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Foliage and FPS in DayZ

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Hello there survivors!

So I've been playing a lot of DayZ as per usual, but ever since the .60 stable update to the current .61 experimental, I've had quite a lot of FPS problems when using scopes. The frame-rate when running around is amazing, don't get me wrong, It's a major improvement of the former legacy rendering tech. But when I aim into lots of foliage with a scope, I get very low frame-rate. I thought it was related to my PC not being powerful enough, but when thinking about it it doesn't really make sense I run with 70-150 FPS without using scopes/binocs etc., and as soon as I aim into to trees my FPS drops by 2/3's. This occurs when using scopes, but I can feel it even without using scopes in areas up around Tisy where there's a lot of the orange "birch" broad leaf trees. I have a theory that the new forests, grass, roads etc. coming in .62 has both something to do with the visual fidelity of Chernarus (obviously), but also the "optimization" of those trees and the way they're being rendered? I could easily be wrong,but I think the current issue is related to the way the renderer interprets the trees and how it loads the textures over distances (LODs). I was kinda hoping someone could enlighten me on this "issue" as It seems like it's a very common issue, but not spoken/written of much. I've posted my issue on the feedback tracker but I'm not really getting any response or anything, so I'm assuming the devs haven't gotten around to checking it out yet, or maybe a similar report has already been made. I'm posting this now (fairly late) because I'm super stoked about the .62 visual overhaul, but if there's going to be lots more trees and foliage without my problem being "fixed" (if it's game related and not client related), I'm very worried that the game will be near unplayable for me.


- TikTac'tical 


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I noticed that happens in almost every game to me too, I don't know why and I can't even explain. For example, the first one that came in my mind is Arma 3. It always drops FPS when I enter scope vision.

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Rendering leafs and grass can be a real pain in the ass. You can't let every leaf be an individual mesh, rendering leafs as individual meshes will be simply too expensive. Normally a combination of multiple planes (a single square of mesh) will be used to simulate leaf area on trees. From here you must factor in that every mesh needs to have degrees of transparency, so there is that calculation. Most likely you also need to factor in actor world view, aka from what angle you are looking at the tree and compensate for that, there is that calculation. Now, 60 frames per second means that those calculations needs to be done 60 times in 1 second, all of them, repeated 60 times in 1 second by your graphic card.

Why do you have the bush problem? Dunno, might be because of legacy shader code being in conflict with the way new renderer handles things.

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@Zing Freelancer Yeah, I get that, but I don't really understand how the performance is that bad, even changing my graphical settings to low, I still have horrible FPS when using scopes. The only thing that can "improve" my FPS is lowering my resolution, It's the only thing affecting my FPS in scopes significantly. I dont really know what you're talking about the "bush problem"? 

EDIT: And I'm running a GTX Titan, and i7 4770k so it's not like I'm running DayZ on a toaster. It has always been a bit of a problem with most Bohemia games for me, hopefully the new engine has a remedy.. 

Edited by TikTactical

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What I can say about the problem is that it only gets high fps drops when zooming in but not the whole time.

-->on my rig (GTX760OC, i7 3770K,SSD,1600RAM32GB)

It seems the cpu/gpu is processing to much polygon data and stocks a bit when u zoom in but this are only a few hundred milisec. this problem can be discovered by many shooter games.

the foliage is loaded simultanously, so it only has some time delay but doesnt affect fps much.

U got SSD?


Edited by Funkdoc

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My specs of my PC is Nvidia GTX Titan 6GB GDDR5, Intel Core i7 4770k overclocked to 4.2 ghz (watercooled), 16 gb of HyperX Beast RAM, 500 gb samsung 850 pro SSD. The problem you're describing is not my issue. My issue is low frame-rate no matter how long I stay zoomed in for, and the especially bad ones are orange broad leaf "birch" trees. Even running the game on the lowest possible settings, I have the same effect where as on the problem you're talking about, lowering the texture detail and texture filtering will sort out the issue. This is NOT, my issue though.

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On 11/27/2016 at 2:16 PM, Just Caused said:

I noticed that happens in almost every game to me too, I don't know why and I can't even explain. For example, the first one that came in my mind is Arma 3. It always drops FPS when I enter scope vision.

