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Hackers Everywhere

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The cheating in this game is the worst I've seen in any game and I've been around a very long time. My friend contacted Bohemia and they said "it's not us, contact BattleEye." It's your game, Bohemia. It's your responsibility to secure it, not pass the buck to a company that's incompetent to stop any of these hackers. This is on you.

I cannot recommend this game to my friends until this gets fixed. It's changed the culture so much that if you are around any of the big cities or military bases you know a magic bullet is going to be fired and find your head even through walls. Take two hours to get geared and run to Tizy and you are hiding inside a shipping container and hear a shot from nearly 2km away and it finds your head magically.

People ask how you know they're hacking? They run faster than cars move at 160 KMPH. They brag they can spot all your items through walls and in crates from outside your base and name them all. They can shoot a shot into the air from 2km away and it will kill you, regardless if they're aiming at you. So in essence, you can see them speed hack, wall hack, and aim hack. These hackers run into cities and just start firing until everyone is dead. I didn't believe it at first but after seeing them zip around and being killed impossibly I looked it up. These hacks are for sale and boast all these capabilities and more.

This is all bad, but what's worse is you don't know who the hacker is to report because the game doesn't tell you who you're looking at as they zip around at 200 KMPH. The game doesn't tell you who shot you while you were hiding inside a hallway of a house with no access to you. It doesn't tell you who's even talking since everybody is called "survivor" with very few exceptions.

Bohemia you are at fault. This game is ruined by your ineptitude to solve this most basic security issue.

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Personally I have not encountered a straight up hacker before, but that could only be a matter of time.  

If it really is such a big problem, and it looks that way, then something more needs to be done, yes.

Identifying a player would not be a problem with the logs, location and timestamp, The problem is that there is nobody to report to, for the official servers. You'd have to implement a report system, and that's kind of a big thing. Would have to take some of that DayZ money and actually put it into DayZ, instead of into other projects.

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I was killed by hacker 2 times now

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It's ok to be skeptical. Just go to the coast, Balota, Cherno, Elektro and hang out for 15 minutes on public servers. When you see people run 200kmph you'll know. They can see cars from very far away through everything. You have a base in Cherno with an M4? They can see it through walls. They can shoot through them.  Often I am hiding in buildings with no window access and die to shots I can't even hear and then my mate dies next. One hacker was particularly bad, I hit him with a shovel and he ran away from me in Cherno and 30 seconds later was in Elektro (same outfit, guille with m4) and shot my friend.

Server 1059 is full of them. They usually have numbered accounts instead of names and multiple bans on record (if they have bans why are they still playing the game? Is there a BattleEye probation program?)

There are many hacks out there, this is what they can see. BattleEye is 100% useless.

Note from Moderator: Removed picture of cheat-interface

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  On 7/14/2020 at 7:19 AM, Kad790 said:

It's ok to be skeptical. Just go to the coast, Balota, Cherno, Elektro and hang out for 15 minutes on public servers. When you see people run 200kmph you'll know.

I only play on public servers. I have NEVER seen these 200kmph players and I've been playing since 2014.

I know it can exist, cos I've seen it on a YouTube vid. But, I have never, not once, seen it in the actual game and I have nearly 800 hours logged on it. And it's probably more than that, because Steam is rubbish for gathering stats.

As for being "sceptical", I'm not saying that hackers aren't in DayZ. But I am wondering if it's really as widespread as some people claim.

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  On 7/14/2020 at 10:43 PM, Tonyeh said:

I only play on public servers. I have NEVER seen these 200kmph players and I've been playing since 2014.

I know it can exist, cos I've seen it on a YouTube vid. But, I have never, not once, seen it in the actual game and I have nearly 800 hours logged on it. And it's probably more than that, because Steam is rubbish for gathering stats.

As for being "sceptical", I'm not saying that hackers aren't in DayZ. But I am wondering if it's really as widespread as some people claim.

Steam is not "rubbish" for gathering stats, wtf are you on about m8? And yup, hackers have been around the entire time this game's been in development. They're everywhere these days. Do you PVP... ever?

EDIT: To add to this, if you ever run around with high value loot, your chance of encountering a cheaters increases tenfold. Without fail, whenever I get my hands on a FAL or SVD, green ghillie suit, or anything of substantial value, a cheater won't be far. It might take a day, maybe two,  but you're going to die to someone zipping around the area, shooting you through walls. On the coast, they're everywhere. Pick a full server and hang around Elektro.

Edited by Grimey Rick
Because I want to
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People who buy programs to help them cheat, yes, that happens.  Hackers are people with actual computer skills.  I'm guessing real hackers aren't interested in killing people in DayZ.  Making money by selling functions that exploit the game, sure.  So let's not give these cheaters undue credit by calling them hackers.

Remember when grenades could knock trees over?  And we'd see waves of carpet bombing between Cherno and Electro?  That was some messed up shit, back in the day.  Remember when the game had sanity checks?  Oh wait.

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It's not BattlEye, it's Bohemia Interactive. BattlEye is used on a variety of platforms and I neither see nor hear about the high population density of cheaters on those games. There are fundamental flaws in the DayZ architecture that make it significantly easier for hacks to be written for this game than other games.

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  On 7/15/2020 at 2:42 AM, Grimey Rick said:

Steam is not "rubbish" for gathering stats, wtf are you on about m8?

Steam's stats for how many hours I've put into each game is off. WAY off.

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  On 7/18/2020 at 8:05 PM, Tonyeh said:

Steam's stats for how many hours I've put into each game is off. WAY off.

What do you use to track game time?

