Nayte 503 Posted June 16, 2019 6 hours ago, Stagman70 said: I have one question, though.......what is the fastest way to "despawn" items? Sure, you can load up a backpack full of shit and run it out into the woods, but that's 4 hours of it sitting around before anything happens. I know that weapons would despawn if you were holding them then surrendered, but I don't know if that was ever if NOT, does that work for anything being held in your hands and surrendering? From what I’ve read putting duped gear into a backpack then shooting it up to destroy everything is the quickest way to de-spawn items. I couldn’t give you an exact time, maybe someone else would know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aux7 235 Posted June 16, 2019 6 hours ago, pilgrim* said: lucky mum Looks pretty SANE to me.. If I were doing it : - perhaps more live memory? - perhaps a second standard hard disk for storage capacity ? - then focus your SSD on the OS and running the live game files? But your setup is def correct as it stands. .. totally [ lol - I'm running DayZ on an Athlon 64 dual core 6400+, windows 7, Radeon RX 480, 8 GB memory - got 4 hard drives of games & videos & work - and an SSD to run live files. I have a quad core with better graphics right next to this but I can't be bothered to locate DayZ on that. It's fine as it stands. ] My mother doesnt need it .. . most of that spec is for me (Im paying by the way). . the most she does is look at facebook at the family and grandkids, etc or emails . .. . I could easily halve the cost for that usage . .. . I was running dayz on an i7 960, with a 780 ti .. . . . until a year ago. .. now I have two high level workstations to choose from with a 4k graphics monitor .. . 6 hours ago, pilgrim* said: Fixed configuration consoles will always have difficulty competing with design-as-you like medium-to-top PCs. - IF what you are REALLY LOOKING FOR is Performance. exactly, the consoles can/will (in my opinion) never match a pc. the new scarlett specs seem to be more dreaming than reality . .. . but we shall see .. . 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TahoeBeast 16 Posted June 19, 2019 On 6/12/2019 at 1:19 PM, HiroCheeseMuh1 said: So I read and commented in another posting by another member in response to the duping issue and what players do with the duped gear from players they have killed or from bases that they have raided. This raises the question; if you come into possession of duped gear either via killing a cheater or a base raid, does keeping said gear make you a hero or a part of the problem? I mean yeah you took a cheaters duped gear and I’m sure that can give you a sense of accomplishment but end of the day isn’t the REAL problem, that because of duping the loot economy is thrown off and therefore new loot does not spawn? So how does keeping the duped gear that you got from the cheaters help resolve the issue? The quick answer? IT DOESNT! So the question begs, if you are someone who believes duping is a serious problem in DayZ and is ruining the game, if you truly feel that way then why aren’t you taking that duped gear and despawning it? How are you less of a problem if all you have done is transfered ownership of said duped gear? What’s worse is if you then take that gear and kill a player who isn’t cheating. If you truly think duping is bad for the game. If you truly feel like the unfair advantage afforded to the cheaters is a problem then why are you now walking around with that duped M4, Ak, Lar, VSD, ghillie suit, Winchester, CR, seachest, tent, etc? If all you have done is taken the duped gear for your own use then you’re as much of a part of the problem as the duper’s are no matter how or which way you try to justify it to yourself. Things have been duped so much now that raiding a duped base and letting it despawn isnt going to help anyways... Its not even going to put a dent in it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duck Solo 13 Posted June 20, 2019 On 6/12/2019 at 6:36 PM, FearFokkol said: Lol, well the point of going after dupers is to despawn all the gear that they have duped, I would be in favor though of upgrading your own gear "on character" then despawning the other duped gear in the stash I previously posted where I was asking for opinions on giving away a couple rifles found in stashes to other players that have not had any of these LAR/M4/KAM/VSD etc... but have since decided to just despawn the lot as I dont know if the player I'm handing one of these items to is going to dupe it or not, there were a couple good comments but decided to just stick to the original plan and respawn the lot as usual. Currently it would be alot easier if the seachest's and tents could be ruined with all the gear stored and despawned as now none of the tents or seachests can be ruined, possibly something BI can look into? If you do find it, how do you despawn it? If I find any on my travels I want to make sure that I despawn