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Community Servers - What to Expect from the Switch to 0.63 & Release of Server Files

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This forum topic is providing additional information for the Server Owners newsletter from September 11, 2018.
Without the context of the newsletter, you may be a bit confused about the contents - you've been warned :)


As we suggested in our newsletter, we're going to offer all Server Owners the option to switch to 0.63 servers. We actually provide two options - initially, you'll be able to use the standard hosting via Game Server Providers (GSPs), and later on, we'll add the option to host a server on your own with the release of DayZ Server Files. Let's go through the basics of what each option means and when they will be available. 

GSPs switch - what to expect

The switch to 0.63 servers is happening with the release of the Experimental Content Update today (September 11, 2018). Moving to a new version of the game means you will lose compatibility with the previous persistence file from version 0.62, as well as characters associated with that shard. 

The switch is a fresh start in many ways, but in case you, for some reason, want to roll back to 0.62, the option will still be there. GSPs and their support teams should be able to get you back to the previous state of things on your 0.62 servers.

Available functionality

In general, all the commands for server management that were available to you up until now are still there:

  • ability to use functional limitation on maxping is back
  • whitelisting, send message and ban are all in
  • dart and BEC are compatible just like in 0.62, with new tools to be made available later

Community hive is not available for now, but...

The ability to create the community hive (backend) and toolset will be released at a later date around BETA patch release. We have however structured server functionality in a way that it can scale:

  • you can turn persistence off and on locally
  • you can save/load characters from a local storage
  • that means that this local storage is the most important part of the server package to backup regularly

Once the community hive is released, you’ll be able to use a server configuration option to point it at a specific hive/installation and have multiple servers serving the same economy/characters on a larger scale. For those hosting with our providers, you’ll benefit from cross server persistence based on our hive. This is achieved in the same as before - by using the same ShardID on all your servers hosted.

When not using hive and relying on an offline database implementation on a server install, we offer the same on server functionality as when using the hive. All information centralized in a database and stored locally, keeping it accessible. Any economy changes can be done by modifying local files. 

Changes to logging

One of the very important topics for you when running servers has been logging. To understand what that means from our side I'll dive in on a bit more technical level. The idea is simple. The more we log, the higher the performance tax is on the server.

Currently, we offer two logs: an admin log, and a server log. They can be amplified to show all the possible entries by using -dologs start parameter on a server. However, this might cause some performance drops, depending on the I/O it's creating.

We tried to accommodate a lot of new entries and their detail, and a lot more things can be done. As far as reliability goes, this has increased significantly as these are tied to performance first and foremost. All calls are done from the script and I believe we can do anything together.

Server Files release - what to expect

We'll go through the Server Files release implications in detail in the next newsletter, but for now, it basically means two things for all Server Owners:

  1. hosting a server on your own terms with any providers, but also on your own hardware if you choose to do so
  2. ability to have custom settings, missions and even mods on community servers

Especially the customization option is very exciting, and while we're not fully ready to support modding with all the necessary tools, having server files released will already open a lot of new ways how to enjoy DayZ beyond the vanilla experience. 

We also don’t want to stop you from figuring things out. We will offer basic documentation to server installation and its configuration, including startup parameters on the day of the Server Files release.

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  • Beans 8

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Hype. I'll be hosting some custom servers soon. I hope to create a custom map as well. Thank you very much guys, I've been waiting for this day.

Edited by nostalgic_console

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Is there a way to view a Log File of the server?
The old system is not working

Edited by Sergey27930

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An important Question!

Linux Server Files or only Windows?

Edited by sbohm@unitybox.de
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I am Back and rdy to Host :D


Edited by sanzzes

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Maybe make a post regarding these threads that keep popping up:


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Yes, who needs windows when you can run dayz-sa server on linux :D

Edited by sanzzes
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So looks like Day experiential updated.

I updated my server but it's on .63.148820

and the client is on .63.14 - getting now will edit

Went to stable thinking that is what had to be done and thats on .62.147639

If you are using SteamCMD you can not use anonymous you must use a vaild steam login

Edited by Ballsinacan01

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be nice if the game acutally ran without so many bugs atm ! from the last update that screwed dayz im suprised its lasted this long as its still not working correctly like it used to i miss the good old dayz and im sure alot of people do im talking patches 60 and backwards.

when people herd the dayz files were being pushed alot of us thought what a big mistake but we managed then you said beta and alot of people are/still unhappy this has happend the game is just not ready yet. yes it playable but its no where near ready for beta still so many bugs things do, not work correctly, content still not added from the start of dayz, before you do anything else on dayz i think you should fix everything that dose not work correctly like the vehicles the offroads take to little damage they are terrible at control the dig in the ground when driving and they lose control so easy and this is in 1st gear,  base building you added its awfull and here is why

set up a build for a watch tower add all parts build  ground floor then we have to relog to build the next bit then relog again and again untill its built, there is no way to tell which way a wooden wall is placed and we have to build it to see this then if its wrong we have to break it down to rebuild and get it right not to mention we dont get our items refunded and its so easy to break a wall (7 seconds). also the codelocks down work no way to make a gate the base build should never of  being added its terrible!


what ever has been done to dayz in the past year which is hardly anything usefull is just a waste of time where are these 3 major patches to the stress test version of 63 well as i though it has not happened and you cannot call beta and 63 exp patches as the game state is still very poor


please fix dayz to bring it back to life at the moment its dieing and alot of people can see this the game started out great really great and its just downhill since.


pc players deserve more we have been your guninie pigs from the start and we have suffered the bad patches and more its time to change this next it will be dayz on ps4 just stop fix pc then work on console after like it was supposed to be in the start

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You Know For Beug Of Persistanse 

Commande Of Admins .GodeMod? Teleport ? why we can see if players use cheat. we dont have panel for that .

the names of Players are Survivors. we dont known who kill who.

you cant make messagesdeath for all to see who kill who in game ?

and dayz tools is very suck. a simple man who dont known how to use it and he have server cant use this dayz tools need a simple tools.

i hope you work for all this. and we wait your solutions as soon is possible. thx for your work but you must do more. good look for you.



Edited by Mostabdel

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Looking to set up a community shard server but can find very little details on how to do this. I presume community shard backend hasn't been implemented yet?

Or is this feature limited to only GSPs?

Edited by Tabbykatze

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