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That gun you really wanted? You found it? Well its gone!

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One day we lost 3x .50cal sniper rifles within like hour to bugs. One didn't fit in backpack, two others disappeared when server went under maintenance and we switched to another one (we had kept em already long before that).

So yeah, fix would be nice, even if this is still alpha.

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This bug happened to me twice! lost a double barrel then lost an AK47. Hope it gets patched soon, loving this game though it is epic.

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Had this happen with my backpack today. Oh well atleast I still have this! :beans:

Like I said, maybe you should learn how to play ArmA before you play a mod for it, it is how YOU are using the inventory that's causing it, I have never had this happen, because I know how the inventory works.

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If you're picking up a new shiny gun to put in your bag, make sure there are 10 spaces + however many mags free. I reccommend putting ALL of your mags for both weapons in your active inventory so you don't have to worry about that shit.

I keep 3 mags for each weapon in my inventory, with 3 medical supplies. When swapping weapons, I hit my backpack and hit the right arrow. Easily done, no worrying about having no space for the mags as they are all in my inventory. Nothing gets deleted, everyone is happy, everyone wins (except the guy I'm about to snipe).

It's a bug, but it REALLY isn't that hard to work around it.

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This happends to me all the time, god.

I know how it feels

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The inventory system is possibly the worst thing about the game as a whole (apart from "magically" loosing things, spawning in the empty wilderness and getting killed by doors and trees).


Nothing should ever disappear into thin air no matter what. The magazine that is inserted into a gun should not take up inventory space at all and the ammo for a specific type of weapon should not automatically get picked up or dropped with the gun.

Also the long guns should not take up space in your backpack at all because that is not even where they are, they are slung over your shoulder/back. Just have limit of max. 1-2 guns on your back and 1 in your hands (fully doable irl) and add a weight system where someone carrying more is slower and needs water/food more often.

Good luck stuffing a M107 .50 cal. in a 35 liter backpack.

The handling of the inventory is also basically game crippling. Why not introduce a simple drag and drop system?

Edited by Sgt.HL

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This has never happened to me. Mainly because I never put guns in my backpack unless I have room for it. If you put a primary weapon in your backpack with any amount of empty spaces below 10 it will disappear. Also if you carry two primary weapons, one out and one in the backpack, when you switch you must to it right. You must take the gun from your backpack out to your inventory not the other way around. Here is a video demonstrating just that:

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Kinda the same thing, but logging out of a server and into another often makes me lose gear/weapons. Lost my L85 and my camping tent that I had JUST gotten to replace the 3 others I had lost due to server restarts duplicating them....

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Please fix the fucking inventory system, mother of god. It´s annoying as hell.

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I lost both my L85 and AS50 today because of this...after sooo many many bugs occured in two weeks of playing,

I uninstalled this Pre-Alpha S**t and wait for a proper game not a time waster.

Edit: Although I appreciate devs working to make this game running flawlessly... i dont know how much hours of

working u need to get rid of these bugs..but u should do it quick, atleast the major ones.

Edited by fRantiC

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LOL... You guyz are really unbelievable. An alpha is just that, a game in the infant stage, an open alpha is one in which we are allowed (stress marks here <--------) to help in the process of bringing the game to adulthood. Feel blessed that you are actually able to be a part of the process (which usually goes on behind closed doors). Post known bugs and issues, and enjoy the game for what it is right now, today.... in the words of a wonderful hippy "BE HERE NOW"... enjoy an awesome survival FPS first of its kind game (that is FREE , yes you have to own arma 2 co)...

Till then hope to see you in my crosshairs, be safe, don't d/c (ruins the game for all of us, try growing some nutzzz instead after all it's just a game!!)

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remember kids, when you have a gun in your backpack you TAKE it out, do not PUT another one in. It is the bag that kills the gun, not the slot on your back.

So, when switching guns, always open your pack and move your gun from the bag TO your weapon slot. Do it the other way around and you will lose one of the guns.

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When i put a main gun in my bag he has immediately disappeared and that for everytime even if my bags are empty....so now i play with only one weapon ^^

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Lost SVD Camo and M107 to this kind of bugs. I run around with FN FAL and shit and have sniper in my bag I keep 11 slots in bag 1 extra to prevent that kind of shit but when I log in say next day it's lost and it happened on this most recent patch. I didin't get mad and shit coz its alpha (blablabla etc.) but it's kinda sad oh well i'll just find another one.

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Yeah I've picked up a hand gun to drop my old one + ammo to see the rifle next to it in the same room go "bye-bye". Gotta be careful sometimes, since I had no clue it'd drop all the ammo for the gun I'd dropped.

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I've lost guns to that, but today I just logged in without my L85 :( .

I got the latest patch through Six Launcher, logged in, and my L85 (which was equipped, not in the bag) was just gone. I still had the ammo for it, but the L85 had just vanished. I logged in on another server- still no gun. We had just found it at a heli crash site not even 2 days ago. We still had the other guns we found.

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I think I found a variation of this bug last night, it only cost me a MP5SD... :(

I had a M107 clip in my backpack, MP5SD equipped and an AS50 in the backpack. I keep all my ammo in the inventory so swapping weapons is easier (and less likely to lose anything due to space issues). Anyway, I move the M107 clip to my inventory (I had a free space), before I know it, the MP5SD and 5 clips get moved to my backpack. There wasn't enough room so it dumped the weapon into a black hole.

I wondered if you can only use one type of ammo for the AS50. I.E. only the AS50 clips OR the M107 but not both. I can't see any other explanation.

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It does puzzle me why something so integral to a game ( the inventory ) is so flawed. This would of been one of the first bugs in the game I would of fixed, regardless of if it is an Arma 2 bug or not. If an item doesn't fit in then don't allow it to go in or at least have it fall on the floor.

For those who keep saying, " learn how to use the inventory " you're clearly missing the point. I shouldn't have to learn how to use it, it should just work, eg store items I put in it like it's suppose to and not eat them like it isn't. In your argument if you're sat in a car and put your foot on the accelerator and the car flies 200 feet in the air you really think the solution to that is being told, learn now to drive properly?

I think next to cheating this is the single most annoying bug for most users.

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