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About -TFC- FOX

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  1. -TFC- FOX

    M1911 Best sidearm

    They should add a Glock 20 (10mm) or a Glock 21 (.45 ACP) and an HK USP .45 with and without a suppressor.
  2. -TFC- FOX

    Gun Inaccuracies

    Don't forget the reloading sounds. I don't think a CZ 550 will sound the same as an AR. The revolver firing .45 and not .357 or . 44 mag The hammer not being in the proper place on the 1911
  3. -TFC- FOX

    NW Airfield...

    Mostly filled with server hopper scum. Killed 2 in a matter of 5 minutes at the southern barracks on our US171 server. We're going to start posting people near them just to kill hoppers.
  4. -TFC- FOX

    M1911 or Revolver?

    M1911 even though it isn't represented well at all in ARMA 2. The ACE version is better in every way. The sights are more authentic, accuracy is too high but its better than ARMA, and the hammer stays back all the time. Game developers need to actually use firearms instead of rendering them based on google images and youtube vids!
  5. -TFC- FOX

    starting zero for m14 aim?

    It'll drop, but not by much. Aim for the top, and you'll hit him in the shoulders or upper abdomen. The M14 is probably the best gun in the game because of the .308 power, dead on accuracy, and CCO optics make it effective at all ranges. I really miss my M14...
  6. -TFC- FOX

    Why I hate PvP in DayZ

    This is why I'm hoping that as you put time and effort into the game, you gain the ability to start out with certain low to mid level weapons/items. You put in enough time and you spawn with a Mak/1911/Glock or an MP5 or something.
  7. -TFC- FOX

    how many ppl will quit when.....

    X2 man, that's how I play. I've lost so much shit following my own principles, but it makes the game more genuine and fun.
  8. All DC'ers must hang. That's going out to you Mr sk clan member at the NWAF last night with the 240.
  9. -TFC- FOX

    Task Force Chernarus recruiting!

    Bandits who play nice with other bandits are welcome!
  10. -TFC- FOX

    Task Force Chernarus recruiting!

    We tend not to shoot the unarmed just because they aren't worth the .308 round it takes. Armed survivors that "appear" to have decent gear are fair game. Anyone hostile are also targeted.
  11. I'm here representing Task Force Chernarus [TFC], and am glad to announce that we are now recruiting new members! We operate in a number of ways, ranging from ambushing fellow survivors to securing and holding towns or points of interest in Chernarus against the infection. What we are looking for are mature players (18+), speak fluent english, have Teamspeak 3 and a microphone, and are open to constructive criticism. We're looking for the best that the Chernarus wasteland has to offer. If you are interested in joining or just want to chill with us, come by our DayZ US171 server and/or our TS server. The address for TS is TFC.ts.nfoservers.com.
  12. I'm here representing Task Force Chernarus [TFC], and am glad to announce that we are now recruiting new members! We operate in a number of ways, ranging from ambushing fellow survivors to securing and holding towns or points of interest in Chernarus against the infection. What we are looking for are mature players (18+), speak fluent english, have Teamspeak 3 and a microphone, and are open to constructive criticism. We're looking for the best that the Chernarus wasteland has to offer. If you are interested in joining or just want to chill with us, come by our DayZ US171 server and/or our TS server. The address for TS is TFC.ts.nfoservers.com.