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NoXious (DayZ)

Zomb... uhm... Priest Invasion?

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Hey guys, me and a friend got freaked out today as we were wondering back to our camp and stumbled across 2 figures running at us wildly.

They were dressed as priests, and behaved very much like NPC's. We ended up shooting them because well, you attract a lot of attention with 2 black figures dangling behind you.

Suffice it to say, that was our biggest mistake yet. Lo and behold, >20

It this some feature we missed? There's not a single thread discussing it, and it's freaking us out. Is an admin playing tricks on us?

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There are priest zombies though i have never seen more than a couple at a time!

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Yep, priest zombies are in the game. They hang around the monastries. They look like Orthodox priests- black hats, big beards, long black robes.

You can see them in Novy Sobor, I think - it's east of Stary Sobor.

The pedant in me must point out that Stary Sobor means 'old cathedral'. Novy Sobor = new cathedral. Because there's a new ... ah go check it out.

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That's wierd - I meant zombie priests. JUst looked at the pics and those guys look surprisingly.... alive. No idea what's happening there. hax?

edit: Thinking about it - Yeah, def hacks. Nice try, arseholes.

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Those aren't zombies. He's crouched in the middle of them and they're not attacking, plus they have Civilian movement. Look at them in various states - no zombie sways, no hunched backs, nothing. That on top of the fact that none of them have zombie skins (look at the faces) indicates that this is probably...


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Saw a vid where there was a hack going on that spawned loads of old women civilians who were not infected. It also caused animals at the same time.

I hate to say hacks are going on when there is no evidence but something aint right whith that scene. If I find the you tube vid I will link it.

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Nice. No posts until you come on here with a bunch of pics of obviously hacked stuff. Enjoy your ban. You really are fucking clueless attention seekers, no?


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Found the vid of similar stuff happening. Although this poor sod seemed to have his character messed with as well for the duration. I have also read elsewhere that it's a side effect of someone on the server up to no good. Just what I heard. No idea if that's accurate or not.


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Definitly server getting hacked. With the priest we thought that it might be something real, like they will die for you and distract zombies, thats why we posted. But it just got silly.

Just logged off because if the hacker got bored he might drop a nuke.

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Nice. No posts until you come on here with a bunch of pics of obviously hacked stuff. Enjoy your ban. You really are fucking clueless attention seekers' date=' no?



Reported. False accusations and it's all based around what? A post count? Are you for real? This is how you conduct on this forum?

It happened TO US, but it seems the entire server was struck. We decided to hit town and we saw a lot of priests prone on the ground. I shrugged mine off, went and saw my mate log off and 'his' priests went prone.

Never heard of this hack, but it seems to be one I'll be adding to the list of known 'features' I'll get to encounter playing DayZ I fear...

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Yeah, It's a new Hacker ploy. There are several videos on Youtube about this already. The OP didn't hack it's someone else hacking in the NPCs and making random people their "Squad Leader". The last video I saw about this earlier today everyone on the server got 2 little old ladies following them around out of nowhere. This is Hackers messing with regular players to get their lulz. Don't be so quick to accuse people of hacking in the future Bottlerocket... it just makes you look like an ass.

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Perhaps you are a filthy bandit and they have come the hear your confession!

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if the dude hacked, what a champ yay (sarcasm) .. its an alpha and using exploits like this take away from his in game experience, the ability to use hacks will be dramatically decreased as time goes on.

as far as Burtraven and Bottle rocket and every one else who straight of the bat blamed OP.

look at the link i posted, it is for you


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Posting screenys of hacking without giving any data as to when and where is not a good idea.

I want to know which server and what time this took place.

PM sent.

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