When that happens, try checking your settings. I dont mean a standard to ultra settings, check to see if your machine needs to be "really" fine tuned with Vsync, AA, and understand each feature. I know much of this is not always explained to the gamer but times have changed. We now need to know everything for our high end towers. A simple CPU, video card tweak doesn't cut it. If you want a seamless experience in a Sandbox environment you need to adjust everything.

When you scope out, it can have tons to do with the mods, or items and the coding involved. It may come up with an RPT error your not seeing. Convex not working, etc...

Ill try and find an error from arma 3 i see a server - scripter - modder

 8:04:32 Strange convex component01 in cup\weapons\cup_weapons_west_attachments\leupoldvx3\cup_leupoldxv3.p3d:geometry
 8:04:32 Strange convex component01 in cup\weapons\cup_weapons_west_attachments\leupoldvx3\cup_leupoldxv3.p3d:geometryFire

This can have all kinds of strange FPS drops.

then we have these errors, that we dont know if when looking at them through the scope and what to expect to see.

 8:04:30 Error: Bone slot_backwpnl doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton

These are just examples of hidden rpt reports that are done by the server, that the user does not see. It can be many things, and each and everyone will have different issues.

Arma 3 has issues right now with poor performances, and dayz is not any where near to beta so each item may not be completely fixed.

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17 minutes ago, TikTactical said:

My specs of my PC is Nvidia GTX Titan 6GB GDDR5, Intel Core i7 4770k overclocked to 4.2 ghz (watercooled), 16 gb of HyperX Beast RAM, 500 gb samsung 850 pro SSD. The problem you're describing is not my issue. My issue is low frame-rate no matter how long I stay zoomed in for, and the especially bad ones are orange broad leaf "birch" trees. Even running the game on the lowest possible settings, I have the same effect where as on the problem you're talking about, lowering the texture detail and texture filtering will sort out the issue. This is NOT, my issue though.

Good system, have you checked all of the settings or do you just leave them to ultra? and not adjust Vsync or AA or any other settings.

You would have to tweak everything. I haven't tried to go into .61 but willing to give it a stab today. Ill test all the video and come out with a decent scenario for you.

Mine is a 850 pro x2 mirror, i7 4770k, gtx 780ti SC 3gb, 16gb it is rather close to each others system. Your card is the newer titan correct?

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I'm not sure which generation of the card it is exactly.. But our systems are very similar, I have tried everything. This specific type of problem I'm having happened in .60 (and .61), or at least I feel it a lot now. It may have happened before .60 because of the low frame-rate already, but I doubt as I did have decent FPS in the wooded areas and that's where the main issue is now, or well it doesn't need to be forest areas, just as soon as there's a few birch trees. And my settings are specifically set, and even - as I've said about 23 times now - changing ANY graphical settings other than the screen resolution affects the FPS, perhaps there's a little gain when turning AA off completely. My FPS outside scope is ofc. impacted by graphical changes, but in the scope, near none.. 


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I've played DayZ since the mod and SA since launch I have 2500 hours in the game, and I know quite a bit about the different "weird" issues that it could have in terms of graphical settings, so I would expect that my problem isn't an easy task, but as I have stated before, I could've missed something potentially.

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17 minutes ago, sneakydude said:

Good system, have you checked all of the settings or do you just leave them to ultra? and not adjust Vsync or AA or any other settings.

You would have to tweak everything. I haven't tried to go into .61 but willing to give it a stab today. Ill test all the video and come out with a decent scenario for you.

Mine is a 850 pro x2 mirror, i7 4770k, gtx 780ti SC 3gb, 16gb it is rather close to each others system. Your card is the newer titan correct?

 Here's a video showing my issue, this is after deleting my .cfg file and all that good stuff, just put some medium settings in there and this is the FPS i get when using the scope, as I said changing graphical settings doesn't affect the FPS by much in the scope, changing my resolution to 1920x1080 gives me about 25% higher frame-rate or so (I don't have a video of this sorry).. My FPS in this video is not my average FPS (as It has set fairly weird settings because I've reset and just put some random stuff on) my normal FPS lays between 65-150 or so. Except for when aiming, like shown.. then my FPS is trash.

