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rocket & team: When you fix disconnect exploits, do NOT announce it

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Please release this fix silently!

Let word get out by way of exploiters dying en masse.

These people are alive today only because of this exploit, so it is only fitting that some of them forfeit their lives when it is fixed. It will restore some balance to the DayZ universe.

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i'm pretty cool with this idea. I was a victim of dc'ers twice yesterday, meaning they disappeared when i murdered them fair and square.

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Reminds me when Rocksteady released Arkham Asylum with a glitch that purposely made your Batman plummet to the ground if you had pirated the game. They didn't announce that fact until after people started flooding the message boards with complaints about not being able to glide, exposing them for what they were.

So yes, I approve of a stealth update for exploit fixes.

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Fuck yeah!!! Good idea :)

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Signed +1,000,000

Same with duping.

Just make it so duping results in shit loot.

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Just make it so duping results in shit loot.

Not just shit loot.

Guns that explode when you fire them.

Magazines with blanks.

Tents that catch fire randomly after 48 hours.

NVGs that blind you. Permanently.

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this would be interesting, but what about the people who dont know they are exploiting?

I once joined a server i didnt realize was under patched, i couldnt read the writing in the middle just figured it to be a server message or something, some people were looting i walked up to them, they shot me dead, i respawned with all my stuff, left the server and still have my stuff, so what your saying is if anyone ever visited a server like that we would instantly die even if we didnt know it was there, or if someone duped a item which i hear you can do now, and you kill him and take it, the gun explodes killing you for being duped how is that fair? i think people should report exploiters and they should be the ones who get the hammer, not people who stumble upon that stuff.

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This would be fantastic. I would love for this to be a stealth patch. Some great poetic justice.

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Yea. I agree. I was on a hospital just chilling and seeing who strolls by. fyi, a lot of people with good looking gear do. Anyways. I saw a group of three around my area. One aggros a Z. And what do all three do? DC. I was like wtf? 3 guys vs 1 Zed. And they all DC. I called them out after. Calling them pussies :D.

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All DC'ers must hang.

That's going out to you Mr sk clan member at the NWAF last night with the 240.

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Please release this fix silently!

Let word get out by way of exploiters dying en masse.

These people are alive today only because of this exploit' date=' so it is only fitting that some of them forfeit their lives when it is fixed. It will restore some balance to the DayZ universe.


how can exploits be exploits if there are no rules stating they are exploits.

In other words - server hopping, DC etc is not forbidden by anyone. Bye bye

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Great idea.

how can exploits be exploits if there are no rules stating they are exploits.

In other words - server hopping' date=' DC etc is not forbidden by anyone. Bye bye



Disconnecting to avoid death IS an exploit.

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Signed. Especially for tents that actually eat gear then explode like a frag grenade after capacity, which then attracts all the zeds in every city to feast on the exploiter's burning body. :cool:

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how can exploits be exploits if there are no rules stating they are exploits.

In other words - server hopping' date=' DC etc is not forbidden by anyone. Bye bye


The force is strong in this one.

Yes I can't wait for this fix and for all my friends to die because of it :) Maybe then I will have friends to play with again on DayZ.

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