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Dayz future weapons

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Does anyone have any weapons they would like to see put in? Or what weapons that you know are coming and are amped for?

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They've said the weapons list is finished ("Status Report - Week of 25 August 14") but you never know.

I've probably forgot something but here are some weapons that haven't been officially introduced but which were either shown in developer previews or found hidden in the game files:

Remington R12 ("M12")

PP-19 Bizon

Recurve bow

CZ 550 ("CR 550")



AUG variants

M249 Para

Steyr Scout

Pneu-Dart X-2

Taser X2

Makarov PB




OTs-14-4a-03 "Groza-4"

"Golden Eagle"

Edited by -Gews-
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Well RPG will come with vehicles.

Personally I'd like to see a heavy duty sniper with night vision/thermal scopes. The steyr may be the biggest we get but I'd like a military grade 50 call, that can have standard rounds and Armor piercing designed to take out vehicles. 2 different ammo boxes but same mag. Only load 1 at a time.

But any sniper is good, especially with a high power zoom scope.

Dont see the point of LMGs though it's hard enough using an M4 sometimes but 50-100 continuous fire? Idk sounds kinda lame. Spray and pray 

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  On 9/17/2018 at 5:45 AM, Bombarding said:

Dont see the point of LMGs though it's hard enough using an M4 sometimes but 50-100 continuous fire? Idk sounds kinda lame. Spray and pray 

LMGs and GPMGs in DayZ mod had far less recoil when prone than a rifle or carbine and the GPMGs would chew through ground or aerial vehicles. Much easier to hit running people as well. With the PKP in A2 Wasteland I even hit running player at 800+ m. Those weapons are most useful when you're lying down. I don't think they're so good for solo wandering or with lack of vehicles. However, you never know how they'll handle in standalone.

  On 9/17/2018 at 5:45 AM, Bombarding said:

Personally I'd like to see a heavy duty sniper with night vision/thermal scopes. The steyr may be the biggest we get but I'd like a military grade 50 call, that can have standard rounds and Armor piercing designed to take out vehicles. 2 different ammo boxes but same mag. Only load 1 at a time.

Night vision scope was in the files, although it wasn't for sniping. I doubt we'll see thermal. 




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  On 9/17/2018 at 6:39 AM, -Gews- said:

LMGs and GPMGs in DayZ mod had far less recoil when prone than a rifle or carbine and the GPMGs would chew through ground or aerial vehicles. Much easier to hit running people as well. With the PKP in A2 Wasteland I even hit running player at 800+ m. Those weapons are most useful when you're lying down. I don't think they're so good for solo wandering or with lack of vehicles. However, you never know how they'll handle in standalone.

Night vision scope was in the files, although it wasn't for sniping. I doubt we'll see thermal. 




I guess we will need to see it. I get the point of it. And I realize thermal sights could be OP, but is the only night vision tech the scope or will there be an actual set of goggles that replace a helmet

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  On 9/17/2018 at 2:37 PM, Bombarding said:

I guess we will need to see it. I get the point of it. And I realize thermal sights could be OP, but is the only night vision tech the scope or will there be an actual set of goggles that replace a helmet

Goggles were shown as well:


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M16/SCAR/M4 CARBINE/M14/AKS-74U/M249 SAW/M1911A1/9mm Bretta/M203 GREANDE LAUCHER ATTACHMENT/M67 Hand Grenade/SMOKE Grenades my personal favorites

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