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von Winter

Persistance - suggestions for items

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I am very much in favour of persistence in the game, be it bases, vehicles and tents. However, one thing that comes to mind, are the gasoline cans (Jerry Cans), they really should be persistant. Not only would it be beneficial for actuall game play, they also look really cool. I would love to be able to put a few around my barrels.
When we are talking about containers, I have been thinking of ammo crates (not the small we have now) but larger ones. Weapon crates, what ever crates really. The use could be extended for base building, lets say that you could stack them, fill them with sand or to create walls (just like I hope that you will be able to do with barrels).

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I havent really bothered with vehicles or jerry cans at all but i think the j cans being persistent is a really good idea especially considering you can use them for water also 

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I support all this. Have been thinking about it recently myself cause my fireplace keeps vanishing and he dam jerry cans are too large for conventional storage.

Let's think of other things which ought to be persistent (like tents) but aren't:

  • Fireplaces (reinforced with stone only, so regular fireplaces cannot be spammed)
  • Gas Cans
  • Tires (when placed by a player, like barrels)
  • packed tents (when dropped by a player)
  • ??????

Can't think of other right now but I will probably make a bug report about fireplaces and maybe gas cans too!

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I think only fireplaces make of stones should be persistent, and maybe fireplaces with tripod, fireplaces were persistent before but I think they removed persistence on fireplaces because of server performance.

Gas cans shouldn't take so much space, I think it should take much less space rather than make it persistent.

A pallet would be nice for storing tires, it should persist for some time so you have enough time for fixing a car. maybe with the ability to cover the pallet and wheels with a plastic.

Now barrels are very rare to find because everyone is using it for storage as are the easiest to hide, in the other hand you will find tents everywhere I guess because are very hard to hide, being able to cover your tent with leaves and branches is a must imo because that's the first thing a survivor would do after pinching his tent in the wilderness.

I really like this :) I hope it comes soon:




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