it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HiroCheeseMuh1 68 Posted June 24, 2019 On 6/12/2019 at 11:47 PM, Tino81 said: There are so many stashes on each server looting a duper isn't going to make a blind bit of difference to anything. So if I kill a duper, destroy all of their stuff all they're going to do is run to a buried dry bag and re-stock themselves with the exact kit they have just lost and guess what, they will more than likely dupe again to replace the replacement loot. Whatever I find by playing the game legit I will keep because I've made the effort to travel the map and if I stumble upon a sea chest full of stuff I'll take what I need the same way I would do if duping was not an issue. I'm honestly not sure if you're trying to get a rise out of people by making stupid statements like this but personally I think you're talking bollocks! Do I really need to re-quote myself? You can try and justify it anyway you want but end of the day......well you already know my stance so no point in repeating myself. your logic and others essentially amounts to (in a whiny little kids voice) “but everyone else is doing it” Your perspective is bollocks my friend. Have a good day Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tino81 168 Posted June 24, 2019 1 hour ago, HiroCheeseMuh1 said: Do I really need to re-quote myself? You can try and justify it anyway you want but end of the day......well you already know my stance so no point in repeating myself. your logic and others essentially amounts to (in a whiny little kids voice) “but everyone else is doing it” Your perspective is bollocks my friend. Have a good day Tell you what then, go across the map and despawn all of the duped gear. Good luck with that because it'll be like trying to plait diarrhoea. I find it funny how you retort to labelling me as whiny kid for disagreeing with your bullsh*t logic but I stand by what I said about you talking bollocks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HiroCheeseMuh1 68 Posted June 27, 2019 On 6/24/2019 at 12:06 AM, Tino81 said: Tell you what then, go across the map and despawn all of the duped gear. Good luck with that because it'll be like trying to plait diarrhoea. I find it funny how you retort to labelling me as whiny kid for disagreeing with your bullsh*t logic but I stand by what I said about you talking bollocks. I actually wasn’t calling you per se a “whinny little kid” that was an obvious failed attempt at trying to be funny by painting a picture of what I imagine yours and others voices would sound like in a very exaggerated manner so cool your tits mate. As for my logic let me try and explain my perspective a little. Do I think me personally despawing duped gear is going to “fix” the problem? No I’m not that naive. However it would be contradictory for me to complain about all the duped gear when I don’t have it but the second I find it I attempt to justify keeping it which is what you and others are doing. You’re certainly not helping the problem by keeping the duped gear now are you? No! So if you’re not helping, what are you doing? BEING PART OF THE PROBLEM! Do you understand me now? Do you understand that you can’t bitch about dupers and how they have affected the loot economy if you decide to maintain and keep the gear which is whole fucking reason the loot economy is fucked in the first place? Yes dupers will continue to dupe I understand that, but you keeping that duped gear (for whatever reason you’re trying to justify it with) is just as bad. Dont like my opinion? That’s fine but don’t come on here pretending like you and others are helping simply because you raided a duper base or killed a suspected duper. The second you decide “hmmm this would be nice to add to my gear” all you’ve done is become the next owner of gear that SHOULDNT EVEN EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snake14180 13 Posted June 27, 2019 On 6/12/2019 at 10:16 PM, Xnosferatu89x said: Ok so according to you people who play legit arent allowed to keep gear theyve earned by killing dupers(except maybe one kit) and we cant loot the guns legitly because of the dupers. So when I die to a meatballer or 4 guys with plate carriers and LARs Im screwed. Were past the point of destroying gear and fixing the loot economy ourselves. We are screwed until the devs do something. I for one will keep my stashes of guns so I continue to fight these bastards and get what little enjoyment the coast has to offer until we get a wipe. I cant wait for a wipe but that fact is if they dont fix duping these same pricks are going to server hop the first week until they have every item and dupe them all over again. If it doesnt affect the loot tables the same and guns still spawned itd be one thing but in its current state not duping, meatballing or any of other scumbaggy stuff will have to be good enough. The problem is that you never know if you kill a real duper or a guy that tried to kill the a duper 😩 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites