Kyiara 791 Posted September 29, 2021 Console Update 1.14 - Version 1.14.154202 (Released on 29.09.2021) NOTES In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. GAME ADDED Static and dynamically spawning contaminated areas Contamination disease Exhaustible gas mask filter LE-MAS assault rifle and magazine NV-PVS4 Scope New visual effects when wearing specific headgear A yellow variant of the NBC suit PO-X Antidote NBC infected Field hospital at the North-East Airfield (Chernarus) Field hospital at the Lukow Airfield (Livonia) Craftable Tripwire Craftable Fishnet trap Craftable Small fish trap Craftable Snare trap New animal carcasses (can be picked up): Hare Chicken/rooster Sardines Bitterlings Hare leg and pelt New animation for the stealth kill when using one-handed piercing weapons FIXED Xbox set to pt-BR was not always displaying Portuguese text PlayStation was sometimes not showing Portuguese language when pt-BR was selected as local Subtitles in the introduction video were not translated into pt-BR Materials attached to base building objects had arrows indicating that additional actions were possible when they weren't Logs attached to the watchtower kit could not be picked back up Mackerel was incorrectly placed in hands The ground in specific structures would hide mines and bear traps Noise from rolling on the ground would not alert infected A previously extinguished fireplace would start to glow again when fuel was added Garden plots could appear floating in specific cases ( The brooms resembled the wrong material when hit Brooms could be used to open cans ( Texture of damaged tactical goggles wasn't displayed ( The placing hologram was not displayed properly inside the guardhouse It was possible to damage a prone player by hitting a nearby wall ( The character would turn towards a target it was not targeting during melee combat Player turning towards the first target it hit instead of the new target during melee combat ( Player turning towards the middle point of the target instead of the hit position during melee combat ( Player choosing to step forward when they are close enough to the target during melee combat (excludes certain animations such as bare fists) Bear and cow were not receiving damage when the player melees them in the face with bare fist or one-handed weapon Field transceiver simulated the wrong weight when thrown In several situations, sounds outside of the audible range would start from the beginning, regardless of how long the sound had been playing Removed push-back effect from explosions for the player Wind effect was enabled in the inventory item previews The foliage could provide cover from explosions ( Several Spanish letters were not properly capitalized AI could spawn in inaccessible locations Added missing collisions on the small ATC railing Added missing bed in the large medical tent One type of weapon reload was not functional while lying on the back Emptying animation was canceled when executed over water Removing materials from the Truck or base building objects via the widget could result in desync ( Players did not cough when aiming with a weapon or lying on their backs (, Grenade explosions would not reach all items throughout containers and attachments Rags and Bandages kept their disinfected status after being used to craft a Fireplace or Torch It was problematic to damage the M3S truck engine or find the widget to repair it Wooden crates could be accessed through walls (, Mushrooms did not decay properly AB- blood type wasn't properly displayed (, Exploit that allowed extended range of melee attacks Restraining a player could interrupt the actions of other users in the surrounding area ( When drinking from a pot in a prone position, the wrong animation would be played When splitting an M3S double wheel, the two wheels would spawn inside each other An empty gasoline canister would have the wrong weight after relog ( Names of 45rd KA-74 Mag and 60rd Standardized Mag were displayed with lower-case letters when on the ground ( Fixed some flawed building occluders Fixed some bad object LODs Hold breath "out of breath" sound effects were not working for some character models Flash grenade was not blinding in the vicinity enough Faster recovery from unconsciousness that was not induced by a projectile hit ( Doors that were locked on the server are showing as open on the client, making them impossible to open ATOG 6x Scope was having a rendering issue when observed from close distance Decay texture was missing on some dead player models The player is unable to close the fireplace inventory after opening it with something inside Splitting an item could cause a game crash Removing the last attachment from a fireplace would delete said item Quilted jacket was sometimes not visible in the inventory vicinity ( Combining matches would leave an empty box on the ground 9x39mm ammo boxes would yield only 10 shots instead of 20 Attached flags and camo nets weren't properly displayed in the inventory