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I just had to learn it the hard way

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After days of hard work we finally were geared up as a group of 3. We have raiding towns down with a sniper on the hills and two going in. We bumped into 2 people raiding Berezino. We seemed to have better gear and they shouted 'friendly friendly' from the moment we bumped into them. We were nice enough to kill the zombies getting in behind them with the silenced MP5. However after we turned our backs they killed us immidiatly. It's too bad I had to learn the lesson of Shoot on Sight the hard way. Back on our feet again and starting our way up north.

I want to wish the guys on Dallas 1 good luck with our shit, because it was quite some shit. The game is great and we learned a good lesson. Next time we see anyone we won't be nice. See you guys ingame.

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Yea that is what everyone is currently thinking and thats what is making a tdm fest out there. I don't blame you. First person I saw that said friendly I blew his fuckin legs off and watched him get eaten by zombies. Then I put the guy out of his misery by shooting my double barrow into his head.

Its a fish eat fish world. If your not the fish that is eating, your the fish that is going to be eaten

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Shoot or be shot until they patch this tdm madness, unfortunately. Bandit skins/heartbeats won't do much considering, how are they supposed to identify soon-to-be-murderers? (aka fresh characters).

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Hopefully there is some solution to the murders around the corner soon. I am avoiding contact with everyone unless I know the person.

Being unarmed and getting shot, or just getting shot for no reason isn't cool. I refuse to take part in it and I won't become one of 'those people'.

The only time I will kill another player is if they either shoot at me first and miss, or I witness them murder someone else. In those cases I will take great pleasure in ending their miserable life.

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Its a part of circle of life buddy i'm glad you play on dallas 1 its a great server

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Recent person I ran into screamed friendly, he was holed up in a house. He was telling me he was looking for food and didn't want any trouble, I respected that. I dropped a can of baked beans outside and told him I left a can of food out here I was gonna keep moving not to worry I wasn't interested in killing him.

I ran a good five minutes away turned back and watched him come out and eat the food I left him through my binoculars, not a sniper like most players would have done.

I felt pretty damn good about myself.

Pretty much how I been trying to keep it going, whenever me or friends run into a group of people or a lone wolf at close enough range I say friendly, don't want any trouble and try to move on. I never let them out of my sights until I know I'm safe though.

Its a dog eat dog world, even if YOU aint looking for trouble doesn't mean some people just love to start it.

Friendly is just a word now, it has no meaning anymore. You gotta be more specific as quick as you can, not turn your back to them and find the best cover from their point of view possible.

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People can find friends out there or arrange to work together outside the game, before going into it. Having different bands of survivors is fine and murdering other people during the times of an apocalyptic world while there is a lack of food/supplies is reasonable. Seriously.

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so why didnt your sniper in the hills take them out? sounds like you need someone who knows how to snipe. also never turn your back to someone.

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Yeah, i lost patience with other people when i was first murdered. Since then everyone i don't know is shoot on sight. It's not a case of me thinking it's CoD or some shit, it's a case of "you people are assholes, i'm not a walking loot bag, fuck you all". Why risk it, when it's easier to just shoot people. The difference is i didn't server hop to find a CZ and sit around waiting for people to kill for giggles, i'm just out there trying to enjoy the experience, and the only way it will be ruined by another player is if they kill me before i kill them.

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I admit to being as guilty as most others for shooting on sight nowadays. I have been player killed to many times trying to make new friends, and have had to reside to asking friends to play DayZ.

Also, to the spawned survivor on US201 at the gas station north of Solnichniy, sorry that I shot you, I didn't want to risk having you drive off with my car :(.

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I admit to being as guilty as most others for shooting on sight nowadays. I have been player killed to many times trying to make new friends' date=' and have had to reside to asking friends to play DayZ.

Also, to the spawned survivor on US201 at the gas station north of Solnichniy, sorry that I shot you, I didn't want to risk having you drive off with my car :(.


Prettymuch - as much as i hate being that way, it's a byproduct of the permadeath in the games design. I'd prefer to let people be and just try to survive, but as of recently i see no reason to hesitate before pulling the trigger. I put a pair of barrels into the back of someones head in a shed on the coastline yesterday. I didn't hesitate for a moment. Doubt they would have either. There was a shed with four bodies in it there, one of them still alive, but unconscious. I finished him off and cleaned up the loot from all four. If someone wants to try and tell me a good reason to do otherwise, they are welcome. But i doubt you'll have one.

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I ran into a guy with a hatchet today and he screamed help me help. I couldn't just shot him since he had a hatchet. Maybe I should have. I did yell to him immidiatly, turn around and run away. I have my gun at you. He asked for help again and I said: "Turn away now and start running or I will shoot you." He left and I didn't feel guilty for shooting him. I logged to a different server though. Allthough I feel good about not killing him I was disapointed with myself I didn't.

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I ran into a guy with a hatchet today and he screamed help me help. I couldn't just shot him since he had a hatchet. Maybe I should have. I did yell to him immidiatly' date=' turn around and run away. I have my gun at you. He asked for help again and I said: "Turn away now and start running or I will shoot you." He left and I didn't feel guilty for shooting him. I logged to a different server though. Allthough I feel good about not killing him I was disapointed with myself I didn't.


Dissapointed? Being at range with an axe is basically unarmed... until he approaches close enough. If someone is up close with an axe unannounced, they're getting a round through the face. At range though, i'm content to leave him be - he's not going to be a threat without some serious effort.

That said, last night i had a run in at a shed.. guy armed, me unarmed.. spot him, he spots me, back around the corner to break LoS, he asks friendly, i say i'm unarmed and fresh spawned, only have a torch (mostly true, had just picked up an empty crossbow and some shotgun ammo, but no bolts) We talk for a bit, and while talking i steal his spare shotgun and ammo... and i didn't kill him. Since he didn't kill me. (On that note if you're reading this, sorry man, but i love shotguns.)

