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Chest compersion, defibrillator and reviving.

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While playing on exp. branch over the weekend I noticed that when a player goes down, unconscious or dying, that there is an option to do CPR. This seems like a really great feature. I was thinking that it would be cool that if someone dies/flat lines that when brought back with CPR or defibrillator, that the negative status effects would go away. For instance if someone was dying from sickness or infection, if you bring them back it would either delay the health/blood drain slightly or remove the effect but leave them very weak with low blood and health. Then they would need to get food, water, antibiotics, etc. to fully recover. I was wondering what others thought about this.

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To the best of my knowledge, they're working to increase and improve upon the medical system of DayZ :) 

However, I know that CPR is really just meant as a slower version of using a EP Pen or Morphine on an unconscious player. 

The Defib doesn't work right now either, but I'm curious how they'll place it into the game in a good role. 

I think there ought to be a way of cauterizing bleeding wounds shut too, for the cost of 100 Health or something. 

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Defibrillators do work in that they return a player's pulse to normal if it becomes irregular, but irregular pulses don't have any negative effects yet so there's no practical use for defibs.

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