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At my wit's end

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I am desperate to love this game.  But I'm to the point where I have to stop playing it.  I'm reaching out in the hopes that someone can provide some tips or explain some things to me.  Maybe something I can do to troubleshoot.  Maybe it's time to play on a PC?

I'm a relatively new player and I play on Xbox One (X).  I play on the official servers.. mostly LA 4296, but I've tried some other ones (MI).  My impression of this game is LAG LAG LAG.  Oh and Bugs.  Glitchy bullshit.  I've been maybe 20 gunfights with other survivors and in every single one of them I notice massive lag during the gunfight.  Most, if not all of them have gone the other guy's way.

Here's kind of the straw that broke the camel's back:  I looted the Kamensk military base up north and just as I was leaving, I see a pretty geared up guy come in and so I crouched behind a wall as he hasn't seen me yet.  I aim for him while he's in a crate, but didn't take the shot... he then goes to climb up the nearest sniper tower.  Great FANTASTIC.  Line him up with my Mosin/PU scope and take the shot (headshot).  He should have died 100%.  Mosin, fairly close range.. maybe others can explain differently.  BUT here's the thing... he totally disappeared.  He was near the top of the ladder going up.  I took the shot and he was there one second and gone the next.  I literally just walked around in shock looking for his body that wasn't there.  I even relogged to see if maybe it was there, but invisible or something.

My previous gunfight:  I had a Scorpion and I unloaded an entire mag into a survior's back... he turns around and just stars whacking me with a hatchet... so I then unloaded an entire revolver on him.  I can see blood spurting from him after each shot... nothing.  Just keeps wailing away on me with his trusty hatchet.  I die of 8 cuts.

I honestly feel like the game has zero lag for me UNTIL I encounter another player.  Anyway, as I say, that's about it for me and DayZ on console unless others have some ideas.  One question I have would be how I can find the closest official server that has the lowest ping... then I could try that server.  I welcome your thoughts.

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yeah PC is the way to go. If you are on a Xbox One the game is rough sauce framewise, lots of hitching & frame dropes, total freezes etc. better on one X but still choppy. new consoles decent for it but PC is pretty damn stable tbh. Sorry to hear the rough experience you've had though dude, I feel the pain

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Waits for Z-apologists to rationalize your problems away.  They'll blame it on your xbox, dupers, Trump, or some other boogey man.

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If you think you'll keep playing on pc you should switch. I feel your pain in terms of lag and such. Playing on pc will probably go better for you my best friend. Trying something new isn't a bad thing, go out and experiment you might find out something about yourself and what your into;)

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It's possible that the other player had a bad connection.  The servers should be locked based off of PING rate

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Yeah, the lag wasn’t this bad before.  I’m not sure if it got bad with the 1.10 update or what, but I feel and experience the same.  I’m playing on a wired 1000mbps series x.  Game plays smooth as silk until I see another player or sometimes zombies.  Other players just skip, hop...zombies teleport.  It’s terrible.  PC isn’t in the cards for me so I’ll just sit here and take it.  Hopefully it can get sorted out.  

Edited by Matt20714
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There looking into the Next Gen Consoles capabilities & will most likely bring out a Next Gen patch. I have a friend playing on Series X right now & he gets zero fps drop or stutters even on maxed server in gunfights or driving a Sarka like a mad man through Cherno. It sucks but the last gen consoles just cant handle dayZ tbh.

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2 hours ago, TheYetiBum said:

There looking into the Next Gen Consoles capabilities & will most likely bring out a Next Gen patch. I have a friend playing on Series X right now & he gets zero fps drop or stutters even on maxed server in gunfights or driving a Sarka like a mad man through Cherno. It sucks but the last gen consoles just cant handle dayZ tbh.

Same, but all I see are people skipping around. Pretty much everyone I see is lagging.  

It can’t be everyone but me (or that have a series x), surely!?

