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My character are stuck in a 92 year old body

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Hungry and thirsty every 20 minutes.

Breathing like an astmatic after running 100 meters.

Can't jump over 60 centimeter fences.

Running too much and you go limp.

Loose stamina over time.

Can't take a hit.

Worthless at fighting with melee weapons.

Can't navigate.

Goes blind after a few strikes.

Get stuck everywhere.

..........maybe, just maybe you should have made it so you pick attributes instead. Because this is silly.

All that is missing now is you'r blatter getting full every 4 minutes and you need to stop to pee.

Edited by bent.toe
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You don’t lose stam over time, you loot more which increases the weight you are carrying; which in turn affects your stam

Edited by zPaniK

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This reminds me that one of the skins for your character is indeed a old man lol

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  On 8/31/2018 at 8:20 PM, zPaniK said:

You don’t lose stam over time, you loot more which increases the weight you are carrying; which in turn affects your stam

Not true..i been running around for 15 minutes trying to find a backpack. Sure my pockets were full and i carried a mosin. But no where near as fully loaded when carrying a back pack full of stuff.

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  On 8/31/2018 at 8:51 PM, bent.toe said:

Not true..i been running around for 15 minutes trying to find a backpack. Sure my pockets were full and i carried a mosin. But no where near as fully loaded when carrying a back pack full of stuff.

Uhmm... yeah. I know for a fact that if you carry more weight it lowers your overall stam. It is NOT a time related thing. 

If you look at an item it lists the weight of it. As you get heavier you move slower, have less stam, and eventually if you get heavy enough will be unable to jump. 

I was running around fully kitted with an Alice 110 backpack and it got to the point where I was moving hella slow and couldn’t jump at all. Dropping a few items fixed that.

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Ok, so be it.

If everything are so realistic.... how come thirst and hunger isen't?

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No clue, my dude is thirstier than a 15 year old kid at a school dance... it’s horrible. It honestly makes sprinting irrelevant, if you sprint you die. Needs to be fixed IMO

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You start thirsty and on the edge of hungry.

Do you watch Naked and Afraid? Ever see how those people start losing their capacity to do normal things in just a couple days when not properly fueled or hydrated?

Do you do any cardio exercise or have experience with endurance training?

An average person with no training cannot run far or bear much weight over distance.

Personally, if really start to get hungry even for a few hours I lose much of my capacity to perform well mentally and physically.

I have "bonked" a couple of times during long distance bike rides because I did not eat enough.

You can go from all cylinders firing to severely weakened much quicker than you think.

Also, some of what you've posted are work in progress/placeholder versions of those mechanics.

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everything you stated will be fixed on the pc version by modders, as for xbox, your at the mercy of terrible design choices

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