Rangefinder and binoculars could not be used after using night vision goggles Night vision optics would spawn badly rotated Volume of the megaphone was not tied to the regular audio settings ( Wheels did not change their texture when ruined by land mines or crashes CHANGED Increased the FPS limit on PlayStation 5 consoles to 60 Wearing a gas mask slows down stamina regeneration Gas masks now prevent the wearer from eating, drinking, and taking pills Gas masks can now be repaired with epoxy putty and the tire repair kit The NBC respirator and the Gas Mask require Gas Mask filters to function The Combat Gas Mask has a limited, integrated, non-exchangeable filter Improved visual quality of the Combat Gas Mask Improved visual quality of the bear Removed spawn points that were too close to the static contaminated areas Improved targeting of melee combat to be more forgiving Tweaked the look of the Russian helicopter crash-site Helicopter crash-sites now emit sounds upon spawn in the surrounding area Tweaked the smoke quality of crash sites to make them more visible Adjusted collision geometry of the Machete Horticulture plants are now moving in the wind Cholera now causes fever Food poisoning now causes fatigue Salmonella now causes light pain Night-time acceleration period adjusted to only influence actual night-time Reduced the size of the NBC clothing when stored in the inventory NBC clothing can now also be repaired with the tire repair kit It is no longer possible to build a stone oven if it would be clipping with a large item Two-handed and non-piercing weapons are no longer suitable for stealth attacks Names of servers will only show once the server browser is done loading and it is possible to connect The flash grenade uses a stronger light that lasts longer than that of regular fragmentation grenades The overheating effect of firearms appears later Boiled food will no longer burn from boiling Baked and dried food can be boiled without burning Damage of melee weapons is significantly lowered when they enter the ruined state The mackerel now yields two fillets Adjusted the mackerel filet model Water in fountains and metal troughs is now visual only Increased the armor of the bear Increased the brightness of the flare gun light Updated the credits CENTRAL ECONOMY Added: New ContaminatedArea usage flag Fixed: Typo in spawning presets SodaCan_Franta -> SodaCan_Fronta Fixed: Rify ship wreck loot spawn points Fixed: The infected zone definition inside cfgEventSpawns.xml is now properly read (previously it was ignored and used default values) Fixed: randomloot_deloot_perevent now properly overrides the amount of DE Loot per container per event Fixed: Village house 2w01 was not spawning any loot on Livonia ( Changed: Spawning of high-value items across dynamic events, contaminated areas, and T4 areas Changed: High tier weapons are not limiting spawning anymore, when stored in storage Changed: DELoot is now correctly randomized Changed: init_random on static dynamic event now properly randomizes nominal value between min and max parameters (nominal can be set to 0 in such case) Changed: The Woodland ghillie color now varies across maps Chernarus now spawns only mossy variants Livonia spawns woodland variants Tweaked: Slightly increased the amount of Tier 1 food Tweaked: Ammo Boxes now spawn with random ammunition packs inside Tweaked: Increased the maximum number of items that can spawn on a helicopter crash event by 50% SERVER Added: Documentation on the configuration of contaminated areas: Added: for private Nitrado console servers ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Console Update 1.14 Hotfix 1 Xbox Update 1.14 Hotfix 1: Version 1.14.154243 (Released on 04.10.2021) GAME FIXED Attempted fix for a prevalent game crash related to the audio system LE-MAS was missing reload sounds in the prone stance ( The stealth kill sometime failed to kill an infected ( Player could shrink into a ball during certain animation transitions ( - private) CHANGED Adjusted the inventory preview of deployed fish traps ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PlayStation 1.14 Patch 1: Version 1.14.154273 (Released on 14.10.2021) GAME FIXED Contaminated area safe position was located in a rock on Chernarus Attempted fix for a game freeze on the PS4 LE-MAS was missing reload sounds in the prone stance ( The stealth kill sometime failed to kill an infected ( Player could shrink into a ball during certain animation transitions ( - private) CHANGED Adjusted the inventory preview of deployed fish traps SERVER Fixed: An error was thrown when specifying no PPERequesterType is cfgEffectArea ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Xbox 1.14 Patch 1: Version 1.14.154258 (Released on 19.10.2021) GAME FIXED Contaminated area safe position was located in a rock on Chernarus SERVER Fixed: An error was thrown when specifying no PPERequesterType is cfgEffectArea 3 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rackinglad27 138 Posted September 29, 2021 nice one 👍 got the day off work today so I better get online and find more NBC gear. