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Get Rid Of Obvious Looping Audio

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I think the new audio is much improved from where it was in the first 3 years of Day Z's development. Overall, the new audio sounds great, but there is still one persistent problem that really needs to be put to rest. One thing I could not stand about the old alpha builds is that they would play the same looping audio track that would repeat every 6 minutes or so, and about every six minutes a random, arbitrary, chain link fence sound would play, regardless of whether you were in an open field or in the tallest building. It made the game seem cheap. It completely removed me from the experience. I think the new sound is much more immersive, but there is still a very identifiable looping foot step like sound that plays every so many minutes that is very distracting. In the past there was one single sound that ruined the entire loop, and now there is still one single sound that ruins the entire loop. Please remove these unnecessary and immersion killing sounds and never put them back. Sounds that stand out too much are bad in an audio loop that repeats too quickly. Ideally, I'd like to see the loops dumped entirely and have truly dynamic sound. One can hope. 

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Can you specify what this footstep sound is? Ive heard many people talk about it but i have yet to notice it. For reference what were your surroundings? Was it day or night and were you standing in an open field, forest or town?

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I could see their justification for such a sound being that it is intended to be wildlife, but as in real life it could be misinterpreted as human footsteps, thus ratcheting up the tension.

Personally, I find it cheap and obnoxious, so I agree with you.


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Yes, that fucking footstep noise. I'm not sure what exactly it is or what it's supposed to be, but it sounds like a couple of footsteps and it always wigs me out. I hope they remove it.

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