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Steam will tally hours when you have the BI dayz launcher open.  The game doesn’t, and has never, tracked time only when logged into a server. 

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Yeah in 1.07 you'd meet a hacker every half an hour on the coast on 3pp public. When 1.08 came out they were gone for a week or two. Now it's back to me meeting a hacker at least every few hours on public servers. I even met one on TheRunningManZ trying to sell me hacks yesterday lol!

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  On 7/19/2020 at 2:50 PM, Grimey Rick said:

What do you use to track game time?


Look, this is simple.

I KNOW I have more hours played on, for example, Napoleon Total War than the paltry 28 that Steam tells me.

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  On 7/19/2020 at 7:18 PM, Homeschooliazon said:

Yeah in 1.07 you'd meet a hacker every half an hour on the coast on 3pp public. When 1.08 came out they were gone for a week or two. Now it's back to me meeting a hacker at least every few hours on public servers. I even met one on TheRunningManZ trying to sell me hacks yesterday lol!

I've been playing 1.08 since it was released. I have many hours pumped into that version alone and I can say that I haven't met a single one.

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My best mate from Australia joins my server and within 2 minutes a speed-hacker runs up to him at 100 kmh and kills him. I've had it. Hackers on my server this week have found every stash me and my mates have placed, our hidden cars, weeks of work gone in 2 days flat. And today this speed hacker is just running up and down the coast at faster than car speeds and instant killing people. I looked it up, they have ESP (can see where players, loot, cars are hidden), Speed Hacks, they can see everything! They can instant kill you. This is a joke.

Who wants to play under these conditions??? And when I bring it up to Bohemia the first time they tell my mates "Talk to BattleEye". The second time they give me a warning and a bad mark on the forums and reprimand for what, exposing the truth? INSTEAD OF PASSING OUT REPRIMANDS WHY DON'T YOU ADDRESS THE HACKER ISSUE! It's not BattleEye's fault, if they're failing FIRE THEM AND GET A REAL ANTI-CHEAT SYSTEM. Your game is broken. I am getting a refund and if you block that, small claims and you can pay me for my legal trouble.

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Not permanent fix but you can check death logs, find out Steam ID and ban them from your server.


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Yeah for months hackers have been extremely common on public servers (mainly 3pp). Not nice. Please fix.

Edited by Homeschooliazon

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This game is utterly broken. You spend 6 hours getting geared and another 2 weeks building a perfect base, and along comes a hacker to take it all away instantly.

Last night, three of us are defending our base and are in 3 positions, two of us in rooms that have no windows and the doors closed and all 3 of us drop dead at the same moment with our heads exploding and no sound of a gun shot. There was literally no way to access 2 of us without opening doors (the bathroom is one of these rooms.) We fought these guys off for 15 minutes, killed one, then they got all upset and turned on their hacks and instantly killed all 3 of us.

This could be fixed by putting in kill replay and by reporting who killed you so when you are reporting the hacker you can identify them. This would take a mediocre programmer 2 days to bang out. Bohemia is utterly inept.

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I used to see a hacker on public every day. I havent seen one in about two weeks. It feels to me like there has been a banwave recently. (I used to get shot inside rooms without windows or beat down by ultraspeed-people)

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  On 8/29/2020 at 6:00 PM, Homeschooliazon said:

I used to see a hacker on public every day. I havent seen one in about two weeks. It feels to me like there has been a banwave recently. (I used to get shot inside rooms without windows or beat down by ultraspeed-people)

No, the hackers are still very active on public servers. I was killed by one two days ago on DayZ US 3664323 (Public) and again just an hour ago on Dayz US - LA 5933 (Persistence ON). I have two accounts and over 1500 hours played and have run into hackers in the past very rarely.. but they've never been worse than 2020.

The hackers come on servers that are med to high population because.... how are you going to identify them to report them? Bohemia thinks you can go into their profile and guess if they're a hacker and report them for review. What are we supposed to do, report 40 people so you can catch the one that is hacking that night, maybe? What a joke!

I ran my own server for a while and it's nice to be able to read logs and ban hackers... but it's hard to keep the server population up so it gets boring.

Bohemia, give us a report of who killed us and a replay to send in for review. You could fix the most egregious hacker violations with this change alone! This new group of hackers are going into towns and killing everybody within 2 KM, scooping up the loot and server hopping to do it again. The game is unplayable in it's current state.


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Cheaters are a huge issue right now.  Ban waves are simply a band-aid fix.  The strategy for dealing with cheaters right now is terrible.  Official servers need a killfeed.  Bohemia needs to endorse higher profile streamers (or someone) to administrate official servers.  There HAS to be a way to have official servers be policed, without adding to the payroll.  Be innovative.  Do something.  Hacker problems directly affects the well-being of any game producer.  It's mind-boggling as to why this company doesn't realize that.  This sort of notoriety is extremely crucial to the bottom line.  How can it not be?

Sure, it's a great mil-sim in a vacuum, but more importantly, it's a MMO, where the most of the money is coming from common folk gamers.  Gamers are not going to encourage their friends to purchase DayZ because friends dont fuck over their friends knowing full well how overrun official servers are with cheaters.

When you log on to official servers and the first thing you do is look at the server list and check out all the profiles to see that no one is a brand new player for fear of a new account (using hacks) then that is a serious problem.

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Hello everyone, hackers have evolved or are a little more moderate with the use of them, speed hackers are no longer seen but those of wallhack and aimbot are very active, I know that Bohemia / Dayz are working on this but I think they should put more work into this, since several streamers have been killed by hackers in both mods and official servers, hackers no longer care if it is official or mod.



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