I don’t ever remember it being this bad when I played on my base Xbox or one x on previous updates.  

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23 hours ago, Matt20714 said:

Same, but all I see are people skipping around. Pretty much everyone I see is lagging.  

It can’t be everyone but me (or that have a series x), surely!?

I don’t ever remember it being this bad when I played on my base Xbox or one x on previous updates.  

Yeah its rough sauce for sure, if I go on a server with more then 30 people & stick around on the coast where more people are generally crammed together, especially if there's a tonnes of bases & firefights its lag city too. Guessing its not your connection that effecting it? sure you would have ruled that out first, I cant even drive through any large city with my screen freezing for upto a minute & losing all sound so I know how you feel lol, & that's on a 20 man server with like 10 people on it. Original Xbox is Trash but its all I got lol

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Well, I'm thankful for the responses.  I appreciate everyone's thoughts on the matter and I feel good (in a weird way) that i'm not the only one.  Since I posted this, I've had some luck playing on the community servers.  I've played on The Hideout and a server called "X2 Boosted Server."  Both I've found to be significantly better.  They're not perfect either, but at least I've been able to have a number of gunfights that seemed smooth and like I'm on equal footing to the other guy.   Good and bad points.. on the one hand these are loot boosted servers so I miss the vanilla experience (I find it too easy to get geared), but on the other hand, I actually got my hands on an M4.

Anyway, I've priced out building a PC and let's just say it's going to take some time to put it all together.  I will continue playing on community servers until then.  

Does anyone know how to find the ping to the xbox live servers?

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@bcandatree You know, this would not be so uncommon for DayZ unfortunately. Granted, it has been some time since I have experienced these complete screw ups like other players completely freezing or disappearing, but network/performance issues are pretty much still the main cause of all "supernatural" phenomena in the game. I don't have a good reference on how the performance is on consoles, speaking from PC experience only. 

You should not longer have issues with hit registration, and you did see the guy spewing blood. Not so long ago, I had a gunfight in a room, where I fired off two buckshots. I've hit either nothing or did minimum damage, it was a sawed off shotty but still .. a room, he did have a vest though and I had to finish the guy with a .308 to the chest. He in return hit me quite a few times and I did eventually bleed out because I did not manage to stop all bleeding, but he did not kill be by shooting me. I had no armor. Moral of the story is you don't know, the other guy might have died just as well though it was some time after you were already dead. If you got them bleeding, that is a very serious issue if not treated within some time. 
Unlike that son of a bitch, I respawned nearby and retook all my stuff, that my friend guarded for me while I got back and we lived happily ever after 😛 

Also, if you shot a person while they are still climbing a ladder, that body can land anywhere really. I did the same once, that person was climbing down, and the body landed weirdly on the platform in the middle. Though I guess worst case scenario it should have fallen to the ground.



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1 hour ago, William Sternritter said:

Also, if you shot a person while they are still climbing a ladder, that body can land anywhere really. I did the same once, that person was climbing down, and the body landed weirdly on the platform in the middle. Though I guess worst case scenario it should have fallen to the ground.

Physics are generally unreliable, if someone falls from a ladder he might get stuck mid-air or fall through the ground into another dimension which is probably what happened. You see it often with thrown objects that roll, like roadflares, chemlights or torches. They will come to some point where they poke through the ground texture enough for the collision to be lost and they fall through. In the case of road flares you can sometimes even see how the light is falling for a couple of seconds before it is snuffed out (server deletes out-of bounds objects).

I read somewhere that buckshot has a pretty substantial negative modifier to armour penetration, so if you hit a guy in a platecarrier it is not a great surprise that he survived.

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Yep, in either case, these things actually have an explanation, though bugs certainly play a role. I guess a Welcome to Day Z for the OP is in order 🙂 don't give up on the game, it does have layers and it is highly recommended you study these aspects in order to anticipate and react correctly. Sometimes things will go bonkers no matter what ... Welcome to Day Z 🙂 

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