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Carry weapons around

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New player so at the moment i am hoarding everything i pick up, currently i have on my person a mosin an ak74 and an m4-a1 i really do not want to loose any of them for now so what are my options with regard to keeping them safe?

do i bury them, is that fool proof or am i likely to loose them with a bug or glitch?



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Rule #1 in DayZ: Don't get attached to your gear.

You could bury them yes, but a server crash could take the buried loot away -- there's no 100% guarantee that buried loot will remain atm.

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18 hours ago, chili1496 said:

 what are my options with regard to keeping them safe?

IMO throw the M1.. you cant carry 3 rifles  and have space for other stuff - Find a barrel and hide it in a good location before you collect gear - find a barrel or a tent first  - barrels are easier to hide.   (either way  take note of drgullen's comment) . throw away the M1 and get another later if you really want to.. collecting ammo is more useful than collecting guns.

BUT - new player.. a small thing to be careful of :

if you have 1 rifle on your back and 1 rifle in your hands - when you climb a ladder (up or down) you will auto put the rifle away.. and the other rifle that is already on your back will drop to the ground. It is very easy NOT to notice this happen -  for instance, when you are checking hunting stands - or just messing with equipment..  Anytime you put a rifle on your shoulder manually or automatically, and there is already a rifle on your shoulder, one will drop to the ground.. silent.. no warning.. it's EASY to walk away without noticing.

If you have a long gun in your hands and one on your shoulder and a gun in your pack, if you take out the gun in your pack - into you hands - the rifle you have already in hand will not go back into the pack, it will drop to the ground. - Easy to do. you have to check for this stuff.

a little thing but worth remembering ?

Edited by pilgrim*

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I'm very attached to my beautiful deadly weapons because I'm so good I never lost it against all odds. Truth is you have to be attached to your gear in order to use it.

Edited by Survivor1431

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