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sina_lorenzo 1 Posted September 29, 2021 This update is so powerful, I can't wait to play it officially. thanks for DayZ. when will Xbox series s/x optimization release? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alcatraz2021 18 Posted September 29, 2021 On 9/29/2021 at 8:16 AM, Kyiara said: Console Update 1.14 - Version 1.14.154202 (Released on 29.09.2021) Snip-- Why does my PS5 still have loading screens? WTF Kyiara 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZingZootZephyr 41 Posted September 29, 2021 1.14 is awesome! When will consoles get sun rays back? Otherwise the sunglasses don't have much of an affect. Also, we desperately need the ability to use the whisper/shout function on consoles. Thanks for the update devs! @Kyiara 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GopnikSZN 7 Posted September 30, 2021 Its possible by using Arrows on ur keyboard.. 🙄 I dunno why Bohemia is leaving things like that, same Goes for Toggle on/off voip and did Yall know that we got usable TURBINE in our cars, by pressing SHIFT button during driving? It makes cars drive faster and going better up Hills. Let us use those features on Gamepads pls 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crankgorilla 9 Posted September 30, 2021 (edited) This is good. Would like to see some more items and a rework of the very similar interiors. Some new zombie models would be nice. Go wild with it, they don't all have to look amazing. Pay five bucks to locals to appear in a game or something. In the original The Sims game you could basically drag any textures you like over a mesh. Took minutes. Zombie test pack of extra 50 zombies, one dollar. Everyone is going to want that. Edited September 30, 2021 by Crankgorilla 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blades56 31 Posted September 30, 2021 I keep getting error code 9 while trying to find a server both in public and community. Anybody else having issies Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZingZootZephyr 41 Posted September 30, 2021 I'm a bit concerned with the dwindling PlayStation playerbase though. We could really really benefit from getting cross play with XBox. It would also encourage more in game chat due to cross play party not being a thing. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RZ0R 65 Posted October 1, 2021 On 9/30/2021 at 9:44 PM, ZingZootZephyr said: I'm a bit concerned with the dwindling PlayStation playerbase though. We could really really benefit from getting cross play with XBox. It would also encourage more in game chat due to cross play party not being a thing. Me too. Doesn't help that half of my friends still on the PS4 are experiencing piss poor performance since the update, crashing, and then the servers were buggered last night. Don't blame them for not playing. PS5 however, best time of my life! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillyJoe 112 Posted October 2, 2021 Yes, we need crossplay between Playstation and XBox ASAP! Its 2021, cmon BI make it happen ❤️ Btw the server performance is super weak right now! Please do something about it... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayzDayzFanboy 1280 Posted October 2, 2021 On 10/2/2021 at 4:41 PM, SillyJoe said: Yes, we need crossplay between Playstation and XBox ASAP! Its 2021, cmon BI make it happen ❤️ Btw the server performance is super weak right now! Please do something about it... I'm not sure if this is more down to Sony. They've never really gone for cross play. I would certainly like to see it happen though. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnatanBrandao 1 Posted October 3, 2021 Server does not load scenario and player. PS4 NITRADO! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheYetiBum 790 Posted October 3, 2021 Okay I've noticed a few things, these are not, I repeat are not criticisms of BI or the Dev team. They are simply technological truths, I have a Series S but started playing DayZ on Console on the basic b*tch Xbox One. I have seen the hugely dramatic difference in playability from the two consoles, LOD is way more efficient, literally no pop in of assets at all, no stuttering in any city of any size even during massive gunfights. Where as on Xbox one I literally couldn't enter a large city and expect more than 15fps & if people were shooting then it was like playing whilst having a strobe light shoved in your face due to the choppy frames. Since changing console I have found gunfights smooth & responsive, but tbh I can tell straight away who is on the old console, I find it slightly sad that I can pack my M4 with tracer rounds knowing that it'll tank the other persons FPS, basically ensuring me the win. Doesnt feel like a win though What are everyone else's experiences & thoughts on this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyiara 791 Posted October 4, 2021 Console Update 1.14 Hotfix 1 Xbox Update 1.14 Hotfix 1: Version 1.14.154243 (Released on 04.10.2021) GAME FIXED Attempted fix for a prevalent game crash related to the audio system LE-MAS was missing reload sounds in the prone stance ( The stealth kill sometime failed to kill an infected ( Player could shrink into a ball during certain animation transitions ( - private) CHANGED Adjusted the inventory preview of deployed fish traps 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lemmac 102 Posted October 4, 2021 Nice, now how about fixing PS4 so we can actually load the game? