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so everyone complaining about features (not bugs) its supposed to be a realistic survival game disregarding the PVP as not necessarily what the game is about, I'm tired of hearing how night time is too dark, have you been out at night "YES" have you lived somewhere the streetlights are not on "emm no" all you complainers don't know what real night time is like.

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I think the night is just right as it is now. Barely see just enough to navigate by. I like travelling at night. 

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Generation zero did a pretty decent job with night time using the moon for illumination and getting pretty dark with cloud cover. Dayz has  a pretty realistic night time except they dont use moon illumination which would add alot of realism to nighttime. Yes most people havent been in true dark . No human light means it gets pretty dark especially in the forest with canopy coverage but there is light with the moon and when and if they add that in , it will definitely add to the immersion 

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Agree, I like it that way and I like that you can not just adjust your gamma to cheat it! If there is a day night cycle in the game, it is meant to be in the game. Use a headlamp, torch, or some to other method of light. I do it and survive. Run around Balota looting this morning for 30 minutes or so and I did not get killed. I was super paranoid though 😉

Some moon light would be nice though, at times when the skies are clear 😉

Is there still rain, fog, etc. in game?

Edited by ShallowTech

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