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Col Matrix

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About Col Matrix

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Col Matrix

    missing servers

    as of this morning the server hasnt came back and it is no longer showing me and my friends the same servers if someone gets into a server you dont see and sends an invite it will just crash the game
  2. Col Matrix

    missing servers

    i went into a public server last night angry... im the guy who always dies because i try to say hello before i try to shoot.....so i post up and get me 24 hits i log out for a food break and the server has never came back to my list? im not normally a kos guy so does this happen often?
  3. Col Matrix

    private rented servers

    i was forced to move my stuff to another server again because they took it away if i had my own hopefully i wouldnt log on to a message saying move all of your stuff were taking the server offline for good, and this is the only game i play so server cost isnt really an issue
  4. Col Matrix

    private rented servers

    i had 3 samll tents and only 2 bags so i had to dump stuff on the ground while i moved the tent i guess i lost some to despawn then i was dashboarded between servers and lost the bag in my hand it was pointless should have just left it and moved on
  5. Col Matrix

    private rented servers

    is anyone else losing their stuff trying to move it all to another server?
  6. Col Matrix

    private rented servers

    are private servers for xbox still being discussed that is really my ultimate goal i needs my own server full of friendlys i could deal with the bugs and glitches as long as i knew i could spend 2 weeks building something and not find someone smashed it up just for fun
  7. Col Matrix

    Data Check Failed

    i used my game invite to change servers to meet up with friends and have been locked out for days ive emailed my character ID and nothing..... is there something else that needs to be done?