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dayzpuppy 0 Posted October 4, 2021 Please fix PS4, game crashes in title screen and while loading into servers or respawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firefighter5783 1 Posted October 4, 2021 Ich habe beobachtet das das zugreifen auf das Inventar von infizierten über die paddels verbugt ist das man das Inventar neu öffnen muss. Bitte beheben Xbox community:) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GraidelTheSerg 1 Posted October 5, 2021 Low key I wish we had more access to civilian type weaponry instead of everything falling from the sky from a helicopter... Or maybe at least make the current ones a little more interesting? (For example allowing the pistol scope on the Magnum, lever action, and BK-18 instead of only the deagle?) I'm hoping we could get the good ol' longhorn, maybe the derringer, or even the improvised bow/crossbow so we have a weapon with craftable ammunition. Or maybe we can get something new for the .45 caliber category like a Thompson SMG or a Vector? (Potentially even with a drum mag for both!) Sorry for getting out of hand but the game has so much potential and I wanted to just put my ideas out for something new when 1.15 arrives 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayzDayzFanboy 1280 Posted October 5, 2021 Longhorn would be cool. Would also like to see snap loaders for the Magnum and shotty. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThatEarthChomp 2 Posted October 5, 2021 There is another bug after this update. You can't scroll up when in vicinity (quick way to bottom of container by scrolling up), it just loses the cursor/highlight and you have to leave the inventory and re-enter to fix. It's a game breaker in the heat of the moment. The same thing happens (and has since the beginning) if you press down too many times on the "hands" section of the inventory... also gamebreaking in a fire fight. The inventory is terrible in general, does nobody test this stuff? ON Xbox I mean? Just try to navigate to assault vest with a utility pack... it's a nightmare of jumping around from glowstick slot to radio slot then wherever it decides to go... Leave inventory and reopen, rinse and repeat and repeat... and repeat.... I have more friends than not, who have given up on the game because it's so needlessly frustrating. The mechanics of the game are a challenge, the brokeness of the game shouldn't further complicate this, especially seeing 1000s of games have working inventory systems and this has been broken since day one... fix it and sell more. The number one response on the xbox forums concerning the the update before it was released has been, "fix the game instead." So fix the game and get sales or at least players playing the game that they bought. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
999white999 23 Posted October 13, 2021 Fence kit placements Why dev is it every update we get less and less placement for building a base . I love building a base but it really no point because u can not stack walls would be good if you could again without it being a glitch . Would love a half wall fence kit or a door way fence kit something because its so dated now please sort it out can not be that hard really 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyiara 791 Posted October 14, 2021 PlayStation 1.14 Patch 1: Version 1.14.154273 (Released on 14.10.2021) GAME FIXED Contaminated area safe position was located in a rock on Chernarus Attempted fix for a game freeze on the PS4 LE-MAS was missing reload sounds in the prone stance ( The stealth kill sometime failed to kill an infected ( Player could shrink into a ball during certain animation transitions ( - private) CHANGED Adjusted the inventory preview of deployed fish traps SERVER Fixed: An error was thrown when specifying no PPERequesterType is cfgEffectArea 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoo_mysize 1 Posted October 14, 2021 You could never do updates and DayZ would still be amazing 😏❤️ 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyiara 791 Posted October 19, 2021 Xbox 1.14 Patch 1: Version 1.14.154258 (Released on 19.10.2021) GAME FIXED Contaminated area safe position was located in a rock on Chernarus SERVER Fixed: An error was thrown when specifying no PPERequesterType is cfgEffectArea Share this post Link to post Share on other sites