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Share your guess for 1.08

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- Magnum and working russian roulette.
- Temperature system for items.
- Car wrecks in Chernarus just as Livonian ones.

Write yours if you want and let's have fun. I suggest only posting three so we have a limit to prioritice between the numerous we would have in mind.

Also let's guess when it would come out to experimental. I would say next Tuesday.

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Fun topic!

I would say:

  • Trumpet and sporter
  • Writing notes
  • Car wrecks

I'd say this Friday. But then again I expected it to be last Friday as well. Was expecting an announcement after the last winner of the postcardz action ended.

By the way, is the temperature system for items not already in the game? Like how clothes help you make feel warmer.


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1 minute ago, amadieus said:

Fun topic!

I would say:

  • Trumpet and sporter
  • Writing notes
  • Car wrecks

I'd say this Friday. But then again I expected it to be last Friday as well. Was expecting an announcement after the last winner of the postcardz action ended.

By the way, is the temperature system for items not already in the game? Like how clothes help you make feel warmer.


Glad you find it enjoyable mate!

Now I realise that I didn't explain what "temperature system" means to me. I am thinking about how cooked food loose temperature over time, and how eating hot food can warm up your body for a while and resist better the cold enviorement. I hope this makes sense.

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33 minutes ago, green_mtn_grandbob said:

i would be surprised it comes out this month. 

Seeing that we are still supposed to get four more patches this year, they have to release this month. Or else we either get smaller successive patches or simply not five patches in total.

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Once something shows up on Experiemental, then you might be lucky to get an update in a month after that release.

On 5/13/2020 at 6:46 PM, amadieus said:

Seeing that we are still supposed to get four more patches this year, they have to release this month.

They probably never should have set that unrealistic goal for themselves. Then again, it's not the first time.

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On 5/15/2020 at 6:10 AM, Uncle Zed said:

They probably never should have set that unrealistic goal for themselves. Then again, it's not the first time.

Unrealistic goal you write? To me that seems an arbitrary use of words when last year they released 6 decent/good updates, so having a 5 update goal in one year seemed perfectly possible. Different thing could be the state we are in today, almost half a year after and only having 1.07 update.

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I think it's time we inject a bit of compassion into the conversation.  When they declared that there would be 5 updates this year, this was prior to the world going completely nuts with the pandemic we are currently dealing with.  For all we know, some of their staff may be sick and unable to work, some may have family members that are sick and they have taken a leave of absence to help, most of them are no doubt working from home and there are always challenges associated with that.

How about we cut Bohemia a bit of slack and be happy with whatever updates we get for the remainder of 2020?

  • Beans 2

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On 5/16/2020 at 3:27 AM, Kathosky said:

Unrealistic goal you write? To me that seems an arbitrary use of words when last year they released 6 decent/good updates, so having a 5 update goal in one year seemed perfectly possible. Different thing could be the state we are in today, almost half a year after and only having 1.07 update.

We're 5 1/2 months into the year and there's been one update... I'll be surprised if they meet their goal. 

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My guess is
hopefully car wrecks from Livonia onto Chernarus+ 

First itteration of Broken Limbs system ( because that makes sense if they want to have rest of the year for fixing it / adding to it xD )

Magnum hopefully.. ( it's confirmed that they are working on it to be like each bullet is individual in the barrel thing and you can spin it and you can play russian roullete so they wanna add Russian Roullete thing and then it's gonna be in the game )

Probably Notes and Writing on them because we seen it in 1.07 experimental but they removed that later because it's not polished enough so it kinda makes sense for it to be 100% in the next update..

along side notes maybe we will get books back xD  

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more advanced food recipes(mushroom+rise=risotto)(meatsoup)etc
end of eternal heat source of cooked food
handdril more difficult(you can make fire faster than drink one pipsi)
also more sense in actions times...you can skin whole cow faster than cook one chicken breast.
maybe overhaul of animal skinning(more time you spent skinning,more meat you get)
visible crows,owls
and....okey...not gonna happen maybe in my lifetime

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-rocket launchers -Helicopters -Planes -Bicycles -Machinegun -Rocket Launchers -Smoking cigarettes and weed -Dart gun and Tasers -Working vehicle mirrors -Destructible environment

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