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Dave Hornsby

Dayz INS server/shogun un just ban

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I was recently banned from not only the INS server but many others and tagged as a cheater because I hurt the admins feelings by calling him out on things he has been doing that are not fair to other players. Because I did this I was deemed a cheater....... I have no idea of how to cheat nor would I. I did enjoy the game before the admin politics and catering to certain players came into affect. Now I cant join any server at all. I paid money for this game through steam and if I am not allowed to play it I want a refund! I didnt sign up for a crooked admin labeling players cheaters that have no knowledge of even how to. Shogun of the INS server is the only cheat around and a word of warning to all on his servers, dont call him on his b.s. because you will be the only one suffering after so just bend over and take it!!! Should this not be corrected I will delete every bohemia game I ever "bought" and never purchase another ever again!

Edited by Dave Hornsby

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So you're deleting all your games due to an admin of of private servers? Doesn't seem logical but whatever floats your boat I guess.

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Shogun has falsely accused me of cheating and had me banned from many servers. this is on Bohemia to correct and have justified or they will be losing a large and loyal customer. It is a battle eye wide ban. Bohemia owns the game therefore I hold them accountable to either correct this or refund the $60+ spent on the game that I can not play

Edited by Dave Hornsby

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A server admin can ban you from any server to which he has access to.

What a server admin cannot do is BattlEye ban you.  That would indeed be unjust, but it doesn't happen that way.


  On 7/17/2017 at 2:46 PM, Dave Hornsby said:

Now I cant join any server at all.


  On 7/17/2017 at 3:06 PM, Dave Hornsby said:

It is a battle eye wide ban.

Whatever got you BattlEye banned has nothing to do with that admin and everything to do with your own computer.  

You'll not have any luck getting a refund especially with a BattlEye ban.

I suggest to take your argument to BattlEye.    https://www.battleye.com/support/

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exactly what @GaryWalnutssaid. Admins can only issue server bans. Why don't you post a screenshot of your ban/kick and lets see.....

You also didn't offer ANY information about what got you banned, just some vague accusations.

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