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Can we get a patch this week?

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I guess i play too much because i'm bored. Today i got killed by 2 zombies glitching in a railway wagon(after 2 hours of looting the entire svetlojarsk for a fucking tent *sidenote* the loot system is flawed). The next 3 hours i spawned, ran around doing silly stuff, got killed, respawned and continued with silly stuff. I don't feel there is any purpose to get attached to anything at this time.

I wish we had a base with a community, gardens to take care of, watch towers to put guards in, cars to drive loot in, tents and fireplaces. Think of the walking dead season 6 (Alexandria community). That's what i want.

Two things i have yet to try because of the bugs and issues. Building a base and fix a car.

I don't feel it's worth the hours only for it to bug, crash, dissapear, kill me or any other stupid thing.

So i hope we get a patch this week sorting those bugs out so that i can spend time trying to build walls and towers and fix a car over the holidays.

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Well, there's usually a patch every Wednesday, but we need to take in consideration that there are weeks where a patch doesn't happen.

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33 minutes ago, bent.toe said:


Two things i have yet to try because of the bugs and issues. Building a base and fix a car.

I don't feel it's worth the hours only for it to bug, crash, dissapear, or kill me

I feel like you're missing out on some essential aspects that dayz has to offer right now just due to fear of loosing progress. I'd stop reading all the negative posts about it and just try it out.  it's already pretty much guaranteed that there's going to be a wipe at least every month, so that shouldn't be an issue. 

I can tell you after spending the better part of 3-4 months walking from city to city, there are few things that are more exhilarating than driving from Berezino to Electro in just a few minutes!

That said, I'm with you on the base thing. Too much time, too little payoff. Tents are where it's at rn. But don't let other people's worst case scenarios deter you from hauling ass across Chenarus!


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To tell if a patch is coming, check the pc forum for new experimental branch updates. When they get an update, we get it the following week. So far they are 2 patches ahead so we will get a patch this week. Xbox is experimental.

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I just want them to fix the player crashing servers on purpose bug before i start building a stash. If they crash the server, the map gets wiped. Also im really looking foward to locked characters to a server like how it is on pc. Oh and night vision scope. That thing is badass. You can see so clearly at night with it. Theres some good footage of people getting kills with it. 

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Also we need more guns. Theres so many guns in the game files but not currently spawning. Its pretty much all of the guns that were in 0.62 the taken out of .63. On pc theres modded servers where these guns spawn in and they all work just fine. The hunting scope for bolt action rifles is a little weird though. 

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