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About Animistic

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  1. I got nearly identical system (i5 3570k, Geforce 560, 8gb ddr3 etc.) and DayZ runs fine. Seems to never go below 30 FPS (around 30 - 60 with vertical sync on, mostly around ~50), even if i turn on fraps recording (i do set core affinity to last 2 cores though as those get less usage). Running textures on Very High and same with AA and SMAA, resolution 1920x1080. Just remember to get 64bit OS so your RAM gets used to its max potential (32bit can only use 3gb). I turn off post processing though just because i don't like the blurry effects it cause. Also Terrain Detail i got at low, so i can spot ghillie snipers more easy. I think the main bottleneck with such system is HD speed anymore, SSD would help or putting your Arma 2 directly on your ram with ramdisk. But im satisfied enough on current performance so not gonna bother with such.
  2. Did you use serverhopping to get behind em like that perfectly?
  3. Animistic

    Camo / Ghillie safe to wear?

    I had ghillie suit. Made me spawn once on coast (rather than our camp up north with vehicles and tents). Besides that worked nice, helped me kill couple guys in firefight with gps+nvg+coyotebacpack+weaponofchoice dudes by down there in south after that suprise spawn. Melted in the surroundings too well for em to spot even though other had L85 Thermal. Ended up dying though when looting their corpses, guess they had friend nearby sniping cherno or elektro. (They hid my body so all gear gone. Respect and pvp sportmanship doesn't exist when its mostly just anonymous behaviour.)
  4. Animistic

    Make toilets more dangerous [VIDEO]

    Beans make my bowel move. Make the game respond to too much beans. ZOMBIE ASS.
  5. DayZ needs these japanese zombies in game.
  6. Teamspeak conversation is in finnish, but i put english subtitles for what goes on generally.
  7. Turn off Anti-Aliasing and Post Processing and make sure HDR is Normal. Turn terrain detail low. AF can be quite high. Shadows either disabled (most FPS boost) or High or Very High (GPU does the job then). Use SMAA instead of antialiasing. So try for example these: PPAA=<3>; PPAA_Level=<2>; Arma 2 is very CPU heavy game so having quadcore system with 3ghz+ really helps. It can also help if you set Arma2 priority to High from Task Manager, just press "Show all processes from all users".
  8. You could just try Arma 2 tutorials and throw as many grenades around as you want in safe enviroment where nothing is at stake. In Armory you can also practice with other weapons, like sniper rifles and such, how the aiming works and how to hit longer distance targets. Not to mention spawning bunch of vehicles in Chernarus map and trying em out, just use editor for that. There is also trick for unlocking all weapons in Arma 2 Armory, so you can try whatever you want.
  9. Decided to play around with some sounds through VON/VOIP that people can hear within 80m. Scare em, confuse em and finally unleash hell.
  10. Animistic

    DayZ Screenshots!

  11. Animistic

    Enfield or Winchester?

    Winchester for zeds, Enfield for players.
  12. Yesterday went to Cherno with .50cal sniper covering friend who was well geared weaponswise but needed still compass and Alice backpack. Saw player popping right near my friend at northern tall apartment buildings, was about to take the shot, when noticed no weapon, would have gone to rescue him from chasing zombies had he been closer but too far away from my sniping spot. After that 2 other survivors aproached, and the leading one had M16, so without further hesitation took the shot since it was obvious threat to us. We left the place soon after that, no point sticking around further than necessary while overgeared for place like Cherno. Anyways, shooting fresh spawns without any weaponry is cheap and lame in my opinion, id rather help em since they pose no risk while still unarmed.
  13. One day we lost 3x .50cal sniper rifles within like hour to bugs. One didn't fit in backpack, two others disappeared when server went under maintenance and we switched to another one (we had kept em already long before that). So yeah, fix would be nice, even if this is still alpha.
  14. Animistic

    Found a Bizon SD in a Barn?

    Not sure that is very relevant to this thread. But i run the game with Texture on High (should maybe try Very High) Anisotropic Filtering on High and AA disabled but SMAA manually turned on from config file and that also High and 1920x1080 resolution. Normally the game looks pretty enough. example 1 example 2 example 3 Anyways please post more weird finds on barns.
  15. Animistic

    Found a Bizon SD in a Barn?

    Had similar weird find from barn lastnight. M249 Saw there with 3 ammo boxes (600 ammo). Thought it was just something left by player, but maybe... just maybe they could spawn there too if Bizon also was found.