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Every 2 seconds, my drink goes yellow. I take a sip too much, then he sucks. and I did not drink much. what's going on there ?

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if your throwing up then you must be sick, all water bottles & canteens have a 50% chance of spawning infected with cholera. there should be a sickness icon in the bottom left that looks like a bacterial cell. in order to recover you must find tetracaline antibiotic tablets at a hospital or clinic or take charcoal tablets to suppress the vomiting. also try drinking quarter of a bottle of water at a time & only eating very small amounts at a time when sick . Vomiting has been tweaked so that far more water & food are lost every time your sick. now when you are a fresh spawn, stick to wells & cans of pop, also empty canteens & bottles of water as soon as you find them by looking at the floor with them in hand & pulling RT. then refill them at the nearest well or find chlorine tablets in order to purify dirty water. Hope this helps

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I'm just going to eat people, befriend strangers and randomly feed them people too.

This way we can all be friends together. Sickness be damned.

Edited by Flyingpapaya

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On 10/4/2019 at 11:03 AM, Flyingpapaya said:

I'm just going to eat people, befriend strangers and randomly feed them people too.

This way we can all be friends together. Sickness be damned.

You can also just get the cold (if its still in the game, I haven't had it myself for a while) so you start coughing.

It is _highly_ infectious and everyone you run into will get sick to and will have to find tetracycline and possible alcohol to disinfect their gear too! 😁

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I had no other recourse but to drink from a stream and got cholera.  Personally, I think that's bogus because IRL, if you drink from a running stream, especially where the water is running off of rocks, it SHOULD be safe to drink.  Anywhooo, I couldn't find any tetra, and the illness started to "stack".  At that point, you're pretty screwed.  I tried to drink from a well and started puking.  I tried to eat something......puked some more.  My water and food icon went IMMEDIATELY red, and my health started to plummet.  Let's just say that it was a good thing I had shells for my shotgun.

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