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Freedomby Anarchy

Radio silence

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"What we've got here is failure to communicate.  Some men you just can't reach."

Does anyone bother with handheld radios? I've been carrying this thing around but it's never served any purpose but taking up room and a 9volt.

Another question about it, If I'm sneaking through a city with it on and someone starts squawking will the noise attract zombies or alert other players?  I seem to always forget about that til I'm sneaking by 4 zombies in front of mili checkpoint. Same feeling as forgetting if you shut the stove off. 

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Me and the team carry them aswell since party chat does not work with in-game chat (you can hear players but not talk to them) and they are great for long distance and if you run too far from eachother. Too close makes an echo though.

We have spoken through them around zombies without problems. It's other players that are our concern. Most of them time you run around and just chatting without thinking about hostile players hearing us.

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Yeh won't trigger infected but other players can hear it, tbh most of the time people who have heard me and friends using radios tend to pipe up and let themselves be known in a friendly way. Probably because they can hear were just f*cking around and having a laugh & that were friendly ourselves.

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how cool would it be if the party chat didn't work with the game and we actually had to use the walkie talkies to communicate with eachothers. hell I'd join a server like that

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