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Suggestion: The infected should spawn lying down...

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...been playing a lot more with .60 and occasionally you'll see a zombie or two pop in to existence with the new dynamic spawning. Bit of a buzz kill for the hardcore immersion neckbeards that we are.

I think this would be mitigated by having them spawn in their prone state, and then stand up. That way it's more likely they will obscured by terrain / grass etc.

Consider it them awaking from some sort of dormant state.

With the addition of this, DayZ will be complete. :-)

I originally suggested this in /r/dayz and it wasn't hated! 


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I can imagine with the update on forest density it'l be harder to notice the "pop in to existence" but also what if they spawn in bushes/trees/houses and have them wander out?


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Yes, maybe they could start off curled up in a fetal position. I would also like some spawning inside building as that presents a different challenge when looting.

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I think this is a good idea, if they were able to spawn in and then stand. Spawning in crouched, laying down, or in buildings would be cool too. Additionally, if some could stay laying or "dormant" until agro, it might make for some interesting survival situations. For instance, if you go running into a town, and unknowingly step into some zombies on the ground that get up behind you or around you.

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