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Does DayZ accommodate my game-style?

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I used to play DayZMod.

I don't like getting into fire-fights for the sake of it, or rampaging around the map looking for people to attack.

I like:

· quieter servers.

· PvE and helping human players to escape from zombies, or from starvation/injury.

· collecting and stashing gear; hiding it so it is hard to find.

· exploring the map and sneaking around, avoiding conflict with people; following players to find their tents/bases/vehicles, and raiding them later.

Does DayZ do this kind of gameplay well? Or is it mostly about just running around shooting people and destroying stuff?

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  On 5/28/2021 at 1:57 AM, Dayzo said:

I used to play DayZMod.

I don't like getting into fire-fights for the sake of it, or rampaging around the map looking for people to attack.

I like:

· quieter servers.

· PvE and helping human players to escape from zombies, or from starvation/injury.

· collecting and stashing gear; hiding it so it is hard to find.

· exploring the map and sneaking around, avoiding conflict with people; following players to find their tents/bases/vehicles, and raiding them later.

Does DayZ do this kind of gameplay well? Or is it mostly about just running around shooting people and destroying stuff?

The latter is what most people do. But what you want to do a lot of people do that aswell. 

Stick to the Woodland/outskirts of cities. Get Brown/green/camo clothing. Move through and from bushes. 

Help others by sniping infected from a distance. 

My group always stashes a few backpacks here and there. Not with assault rifles o'plethora but with Bullets, building Gear, nvg parts, etc.

DayZ has always been about "how you want to play". That doesn't mean that one playstyle is easier then another.

Hope this helps. DayZ on sale now 🙂


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Thanks. Do you have to play in a group to survive? Is it too difficult to be a loner?

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It depends what server you're on.

You can play outback survivor on Chernarus or Deer Isle or even Namalsk, although it's a smaller map. But on a map like Esseker, it's crazy town.

In saying that, I've met more straight up people on Esseker than anywhere else. I've ran with Swedes, Croats, Yanks, Georgians and god knows. But you tend not to last too long on that map. It's just PvP really. It's good fun though. However, it's slowly getting destroyed by the base builders and the hoarders.

As for difficulty, it depends. As a loner, you are responsible only for yourself. So in some ways it's safer. When you with someone, they can often do stupid things and get everyone killed. I normally play alone and tend to use stealth and caution when getting around.

Most people play the game like it's PUBG though. They get a gun, some food and go to town looking for someone to kill.

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i love the lone wolf play style, other friends /  players can give you away. like making a fireplace in the dead of night in a medium pop server. with minimal chance to get out. 
i love wandering, but i`m silly restricted, i live in shakovkha and staroy, and gorka, dolina. there is more than enough there to survive. i did it for a year. (11m and 2 weeks, the wipe got me.)

i find it funny when watching you youtube, where they complain about it being tough and cant survive. the videos are they get half geared up with an amphibia/ mkII and a box of bullets, then actively run on the road, out in the open, towards very rapid sustained gunfire, and make it 100 yards, and get shot. 

my playstyle isnt interesting, its boring as hell. its just avoid, and survive. thats all that matters to me. i have had very few kills, and i did go on community to just do pvp. but i like the rawness of official. i see people, but rarely shot or interact. i`ve killed people on official, they were being very silly, shooting infected, in broad daylight, even chasing me in a building, to be shot as soon as they enter. its that crazy pause when you randomly meet someone and there is that pause, where you know they are thinking. last guy i saw, there was that pause, he had empty hands, then he had a gun, and i just flattened him instantly. i got killed twice, by the same identical incidents, a large group of 2 guys  (lol) got me, i was caught in the middle, first incident i tool one guy, got killed by the other,  and the other i got slaughtered trying to escape, 2 guys again, 

i played another server and a group of guys are killing freshies, growing food, it was fun to be chased, to evade, go back to their base and then steal there  tomatoes, fill up with everything really, be chased again, hide in a ditch, i even heard them in game chat, talking about how they will kill me, it was really fun. then i took a left and went. 

survive, hide, win.

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Playing for loot is pointless when basebuilding is close to non-existent (engine limitations) and raiding is so easy. Surviving is pointless for there is no reason to stay in hostile environment that's gradually getting colder (winter's closing in). People "play" with each other mostly because vanilla has nothing else to give other than big (yet linear and poorly designed) map. In the end it's all about people's creativity, all about interaction. Lone wolf will die in vanilla setting; Will die out of boredom. It will be about hoarding useless items, it will be about hiding in the corner and looking for "perfection". The word means that this game will become a dull experience, full of routines. Lone wolves can only thrive when environment is rich feature-wise; For this is good enough compensation for being all alone. And it's not happening here.

I've wasted thousands of hours playing just like that. And gained nothing. Only by playing with others, in a team, there is something more in all this insanity. At least time then is running a lot faster. And memories are more...

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  On 5/28/2021 at 7:03 AM, Dayzo said:

Thanks. Do you have to play in a group to survive? Is it too difficult to be a loner?

It's easier to start as a solo since you can find food for yourself easier, with 2 people you have 2 mouths to feed.

After the initial 30 minute hump, it's probably easier to play in a group. 2 pairs of eyes will spot other players quicker than a solo player will.

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The flipside to that is that two players are also easier to spot...and hear.

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  On 5/28/2021 at 1:57 AM, Dayzo said:

avoiding conflict with people; following players to find their tents/bases/vehicles, and raiding them later.

This is your 'game-style'??   Let me see if I understand.   You don't want to get killed but you want to take stuff from other people, on a PVE server.

No.  I'm afraid you'll have to pick a different game.  This one is full.


Does DayZ do this kind of gameplay well? Or is it mostly about just running around shooting people and destroying stuff?

You signed up on these forums in 2012, have 400+ posts and haven't figured this out yet?

Edited by Parazight
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Like Parazight said, expecting to NOT get killed but having the ability to steal is typically BANNABLE behavior on PVE servers.

I am working on a Namalsk server that will allow PVP BUT will have a heavy environmental survival element to it, including rare to very rare loot possibilities and LOTS of zombies.  No trader either.  In my scheme, someone could HOARD specific loot and none of it would spawn again unless used.  So your choice when seeing someone else is either shoot them for whatever they have on them or talk and trade with them on the chance they have something you can't find any more on the map.

My next step is to introduce a 'specialization' system (with learning possibilities).  As a new spawn, you're randomly given a couple 'skills' with levels of which only one can be fairly high (medic, for example).  In my example, if you're NOT a medic, you won't be able to do certain things (like IVs, etc.) and your use of medications could create more random effects, such as overdoses, underdoses, with real health effects.  So maybe that guy or gal you see running around has a specialty you don't have but could benefit from?  Just like in real life (division of labor based on skill levels).

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