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gamma cranked up high

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good to know people are still just turning their gamma up to see plain as day.

guess the 3 of us looked like royal dorks skulking around the bushes @ nwaf. seeing 2 guys @ pill box. as i line up the first guy, adjust my range, discussing our play, . 3 of us instantaneously knocked unconscious. all 3 of us. fully geared.
didnt even get a shot off. no shots fired/heard. just the sound of someone punching a wet cabbage as i see "my arm is broken/my leg is broken/my arm is badly hurt/i am bleeding/i am unconscious messages up the screen in about 2 seconds..

sound dodgy? gamma UP is the only explanation right? the silenced sniper rifle. do u still hear the crack or snap of bullets? 

can imagine these clowns. sitting in pill box gamma all the way up. see us sneaking up on them (about 350m away) north wall forest to pillbox . probably laughing going haha can see u idiots. whollops. all 3 of us downed in 2 seconds.  go figure.


so yeah let it be known. dont skulk around trying to enjoy the atmosphere and night play when dickheads still just gamma you out.. 

Edited by Cr4cksh0t

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Oh, those damn guys using Teamspeak, instead of direct chat! Makes it impossible to pin down where they are sitting in the bushes. Luckily I had my gamma raised and took out all three of them. -> See what I did there? Don't complain, raise your gamma! Until it is fixed there is no other option. And in all honestly idk how this can really be fixed. But what else can we do? It's a shame we can't play at night, but night is not making too much sense at the moment. Can't avoid raising gamme, imo. 

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...or you could just not go to pvp central.  gamma doesn't matter where nobody's trying to kill you.

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Sometimes I think free speech is worse than better.

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Maybe you're interested in this:

If this would get included into the renderer it should reduce the problem or even solve it entirely.

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Thing is, by and large the gamma "hax" is the only reason 90% of people even play at night on any server. Most just jump off the server when it "gets dark" and  go to a daytime rig. So... you can put in whatever simple or elaborate solution in place that you want, a majority of people playing are just going to leave the servers and go elsewhere. 

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2 hours ago, eno said:

Thing is, by and large the gamma "hax" is the only reason 90% of people even play at night on any server. Most just jump off the server when it "gets dark" and  go to a daytime rig. So... you can put in whatever simple or elaborate solution in place that you want, a majority of people playing are just going to leave the servers and go elsewhere. 

Yes, I expect that too. IMHO the night should be changed in a way that it becomes an interesting opportunity to the day. The night should offer different gameplay, not necessarily harder or easier, but different to support a greater variety of playstyles. E.g.:

  • Most/all infected should sleep at night; they are humans and staying awake for days or weeks would weaken them into a non-threat. Then the players could move more freely but would need to be aware not to step on an infected hidden in tall grass/bushes/... as that would wake them up. Loud noise of all sort should wake them too...
  • To make it not too easy it would be nice if the predators like wolves would enter the cities (only?) at night. They would be a constant threat, especially for careless players, but they wouldn't be all over the place like the infected.
  • Prevent gamma cheating to give the night a real influence on player-player interaction.

Then e.g. the players would have to decide whether they want to raid a city/military installation/... at day and waste a bunch of ammo on the infected or to go there at night and having to pay more attention to the surroundings than at day.

These are only some ideas but I assume there are more (realistic/authentic) things you could do to make the night a good opportunity.

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I agree with all that- Only reason I'm not a fan of nights right now is because all people do is crank up gamma or leave. Playing at night would be a much richer experience if everyone was on a level playing field and that field wasn't bathed in artificial light. 

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I agree with most of what you are saying but i would want the infected to become more alert at night. gather in hordes and night become a risk to players from AI/Z's not other players forcing ppl to perhaps camp or seek shelter together. 

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On 22.6.2016 at 6:33 AM, eno said:

Thing is, by and large the gamma "hax" is the only reason 90% of people even play at night on any server. Most just jump off the server when it "gets dark" and  go to a daytime rig. So... you can put in whatever simple or elaborate solution in place that you want, a majority of people playing are just going to leave the servers and go elsewhere. 

But this is a matter of habit, I think. Even in the mod I hated nights. It's because you could crank up gamma there, too. True, you see everything, but the game looks like shit. Night, when done right, will be scary time in Dayz. It will be a different experience from daytime, instead of the same with higher gamma. I'm just really concerned about flashlights. The things are so darn bright - I don't know if I'll use them. We'll probably use them more for seconds to check inside houses than have them turned on permanently. We need a keybind for the flashlight and for switching on/off sights. Perhaps there already is a key?

I for one can't wait until someone comes up with a solution to the night issue. I played a few nights without raising gamma and it was quite cool. A problem I see is that the stars and moon are actually real sky representations. That means in a night without moon it is just stupidly dark no matter how good the renderer. I'd prefer it more if there was a randomized pattern where you have a full moon cycle every night. I know it sounds like too much , but in reality you just can't have too much moon ;) The game will just look glorious with a full moon! And there will still be dark patches and they will be predictable enough to take advantage of when stealthing. 

Edited by S3V3N

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1 hour ago, Cr4cksh0t said:

I agree with most of what you are saying but i would want the infected to become more alert at night. gather in hordes and night become a risk to players from AI/Z's not other players forcing ppl to perhaps camp or seek shelter together. 

A bit like an opposite approach. Could be real fun at times; like defending your base from attacking hordes, evading a city in the twilight... But it could get tedious if you are e.g. pinned down in a house in a city by the emerging night and the hordes and you'd need to wait until the next morning. The problem is, if you increase the risk of gameplay at night by making it harder without increasing the reward (gameplay-wise, not necessarily more/better loot) most players would just change the server when it gets dark. I'm not demanding "easier" nights but in the long run many server owners would change their server to day-only if the players wouldn't use it.

Either way, I hope the problem with the gamma abuse gets fixed ASAP as the night doesn't make real sense ATM.

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27 minutes ago, S3V3N said:

That means in a night without moon it is just stupidly dark no matter how good the renderer.

But it doesn't have to be like that. In the real world, at least in summer, even the new moon nights aren't pitch black like in DayZ/ArmA. If the engine would simulate this, you should be able to travel and to some extend loot, without a flashlight.

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I'm constantly reminded of this issue when I see a company that sells gaming monitors advertising said monitors. Instant-swap gamma settings and other such things are advertised as acceptable advantages, with the implication being that you'd be a scrub not to buy the screen that lets you see better in the dark.

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