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A first look at DayZ Modding

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I'm curious how soon you will be allowing the importation of user made files. I was curious after hearing the early wording that the devs had used regarding modding, as it led me to believe that all mods would have to be approved by you guys in order for them to be able to be shared and downloaded by the masses(or whatever amount of players decide to come back). So if I wanted to add a new melee weapon, say, a floppy dildo on a bat and call it "the dick beater" would this be allowed?? or would we be censored? (yes I'm being serious)

also, is the Modding only coming to PC due to there not being a steam workshop on Xbox's platform? or is there anyway that console players could download assets to join a modded server?
what about Lightly modded servers that utilize only mission edits, and in game files only?
will there be any cross platform servers at all, be it, PS4 & Xbox, or PC & Xbox or PS4? or any combo of them?

thanks in advance for any replies.

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  On 8/30/2018 at 7:54 AM, Tre420gaming DayZ said:

I'm curious how soon you will be allowing the importation of user made files. I was curious after hearing the early wording that the devs had used regarding modding, as it led me to believe that all mods would have to be approved by you guys in order for them to be able to be shared and downloaded by the masses(or whatever amount of players decide to come back). So if I wanted to add a new melee weapon, say, a floppy dildo on a bat and call it "the dick beater" would this be allowed?? or would we be censored? (yes I'm being serious)

also, is the Modding only coming to PC due to there not being a steam workshop on Xbox's platform? or is there anyway that console players could download assets to join a modded server?
what about Lightly modded servers that utilize only mission edits, and in game files only?
will there be any cross platform servers at all, be it, PS4 & Xbox, or PC & Xbox or PS4? or any combo of them?

thanks in advance for any replies.

The game is 18+. That sort of thing would be allowed though ridiculous in its nature. (this isn't scum)

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I hope the AI gets to be solid, interesting and modifiable. I hope a common enemy will motivate players to team up in order to get to the high level rewards like a repaired tank, helicopter, artillery, powerplant, refinery. Things to clear out the land of zombies and form a Chernarus new government?

Actual AI army squads, like special forces guarding high value places would be really cool to rob/ assault.

Civilian gangs may rule parts of cities.

Is there is enough modding space to build such AI?

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Here some answers:

  On 8/30/2018 at 7:54 AM, Tre420gaming DayZ said:

I'm curious how soon you will be allowing the importation of user made files. I was curious after hearing the early wording that the devs had used regarding modding, as it led me to believe that all mods would have to be approved by you guys in order for them to be able to be shared and downloaded by the masses(or whatever amount of players decide to come back). So if I wanted to add a new melee weapon, say, a floppy dildo on a bat and call it "the dick beater" would this be allowed?? or would we be censored? (yes I'm being serious)

  On 8/30/2018 at 3:51 PM, DannyDog said:

The game is 18+. That sort of thing would be allowed though ridiculous in its nature. (this isn't scum)

It's very likely that the workshop will be set as Ready-To-Use (no curation), meaning all published items are ready for immediate use within DayZ. However, the workshop items might get removed, later, e.g. if offensive, illegal etc.

As for the examples themselves, yes and no. The 18+ rating is provisional and may change before the release, in addition, a rating comes with content descriptors which may not allow this since mods should follow the ratings of the game.

  On 8/30/2018 at 7:54 AM, Tre420gaming DayZ said:

also, is the Modding only coming to PC due to there not being a steam workshop on Xbox's platform? or is there anyway that console players could download assets to join a modded server?

We've decided to focus our efforts strictly toward modding on PC, and we're currently not considering modding support on consoles. Clients don't have the capability to download assets from the server.

  On 8/30/2018 at 7:54 AM, Tre420gaming DayZ said:

will there be any cross platform servers at all, be it, PS4 & Xbox, or PC & Xbox or PS4? or any combo of them?

While it's technically possible, this isn't planned at the moment.

  On 8/30/2018 at 4:10 PM, Troll_Hunter said:

I hope the AI gets to be solid, interesting and modifiable. I hope a common enemy will motivate players to team up in order to get to the high level rewards like a repaired tank, helicopter, artillery, powerplant, refinery. Things to clear out the land of zombies and form a Chernarus new government?

Actual AI army squads, like special forces guarding high value places would be really cool to rob/ assault.

Civilian gangs may rule parts of cities.

Is there is enough modding space to build such AI?

I have answered some questions around custom AIs (previous messages), take a look and let me know if you have more questions.

  • Beans 1

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The only 2 relevant post about AI I see are: "The AI implementation has been totally overhauled and, in short, it isn't possible to properly spawn complex AI like with Arma 2/3, at the moment." and 'no headless clients possible'. Only the 'at the moment' gives me hope for the future, but then I like to know when in the future? at 1.0 after 1.0 or is it simply not planned yet?

I think the game actually needs a challenging thread to the players. I think an interesting AI that is able to surprise players, and even has some variety and personality in their attacks and behaviour could enrich the player's experience a lot.

A little illustration:

"He there, how are you? - barely affected, I just survived that town over that hill. - What happened? - Well I was happily sneaking around checking out some shed when a sniffer smelled my clean ass and started shouting, it was not long before the crowd came in from all sides, even the cannibal leader with his shotgun! - what happened next? - I found myself in this house, barricading the door, patching my wounds and catching breath, figuring out my options quickly because the door was not going to last much longer. - What did you do? - I put my radio on a loud volume, turned of the squelch and threw it out of the window, this attracted the crowd for just long enough and thus I could escape the crowd. However I like to go back with you and kill them off because I think there is some cool loot at the police station. With your distraction I can get to it and then we split the rewards? I do need some ammo, and a police vest would be very handy too, let's go!"

