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DayZ Map (offline)

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Hey guys and gals,

a Minute ago I finished "snipp tooling" the Map of Dayz. In current State the Map from http://www.dayztv.com/standalone/dayz-chernarus-plus-map / is the most current Map Version out there.
My Reasons for doing this is to have an offline option and on the other hand having not to use the Firefox Explorer. Firefox is the only Internet Explorer that can currently open the Map from dayztv´s Website correctly (at least for me).

However I would like to share the Map with my fellow Survivors d:)

Dropboxlink to .png  https://www.dropbox.com/s/3usox3n4xdf3j79/Dayz offline Map 0.62.png?dl=0

OneDrivelink to OnlineMap .png https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ah_BmDMQati0zhTUsQ3fKgYrFKBf

The Credit goes to the following:  Dayz Chernarus Plus UI: Based on DayzDB.com & Improved by DayzTV.com. Updated on 30/05/2017 - 0.62 #2


Stay save out there

greetings Josh

Edited by Joshua_
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Sorry man, but you aren't really a "fellow survivor" using internet maps. You wouldn't need, and lose the challenge, to find a ingame map + compass in the first place. Orientation is an important part of survival. Using internet maps and any "best loot runs" don't make any sense in the survival focused DayZ. Just my opinion though.

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  On 12/20/2016 at 9:08 AM, gambla said:

Sorry man, but you aren't really a "fellow survivor" using internet maps. You wouldn't need, and lose the challenge, to find a ingame map + compass in the first place. Orientation is an important part of survival. Using internet maps and any "best loot runs" don't make any sense in the survival focused DayZ. Just my opinion though.

Not only the in-game map doesn't work right now and in general is hardly legible crap without even town names (the devs should spare a minute to make map notes permanent), but also learning Chernarus on your own must be pain in the ass for everyone with a functional relationship, school or career. I recommend starting with online maps to all who value their time and just want to enjoy dayz like it was, dunno, a video game or something. ;)

So, good job, OP!

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I wasn't aware that the ingame map doesn't work at the moment. And I agree that a map without town names is odd. However you didn't get the point that "learning Chernarus" is part of the game / survival. What is the point of Survival, to spawn in and already know where the next well, pond or town is ? Then why don't we spawn with a map and gps in the first place ?

If learning the map is already a "pain in the ass" for you and not worth your time, then I doubt you'll have any fun with other survival aspects as well. And saying "enjoying DayZ like it was", with 0.61 stable out, food is furtunately rare again, DayZ is NOT like it was anymore, and this awesome. This is what made me return to play after a year.

If players like to have it easy, using online maps, high-loot servers and what not, then they can play as they want, but then please don't come crying in the forums about being bored, nothing left to do in the game.


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I do not think that he is crying or complaining in a annoying way. Please be aware that each person has a different playstyle and I´m not forcing someone to use the map i published.

I do understand the survival aspect you describe. However it doese´nt mean that using a online map would completely destroy the survival Dimension of the game. In the End you would still to have to find out if the place you think you are at is the place you are actually at. And the compass is still helpfull in locating the point of interest or your current position.

And if I was to survive in a real World I would prepare myself by actually studying a map in advance...   d:D


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dropping a new update on the offline map soon.

So I´ll shall match the offline map to the current dayz version 0.62.
Credits: Dayz Chernarus Plus UI: Based on DayzDB.com & Improved by DayzTV.com. Updated on 30/05/2017 - 0.62 #2


new link will be available in first post of this thread!

Edited by Joshua_

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Hey Guys,

small update for convenience.
Now your able to reach the map through your browser via Steam.

I rescaled the Map thus you´re able to open the map in Steam Browser (Size approximately 33 Mb 5000x5000).

For full resolution please click on "View Original" and wait until the map is loaded. 
(If you see a black screen... just resize the window)

link will be available in first post of this thread!

Edited by Joshua_
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Nothing wrong with this, as modding is coming in. You will always get people upset. Once our modding forums are available i am sure other maps, links offsets will be used. Thanks Joshua for starting us up.


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  On 12/21/2016 at 9:11 AM, gambla said:

If players like to have it easy, using online maps, high-loot servers and what not, then they can play as they want, but then please don't come crying in the forums about being bored, nothing left to do in the game.

First of all you can only learn the map once and eventually you will. Lowering the learning curve for new players by having internet maps is great.

Once you learn the map, you don't need internet maps. It has nothing to do with high loot servers or anything of that sort.

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