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1 hour ago, TikTactical said:

 Here's a video showing my issue, this is after deleting my .cfg file and all that good stuff, just put some medium settings in there and this is the FPS i get when using the scope, as I said changing graphical settings doesn't affect the FPS by much in the scope, changing my resolution to 1920x1080 gives me about 25% higher frame-rate or so (I don't have a video of this sorry).. My FPS in this video is not my average FPS (as It has set fairly weird settings because I've reset and just put some random stuff on) my normal FPS lays between 65-150 or so. Except for when aiming, like shown.. then my FPS is trash.

AA off, shadows off, reso is very high. Keep it here like mine 1920x1080

Vsync off........

I was so smooth getting into experimental i just about fell off my chair


yes your processing too much, ill find a scope and test my settings then post it for you.


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Try this



Until i find a scope, and weapon, try my settings. Not saying its perfect but like you said 68-150fps and i have never seen dayz so smooth. My first login btw

Edited by sneakydude

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1 hour ago, sneakydude said:


It cannot be it though dude as I have said turning my settings to low doesn't help me, what is it that people don't understand? I've said it a billion times, I have tried going to the lowest possible settings and to the highest, same result when using the scope. And also I shouldn't really run my game at 1920x1080 when I use a 1440p monitor. CHANING MY SETTINGS DOES NOT WORK, PLEASE

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14 minutes ago, TikTactical said:

It cannot be it though dude as I have said turning my settings to low doesn't help me, what is it that people don't understand? I've said it a billion times, I have tried going to the lowest possible settings and to the highest, same result when using the scope. And also I shouldn't really run my game at 1920x1080 when I use a 1440p monitor. CHANING MY SETTINGS DOES NOT WORK, PLEASE

NO i totally agree with you, i am just saying give my settings a try with vsync, and AA. Motion blurs etc.. until we get it optimized.

I am just going to test it for you, to see if i can come up with the same problem. If only i could meet up and test your FPS drops. You and a few others experience this.

What scope is that long ranged? so i know to pick it up on the b95 right?

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2 hours ago, sneakydude said:




47 minutes ago, sneakydude said:

NO i totally agree with you, i am just saying give my settings a try with vsync, and AA. Motion blurs etc.. until we get it optimized.

I am just going to test it for you, to see if i can come up with the same problem. If only i could meet up and test your FPS drops. You and a few others experience this.

What scope is that long ranged? so i know to pick it up on the b95 right?

Yes the hunting scope on the blaze is just fine, also binocs, PSO-1 etc. Basically all "fullscreen scopes" seems to have the issue, the further the zoom the worse.

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9 minutes ago, TikTactical said:


Yes the hunting scope on the blaze is just fine, also binocs, PSO-1 etc. Basically all "fullscreen scopes" seems to have the issue, the further the zoom the worse.

almost impossible to deal with these forums, login errors geez.

I am still looking for scopes, it could be possible those scopes have not been fixed to the new engine, and its trying to render too much. Ill keep looking and see what i can come up with. I run in a window, so it may show different then full screen mode. Ill do both to test it.

I do notice there is a huge freeze from 90fps to 8fps then goes back to 90fps. I doubt that is the towns unloading items or big tents. I think that too is also in still.

So none of the bugs we really posted on prior have been basically fixed. Some did with the updates but not many as for mechanics etc.

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27 minutes ago, sneakydude said:

almost impossible to deal with these forums, login errors geez.

I am still looking for scopes, it could be possible those scopes have not been fixed to the new engine, and its trying to render too much. Ill keep looking and see what i can come up with. I run in a window, so it may show different then full screen mode. Ill do both to test it.

I do notice there is a huge freeze from 90fps to 8fps then goes back to 90fps. I doubt that is the towns unloading items or big tents. I think that too is also in still.

So none of the bugs we really posted on prior have been basically fixed. Some did with the updates but not many as for mechanics etc.

I think that issue you're having there will be fixed if you delete your .60 .cfg file (documents folder) It did for me anyway, as I had a similar problem when I installed .61

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