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Col Matrix

private rented servers

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are private servers for xbox still being discussed that is really my ultimate goal i needs my own server full of friendlys i could deal with the bugs and glitches as long as i knew i could spend 2 weeks building something and not find someone smashed it up just for fun

Edited by Col Matrix
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Bohemia have only ever said it's something they would like to do in the future but also always state that they would have to either build an intergrated server control Into the game for server settings or a separate programme online to control hired servers, as well as deciding what options to give people hiring servers ie day/night cycle, CLE settings, spawns for items & players, admin controls etc. And also have to find a good third party server provider who specialises in good 1 to 1 server access & control at a decent enough price. They so far haven't made it sound like an of these things are currently In the works but they've got much better this year at not mentioning WIP until there almost ready to drop so it's hard to tell if it's being worked on or not tbh.

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On 5/19/2019 at 1:58 PM, Col Matrix said:

are private servers for xbox still being discussed that is really my ultimate goal i needs my own server full of friendlys i could deal with the bugs and glitches as long as i knew i could spend 2 weeks building something and not find someone smashed it up just for fun

The idea of private servers is a good one but unless they allow you to introduce AI missions or roaming AI (which I very much doubt) then a server full of friendly people would become very boring very quickly. You end up with a base building sim.....


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1 hour ago, ZXDMCFCWoody007 said:

The idea of private servers is a good one but unless they allow you to introduce AI missions or roaming AI (which I very much doubt) then a server full of friendly people would become very boring very quickly. You end up with a base building sim.....


It’s not just the idea of having a friendly community, but the endless RP potential private servers would offer.

Not to mention the possibility of mods coming to Xbox with private servers. Mods alone are arguably a major factor which kept pc players invested for so long.

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24 minutes ago, Nayte said:

It’s not just the idea of having a friendly community, but the endless RP potential private servers would offer.

Not to mention the possibility of mods coming to Xbox with private servers. Mods alone are arguably a major factor which kept pc players invested for so long.

I normally only play Modded on PC and haven't played standalone on it for a long long time.

Until Anaconda comes around I doubt we will see any modded Xbox versions. Which is a real shame because although I am a bit of a purist when it comes to DAYZ I do love some of the modded PC versions. 

Even within an RP private server I think you still need that element of banditry unless there are missions or roaming AI. Within a private server it could be done similar to the Hero/Bandit of the early Mods. Like I said I love the idea of locked and private servers I'm just not sure that the way in which the community has gone really toxic will help. Advertising the server and vetting properly will help I suppose. The problem you have is knowing if someone is playing out of character, I can't see the similar modded controls being put into Xbox (unfortunately).

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