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Add option/ability become zombie?

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As of now if you eat people you get the laugh and the shakes. 

What about becoming the infected? Lose your ability to use when's or hold inventory, can't communicate?

Like you have to eat the flesh of the infected or something or similar. 


I wouldn't mind hunting people once in awhile. 

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But how would you get people stuck on a door so you could beat them to death?

Jk. could be a cool idea 

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I always thought what would be cool is that when you die, your character gets "zombified", and you have the potential of running into your "former self".

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3 hours ago, Stagman70 said:

I always thought what would be cool is that when you die, your character gets "zombified", and you have the potential of running into your "former self".

Take the lore in consideration; ''Zombies'' are living human beings, disease in the brain, like rabies. You are immune to the virus and the virus can only make living humans into infected.

This idea is very unlikely because of lore.

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20 hours ago, Stagman70 said:

Well I guess they got it ALL WRONG on TWD then. 

Sorry, i should have specified that the ''zombies'' i meant were the infected of DayZ. The Walking Dead are indeed zombies.

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