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Arma 3 Contact; Assets for DayZ?

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On the 23th of May BI revealed the latest expansion for Arma 3, coming with an all new terrain which supposedly is located somewhere in Eastern-Europe. On the dev-branch of Arma 3 people can already check-out the new map and its assets. On streams I already noticed the similarity to  DayZ and the re-use of a lot of DayZ assets. So I became curious and dived into the map myself.

As mentioned earlier, the map used a lot of DayZ assets. However, I found some new or even re-worked assets, which I hope would make their way to DayZ. For example DayZ has some pretty ugly looking props here and there from the old Arma 2 age. One such prop is the garbage bin:

DayZ: https://imgshare.io/image/gbbin.w54P6

A3: https://imgshare.io/image/binnew.w5Buc

The difference in quality is pretty big as can be seen on both screenshots.

Another thing that I noticed fairly quick were the interiors of houses. The map has the same houses as DayZ with the same model quality, available rooms etc. The difference is in the lightning though. The houses used in the Arma 3 map are significantly darker than the bright DayZ interiors. The bright interiors were always killer for immersion and using the more darker interiors as seen in the Arma 3 map would definitely help. 

DayZ: https://imgshare.io/image/housedayz.w5zrZ

A3: https://imgshare.io/image/housea3.wC6i4

The last thing that I wanted to mention were the pretty ruined house assets that (I think) are freshly made. DayZ has a few locations that make use of ruined structures, but those ruined structures are mostly some walls being left over from an house. The ruined town of Kumyrna is an example: https://dayz.gamepedia.com/File:Kumyrna_8b.jpg

See the new A3 ruined houses in the link below:

A3: https://imgshare.io/image/hh.wC2x9

Kumyrna could especially make very good use of these new assets. But adding these destroyed houses to regular towns, would be nice for the sake of diversity.

The A3 map offers some other nice elements such as fields full of wheat and corn, something that could fit nicely in the agricultural areas of ChernarusPlus. Anyway, there is a video that goes around the map and also shows smaller props that have been added with this new expansion: 

DayZ currently still has quite some old models that could use some better textures such as the garbage bin and the house interior lightning definitely has to get darker. Will the DayZ devs use these, and more, new/re-worked assets/models for ChernarusPlus? @ImpulZ

Edited by amadieus

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This map not only uses a lot of Chernarus+ buildings but also vegetation, but it is completely irritating how much better it looks in Arma 3 compared to DayZ. Not only that, it also became clear very quickly how poorly optimized the DayZ buildings are performance wise compared to Arma 3 stuff. Even without furnitures and even with still a lot of horrible low rez textures on them.

There is also a Shotgun which I think is taken from dayz as well (not sure since I am not playing this game anymore).

However I am very happy to see both games sharing now more and more assets which will be very helpful for both modding communities 🙂 and I am also sure the Tractor and some of the CBRN stuff will make it into one of the next DayZ patches...


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Honestly....don't get me wrong but I feel it very strange  this is not disussed here a lot more ( does say a lot about the forums here though) 😞

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  On 5/26/2019 at 6:22 PM, Private Evans said:

Honestly....don't get me wrong but I feel it very strange  this is not disussed here a lot more ( does say a lot about the forums here though) 😞

Agreed. I wholeheartedly understand that complex survival mechanics, more stable servers and a whole bunch of things are more important. However, I think that world design/graphics are of great importance for immersion. Adam, the map designer of the DayZ dev-team, did an outstanding job so far. But I simply can't ignore the ugly low-res props/assets that are still there since the days of the mod. And I really do hope that we can still expect some nice additions to the world DayZ in terms of world design and graphics. To just sum up a few:

- More various props around the world. Now you find a lot of similar stuff everywhere (such as the same furniture in each house)
- More detailed props that replace the old ones (such as the garbage bin)
- Replace some old buildings/shacks (Especially those small sheds and farm buildings)
- Open up more rooms in larger houses (DayZ lacks indoor pvp. You got some buildings that offer that, but those are only in larger settlements. The two floor houses could open so much more indoor pvp in small towns as well)
- Indoor lightning must become darker during the day


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Oh I don't mean just discussing the bad things like low rez textures and stuff but also discussing all the exciting possibilities that DayZ sharing  assets with Arma 3 could potentially bring especially regarding the new Arma dlc. 

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  On 5/26/2019 at 12:48 PM, amadieus said:

DayZ: https://imgshare.io/image/housedayz.w5zrZ

A3: https://imgshare.io/image/housea3.wC6i4hat could fit nicely in the agricultural areas of ChernarusPlus. Anyway, there is a video that goes around the map and also shows smaller props that have been added with this new expansion:

There are couple things that do this. One thin is the eye simulation of brightness adjust. The interiors look like they light up a lot when you get inside.

Other thing is that Arma 3 has HBAO+ that's stronger Ambient Occlusion.


Those two things already have quite a big impact on how bright the interiors look. The interior brightness might not be an asset issue at all. But I agree, the Arma 3 interior lighting looks bit better.

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