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Suggestions for tents and storage

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Hi, here are some suggestions regarding tents and storage:

Tents have a very limited storage capacity. For example in a blue tent you can only store 60 slots (like twice a backpack capacity). This is really low storage capacity in my opinion, in games like Rust, H1z1, life is feudal, etc you can store all you want there's no need of deleting most of your stuff because the storage is very limited.

I believe players only stores a few weapons and ammo because of that, I would like to be able to store things like clothes, utils, wheels, gas canisters, etc. For example gas canisters and wheels are impossible to store, you would need a lot of tents just for storing it, it makes no sense.

In the case of storing wheels it would be nice to be able to put a pallet on the floor and store the wheels there. You can remember where you saw a wheel in a garage for example, when you go back there the wheel probably will be not there because the loot cycling replaced that wheel with something else. So the only place I think you can store wheels is in the car that you are trying to fix, and that place is not where you want to store the wheels for obvious reasons, you probably would do the opposite, taking all the wheels the car has and hide it in some place until you get all the wheels that you need, but right now you can't do that.

I think tents and barrels need to have their storage capacity increased x4 at least. In a real barrel you would be able to store 5 to 10 weapons easily, or like two ot three times the contents of a big backpack, if not more.

Right now you can't cover the actual tents with leaves (that's the first thing somebody would do after placing a tent without walls), I believe there are some new tents coming http://www.dayztv.com/pic/dayz-0-60-improvised-tent-3d-model-preview/ but I'm afraid those tents seems to hold even less items.

I also think the player should be able to check the timer of the tents and barrel and the longer the tent is owned by someone the longer it will take to be deleted. I think right now the tent will be deleted after 8 days, that is a really low despawn timer for a tent/barrel.

The upcoming basebuilding with walls is very cool but the old Dayz hidden tents / lonewolf style is also very good and I hope it doesn't disappear.

I think the trees needs to be randomized again, hiding a tent is really hard mainly because of the distribution of trees/bushes; letting the chance of the trees being more close to each other thus creating more hidden spots for the tents; making more low bushes and letting those bushed be more close to each other would help also. Most of the trees are standing exactly like the mod, that means the places for hiding tents are well known because that places are the same as in Dayz mod. 


The main point I'm trying to make is let us store whatever we find like the other survival games, letting us to store so little make's the game more annoying than enjoyable, I don't really care if the loot is twice the scarce but let us keep what we find.


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I don't agree with your low storage points for the tents.  The car tents are much larger and can store much more including wheels.  I like the idea of limited capacity because it keeps you searching longer for stuff to maintain and you won't store useless items.  Wheels were persistent to a degree in .59 if I recall correctly and did not need to store them in tents.  


I do agree with the despawn rate being too low for barrels and tents.  I am sure they will modify this before beta, so I am not really worried about it.  I also like the idea of being able to see the timer on the tents/barrels so that we know when they will despawn.  They might not necessarily need to show a countdown, but maybe have the items show physical traits that could portray a timer.  The dev team has lots of ideas that I am excited for, so I am sure they won't overlook most of these concerns.

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1 hour ago, schwaBAM said:

I don't agree with your low storage points for the tents.  The car tents are much larger and can store much more including wheels.  I like the idea of limited capacity because it keeps you searching longer for stuff to maintain and you won't store useless items.  Wheels were persistent to a degree in .59 if I recall correctly and did not need to store them in tents.  

What's the point of avoiding players storing their stuff? should we be able to store just a few weapons and ammo? because right now is the way it is, I don't get it. 

Performance is not an issue because the items are inside a container (tent), having to dump most of your stuff is silly in my opinion. It is worse for performance having lots of tents for storing things that would fit in one tent.

Car tents are absurdly big for a camp without walls and doesn't allow to store that much, even the blue tent is too big if you are planning on hiding it. What's the point of trying to hide your tent if you need 10 tents for storing your stuff?

 In real life If you don't have space in your tent you would put wheels and other big stuff outside the tent under a plastic, a hole, a pallet or whatever. In a tent like the blue one you could easy store 5 to 10 backpacks anyway.

I think is better being harder to obtain loot than each time you need something start searching again because you dumped it before, one player can be well equipped or obtain any object he wants in less than an hour; the game it's supposed to be a survival game not spawn, loot, kill, die repeat game...  I really would like to spend days looking for hard to find stuff and being able to store it after I find it, even on the coast it's easy to gear up and find any tool you need in a single play session. 


Edited by Wili
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Hi there,

I agree with you Wili,

You should be able to store 20 to 30 weapons in a single barrel, so the storage capacity of all the container in game aren't realistic, that's a fact, I hope they will increase this in the future but I have a doubt.

Wow, 8 days for a barrel and a tent ? Are you sure ?

If I remember correctly, in 0.59, it was 40 days !

DevZ didn't say anything on this (?)

8 Days, you've got to play everyday if you want to maintain multiple camps... it's impossible. (going to lost barrels :()



EDIT: of course DevZ talked about it, don't know how I missed it... on the last status report:


About a week ago we had the 0.60 version going live on Stable branch and we are of course happy to see that players are helping us out by reporting loads of bugs on the Feedback Tracker! In that regard, we can see that there might be a bit of confusion as to how the persistence (refreshing lifetime) works for containers at the moment. Basically, in order to renew the lifetime of a container left on the ground, this can be a barrel, a tent, a backpack, or even a piece of clothing, you will have to manipulate the inventory of that particular container. This can be done by moving items around inside the container or placing a new object inside the container for example. It is not enough to just pick up the container and moving it to a different location.

I like this new system, but 8 days is a little bit short for a barrel and a tent to me.

Edited by idie

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Although I agree the storage capacity of barrels and tents are not realistic I kinda like you have to prioritize your cache and make constant choices about what to store or throw away eq what is important and what is expandable. In the end as it is you can store an entire loadout like outfit, weapons and some miscellaneous stuff in a barrel. I think only pvp players really want more storage so they can store multiple loadouts to get back into playing pvp again quickly after dying.

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Some sort of more realistic storage would be most welcome. And I agree, the barrels and tents really need to have larger capacity.
The same goes for vehicles. I mean, the lorry... especially with a flatbed, it really should be able to hold unlimited with crap.

One thing that we have been discussing, is if it would be possible to bar up a house, make it a base, then you should be able to store almost as much as you want. I mean, even a small apartment could hold more than we can ever forage in game :)

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I think for example is hard to get a pistol working, for example I have in my tent 4 pistol and 1 pistol mag that doesn't fit in any of my pistols, that's all right if I have space for storing it because some day I'll find a mag for those pistols, that doesn't mean I would end having an arsenal ready for war, if that's the case I think loot should be cut (less ammo, weapons, mags) instead of cutting the quantity of objects we can store.

I played lots of "survival" and mmo games, in that games it takes time to get things working, you go outside your home and start looting, gathering etc, then come back to your home and put it all together to get something working.

In some games it takes a few days to get something working, in others could take even months, because you need hard to get materials, skills or the loot drop for the item you are looking for is very scarce, I think that's the way to go. If you spawn and you are all gear up in one or two hours finding anything you are after, what's the point of having a base? It almost takes more time to go to the tent and store the stuff than looting it all over again if you die.


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