... I hope it doesn't show the direction of the shooter but the direction of the damage taken compared to the center of the body.
To explain this further: get shot in right arm, indicator on right. Get shot in the front part of the torso, indicator on the top.

Didn't get shot yet, so idk how it works for getting shot. Zombies cause blood splashed at the approximate direction of the hit.

Edited by DefectiveWater
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When we gonna download the map for consoles?

Since we need it bcause theres a lot of lag and failures that sometimes the game makes unplayable 

We dont care if the game on consoles weigth more but since as a console dayz player that i am i say that at least in ps4 we need it

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look on this..


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Developers, when are you planning to fix the low performance of AMD graphics cards?

Edited by AlexMsK

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Serious question.

Have the person who change the RPM rates on same guns more then 5 hours in this game?
Is this a experienced player , or something ?

Or is this,a  let me type something random here...dev.

no words for this.



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  On 11/5/2021 at 12:31 AM, Fun Automat said:

Serious question.

Have the person who change the RPM rates on same guns more then 5 hours in this game?
Is this a experienced player , or something ?

Or is this,a  let me type something random here...dev.

no words for this.


I'm on mobile so excuse my formatting, but I'm fairly sure M4 rate of fire is correct.

Saiga is probably close to being correct, but not sure.

The only questionable things might be recoil, but this is experimental for a reason.

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I like it. Just small patch on the end of the year. I hope in 2022 Bohemia will give more people for dayz team. Base building is terrible and we need completely overhaul of it or at last massive changes to existing one. Also The light system need fixes and improvments. Especjaly when you zoom with scope on source of light it dissapears... Sniping in night time is imposibble because of it

Edited by ZBA
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