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Exit count down : how long

Exit timer  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. How long should the count down be

    • As it is now.
    • 1 minute
    • 5 minutes
    • Longer

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As the title reads, how long should the timer for exiting be. Through the exit option or force quitting the game and making said character stay on server for the time limit.


I forgot to add 3 minutes. So if want 3 just post

Edited by Flyingpapaya
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I would say a minute. I guess longer would be okay though as long as this doesn't happen on a server time out or game crash! I always generally log off for the night somewhere quiet and hidden but a five minute timer on a crash would be distressing. 

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For me its not so much about exit counter. Some of us got a life that demand quick exits from a game. 

If the kids need me or the wife yells about something i can't be sitting on my ass for 1-2 minutes because a game won't let me exit fast. 

It's more about the time entering another server, to get rid of hoppers. That should be 5 minutes. 

So i voted for 15 second. 

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I appreciate that and I hope people continue to add their opinions,  I'm hoping this won't go unnoticed.

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Mind you this is for everyone to share their opinions on the timer and why and that's it. Arguing won't solve anything so I hope to avoid that.

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