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So, hey, It's been a while...

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A bit over five years ago, I signed off the forums and DayZ to welcome my twins to the world. A lot has happened since then, but I'm finally back in a position where I can get some DayZing in! 


But so much and changed—it's a bit overwhelming. Is there a good place to dig in and start? The standalone wasn't even out when I dropped off! Are medics still a thing? Can zombies run indoors now? Are people still using forums?


Thanks for the kindness,

-DR. Carebear, M.D.

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Wowe so you haven't played standalone yet?



Are medics still a thing? Can zombies run indoors now? Are people still using forums?



not quite as much but still

Edited by DannyDog

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On the crest of Beta, good time to come back tbh. I've been lurking and watching for while just never say much, nice to see another face I used to see on the regular.

People are still on the forums, just the typical dreg is coming up of how long it's taking to make it this far in game dev cycle, with those defending it etc having a mental breakdown and flame wars. zombies can run in doors and will eventually kick doors in and still get to you while barricaded.

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Nice! It's good to see that things on the forum are still the same as when I left ;)


I'll have to watch a few YouTube videos to familiarize myself with the new controls, etc. It sounds like it's a pretty different game now. 

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  On 10/17/2017 at 1:45 PM, Survivor-Kyle said:

I'll have to watch a few YouTube videos to familiarize myself with the new controls, etc. It sounds like it's a pretty different game now. 

Just in time for everything to change all over!

The devs were showing off a WIP build of 0.63 during this year's Gamescom and letting people play it at their booth.

If you want to see the Gamescom footage/interviews, I made this when it was happening:

Or you can just watch the summary with higher quality video:

Also congrats on the twins.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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Glad to  see another Mod player making their way back. I too had a couple kids from the time I started here. (One is 2 the other 5 months). Check out some of the player ran servers in the server part of forums. Not as KoS as public servers, but still happens so keep your wits about ya, and welcome back.

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