After fixing the controller issue, the rendering engine, is having an interesting and challenging AI to much to ask?

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the problem with the AI is that they have not a realistic movement nor a good combat behavior in Arma 3. specially AI groups behave a little strange. i dont think that there should be such AIs in dayz vanilla. Maybe only in some modifications where those AIs will be deleted after the mission which spawned the AI at missionstart.

I know there are some good AI mods for A3, but when i play exile for example, i dont really feel the immersion through the AI.

the AI thing needs to  be overhauled completly for such reason.

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I have a massive terrain I build not long ago for ARMA -  will there be tools out soon for us to start working on getting new terrain put into Dayz  ?

And if so any idea of the sort of changes we will need would it just be the configs / repacking or is there a lot more to it ?

Many thanks

  • Beans 1

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  On 10/26/2018 at 2:00 PM, 1para{god-father} said:

I have a massive terrain I build not long ago for ARMA -  will there be tools out soon for us to start working on getting new terrain put into Dayz  ?

And if so any idea of the sort of changes we will need would it just be the configs / repacking or is there a lot more to it ?

Many thanks

Yes, the terrain making tools are coming soon. In fact, some of the community members already started working on DayZ terrains as the process and tools are nearly identical to the one in Arma 2/3. So not much has to be done in order to get your map working in DayZ. Once you change the config a bit, you should be able to repack it and get it working in-game. Besides the obvious work of re-linking the Arma models to use ones in DayZ, there are some things you will need to do in case your map is using custom buildings, surface textures, vegetation and so on (ladder, door implementation is different, specular on detailed surface textures, wind shader on grass, trees,..).

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Many thanks for the update, can not wait to get my hands on the tools and start working on the conversion :)

If any community members already out there who have started working on DayZ terrain please drop PM me as would love to chat with you about the whole process etc... :)




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Do you think with this modding tool people will be able to make a more casual game mode e.g. exile/Overpoch a more sandbox pvp game mode?


(Editied) Do you believe they will also be able to make modded weapons such as Weapon packs for arma 3 for example CUP and NIA arms

Edited by Cypher_Equinox Xiision.com

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There is no ETA on the full documentation, it's a big topic which needs to be carefully approached. The first bits should be available in approximately 2 weeks.

  • Beans 1

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  On 11/8/2018 at 12:59 PM, Tom_48_97 said:

There is no ETA on the full documentation, it's a big topic which needs to be carefully approached. The first bits should be available in approximately 2 weeks.

I fully understand Tom, I'm not encouraging it to be rushed. Just merely excited to dig into Enfusion for the first time.

From extracting some PBOs and looking at scripts, it seems like you can override fairly low-level (in context of the game) functionality - which is absolutely amazing if I'm reading it right.

  • Beans 1

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  On 11/8/2018 at 12:59 PM, Tom_48_97 said:

There is no ETA on the full documentation, it's a big topic which needs to be carefully approached. The first bits should be available in approximately 2 weeks.

So, seeing as it has been exactly 8 weeks, could we please get any sort of update? Anything would be welcome at this point.

Edited by squeenie

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  On 8/15/2018 at 1:25 PM, Tom_48_97 said:


Hello, I'm Julien, Senior Producer at Bohemia Interactive, taking care of the modding component of DayZ.

A fair number of you have been asking about DayZ Modding, and the more adventurous even found Buldozer (sub-program of the game) or played around with the community-made offline mode. And as the BETA is closing in and we haven't shared anything for a while, we feel like it's finally time to share some information.

At the moment, modding is projected to be a PC exclusive feature, integrated via the Steam Workshop. It will work in a pretty similar way to how it does with Arma 3. As for when modding will be available: We aim for a partial AppValley release together with the BETA. However, this is not set in stone.


From the technological point of view, at its core, DayZ is a hybrid between the Real Virtuality (RV) and Enfusion Engine - those who played and modded Arma 3 will recognize most of the tools which have been adjusted and optimized to support DayZ. Assets are still being made via Object and Terrain Builder; the packing process remains mostly unchanged, and sharing of creations will go through the loop Publisher / Game Launcher. We're also planning to add Workbench to the Tools package. This is a powerful all-in-one tool developed to handle modifications related to the new Enfusion engine game core such as scripting, particles editing, UI editing, and others. In addition to these, the tools will contain a few more DayZ specifics like NavMesh Generator and the editor for the Central Economy.


More information is coming, and we can't wait to unleash the tools into your hands and see how far you can push your imagination!

Wow this is great... Really I'm loving it...<3

Edited by sherylbrock7

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Setting up the Project Drive

1. Launch DayZ Tools from Steam, selecting "Play DayZ Tools"

2. In the menubar, click Settings.

3. Adjust the path to the Project Drive by unchecking Default and then choosing a path that has a minimum of 20gb free space on the drive.

4. In the dropdown for Drive Letter, select one. ...

5. Click apply.






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2. Why would I want to mod my game?

Mods can add new features, fix bugs, change gameplay, and even create entirely new games! You might have heard about mods before, but not know what they were or how to use them. That's okay! We'll start off with a basic overview of modding and then go over some of the basics of DayZ modding.

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