So i'm not entirely evil.

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I use to be super chill and helping all human players. But sure enough after me and a friend saved 8/9 players, one of them turned on us.

Many more times like that, now I am alot more protective, I will shoot anyone I see now unless they answer my "FRIENDLY" chat that I say when I see people. Sometimes I will see people and just hide though and let them on there way.

But if you are right behind me creeping behind me with a gun out and I dont know you (and you didnt type or say anything) then I will shoot.

A few times I have felt bad with some of the kills, but its just the way it is to survive atm. It had gotta a bit mroe common to get shot now and after all the crazy stuff ive experienced I am nto as nice as I once was to random humans (:

Anyways, I think this is how this would be in real life if something like this happens. Some people would want to help others, and some would want to hurt others.

Love the game (:

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When I get the game I will play like this: if I see a person I will try to sneak up behind them and say "don't turn around and don't move or I will shoot you" in the voice chat. If they do either of those, they are dead. If they don't, I will tell them to remain facing the way they are facing, and ask if they need anything. If they do, and I have extra, I will gladly drop it behind them. I will tell them to walk backwards until you see the item I just dropped. Once they pick it up, I will say "now walk straight and don't look back. If you do, I shoot." Once they are a good distance away, I will run away.

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There is zero incentive to let someone live. It's pretty simple.


Thats the point, no incentive and part of the experiment is to see if this just deteriorates into shoot on sight non stop.

I letpeople live all the time if theres no risk to myself and I dont need to be rewarded to do it.

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When I get the game I will play like this: if I see a person I will try to sneak up behind them and say "don't turn around and don't move or I will shoot you" in the voice chat. If they do either of those' date=' they are dead. If they don't, I will tell them to remain facing the way they are facing, and ask if they need anything. If they do, and I have extra, I will gladly drop it behind them. I will tell them to walk backwards until you see the item I just dropped. Once they pick it up, I will say "now walk straight and don't look back. If you do, I shoot." Once they are a good distance away, I will run away.


Thats a nice idea and I commend you for wanting to try it. However in the game, very few people do communicate & cooperate and in the end you'll spare your words and just shoot them because that's how it would have ended any way. You'll meet lots of shooter kiddies that will just shoot anything that moves as soon as they have something they can shoot with. Even if you are trying to help them with their bleeding and broken bones, they'll shoot. Because they feel empowered by the pea shooter they just found.

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There is zero incentive to let someone live. It's pretty simple.

Not so .... teaming up in this game makes it better, and you get a real feeling of victory when you do it with strangers and it works out.

Some of my best and most memorable moments in game have come from doing this.

Don't get attached to your stuff, is what I say. Everybody dies in DayZ, and we're all getting wiped one day anyway.

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When I get the game I will play like this: if I see a person I will try to sneak up behind them and say "don't turn around and don't move or I will shoot you" in the voice chat. If they do either of those' date=' they are dead. If they don't, I will tell them to remain facing the way they are facing, and ask if they need anything. If they do, and I have extra, I will gladly drop it behind them. I will tell them to walk backwards until you see the item I just dropped. Once they pick it up, I will say "now walk straight and don't look back. If you do, I shoot." Once they are a good distance away, I will run away.


Thats a nice idea and I commend you for wanting to try it. However in the game, very few people do communicate & cooperate and in the end you'll spare your words and just shoot them because that's how it would have ended any way. You'll meet lots of shooter kiddies that will just shoot anything that moves as soon as they have something they can shoot with. Even if you are trying to help them with their bleeding and broken bones, they'll shoot. Because they feel empowered by the pea shooter they just found.

Well if they don't comminucate back or cooperate then they are dead. They only have themselves to blame. I could care less if I become a bandit by trying to survive this way. It seems like the easiest way to try and help people without getting screwed over in the end. I want to help people and not be a bandit, but if I become a bandit trying to survive this way, then so be it.

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No one takes chances in the north, if they arn't part of your group. Shoot em.

You will live much longer.

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Here's a summary of my experience today:

Survivin' it up with a mate, walking along (no we're not in cherno or elektro or by an airfield, we're inland) and while running near (but not on) a road, someone shoots at both of us. My friend gets KO'd with a broken leg, i get clipped, sprint through some bushes and across the road - loop around the bushes the shots came from, find the guy and give him a slug enema. He dies, i bandage myself up. we loot his shit, patch ourselves up and move on - one of us was below the random KO level, so we were hunting animals with the matches so generously provided by the asshole who shot at us.

Another guy runs up with a zombie, shouting friendly. I shoot the zombie and he runs behind a bush shouting not to shoot him.. i lose a visual on him, so i don't shoot him and we move out quickly so he doesn't shoot at us.

A minute later, i see him heading towards us/following us. He asks us to use a blood pack on him. I call him over, with us both looking at him... Transfused his head with my shotgun, took the blood pack, patched up my friend. His tears of rage on side chat were hilarious.

Moved on to a town, hearing gunshots - we see a guy run into a barn, circle it.. i see him on the stairs, so i put a shot into his back. He didn't even know we were there, probably thinks the Zombie did it. We loot all his shit (guy was LOADED, had an Alice Pack too).

We move out from there, and are being sniped from the hillside nearby by two people (different gunshot sounds, same direction, similar times) Take some damage but slip away.

That's basically how this game plays. Of the people i've met i don't know in real life, only 2 of them haven't tried to kill me on sight because they wanted something. I shot one of them because he had something we needed. The other ones never saw me, but were armed and i'm not taking that chance.

Put in whatever morality system you want. Short of killing people for killing too many other people, nothing about this will change. Ever.

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