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NL 4 Hosted by [SoH] Admin abuse

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I don't understand why you guys lower your self to this' date=' we simply don't like how the admin(s) abuse the manage functions in their benefit that's all. We find it wrong and we find it necessary to post this to make others aware. There is no fun raiding a camp if the admins abuse their powers. Or make it so a message comes up "Admins might use the control functions to their benefit if you raid our camp" so players don't waste time raiding camps in NL 4.


Wait, I thought you were saying you killed all members, took all gear and drove off to your camp. Did you not? So basically you completed your mission and no harm was done with the server restart *which was of course caused by an admin as there is absolutely no other way a server can ever restart*. If you're trying to make a point, you're not very good at bringing it.

Screens don't say anything as nobody knows how much time was in between them like I said before. But anyway, I don't see this discussion going anywhere after 3 pages and you don't bring it up any new arguments, nor reply to any argument given.

So yeah, just trolling and I won't continue to bite any longer. If others want to continue this discussion: feel free, but be aware, trolls inside.

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We Werent able to loot your corpses due a server restart exactly after you guys died...

You guys already admitted that you have abused the Admin rights Turtle confessed it.

So I dont get the part your defending your friends since one of the admin's just said he abused it

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your not defending yourself against using the ammo refill glitch lol

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I don't understand why you guys lower your self to this' date=' we simply don't like how the admin(s) abuse the manage functions in their benefit that's all. We find it wrong and we find it necessary to post this to make others aware. There is no fun raiding a camp if the admins abuse their powers. Or make it so a message comes up "Admins might use the control functions to their benefit if you raid our camp" so players don't waste time raiding camps in NL 4.


Wait, I thought you were saying you killed all members, took all gear and drove off to your camp. Did you not? So basically you completed your mission and no harm was done with the server restart *which was of course caused by an admin as there is absolutely no other way a server can ever restart*. If you're trying to make a point, you're not very good at bringing it.

Screens don't say anything as nobody knows how much time was in between them like I said before. But anyway, I don't see this discussion going anywhere after 3 pages and you don't bring it up any new arguments, nor reply to any argument given.

So yeah, just trolling and I won't continue to bite any longer. If others want to continue this discussion: feel free, but be aware, trolls inside.

I never stated that I killed all members and never said that there is no other way. I just find it suspicious that the server restarts 2 times after you guys got killed. It's easy for you to say that no harm was done when you had nothing left at that camp while we lost 1 vehicle full of gear and had to walk all the way back.

I don't need new arguments cause unlike you I'm just posting facts.

I do agree that it is unnecessary to continue this discussion.

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4 gillie suited players all with high end kit probably decked to the nines with the best stuff' date=' gps range finders, nvg,s etc etc with zero kills??????

Admin may of raged the server closed I think in this circumstance maybe they had good reason to.

At the end of the day why complain you,ve obviously got a great reserve of all the best kit in the game happy days surely? So why waste your time on this.


This doessnt proof annything ,

There are such things as Camping Tent where you can store items , and when you die you can get them back at your Camp ,


I know the tactics and use them myself, Just be happy you beat them in a fight you do not need their kit, I,d be interested in screens from the rest of your crew probably all on day zero with best kit. If you were some guys with lee enfields and civilian clothes I,d probably feel more sympathetic.

As for the admin if you did rage close the server it's cheap, we run our own server losing our stuff is just the game so to say all admins use this tactic is not true besides most of our camps are on other servers not our own and are there to be found if you can find them.

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Jasperges' pid='241892' dateline='1341354556']

Seriously' date=' just shush.

We have had this discussion before.. but 16 year old boo freaking hoo can't deal with the fact we didnt want to play with him anymore.

Enjoy your cars, now shush


So far Jasper I can only see you crying over and over again ,

But I wassnt the one who cheap shotted ;)

Good luck finding the cars

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Don't worry. Admin will just teleport to your position or look in the log files where you saved the vehicles or last logged out. :rolleyes:

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Don't worry. Admin will just teleport to your position or look in the log files where you saved the vehicles or last logged out. :rolleyes:

Yeah you guys are experienced Admin abusers so I wont shock if things like that happened

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Troll thread this is becoming now lol

dont look behind you Jemoeder!!

btw, none cries about cars and gear. only little kids, like i said in my own post. you never really found SoH main camp. still have our camp somewhere else, with most of their gear in.

so have fun hunting :D and lets enjoy the game

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In the real SoH camp you would have found a M1A2, A-10, UH-1Y and AS50 TWS. So if you only found a VS3, a bus and an UAZ you're doing something wrong or you had our FOP (Forward Outpost).

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Wow you guys must be a bad ass clan to have a FO in the middle of fuking no where

where is your main base ? on the moon? .

Even if that Jemoeder dude is full of shit you guys still look bad and i wont play on

your servers no more

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Troll thread this is becoming now lol

dont look behind you Jemoeder!!

btw' date=' none cries about cars and gear. only little kids, like i said in my own post. you never really found SoH main camp. still have our camp somewhere else, with most of their gear in.

so have fun hunting :D and lets enjoy the game



This is not about gear or finding SOH's main camp.

In the end Admin's abused there powers you guys going off topic looking at 4 ghillie suites players with "end-gear"

It's about the server having an restart exactly after SOH guys got killed

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Jemoeder thanks for the information, added NL 4 to my personal server blacklist.

I heard about SoH before and thought it was a nice clan, but have to say I'm a bit surprised that NL 4's server admin who also seems to be part of SoH even admitted here that he has abused admin powers (maybe not in this case, but in general) while arguing "everyone else would do the same in that position". Gosh. This really makes the clan and the server look really immature.

I'm not a friend or anything of Jemoeder, I'm not involved in this story here, but considering Server Admin stated that he abused his powers, I'd appreciate it if DayZ Staff would blacklist that NL 4 Server.

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Okay, lets answer a bit more into detail then here as there seems to be some confusion.

Pictures are misleading as hell as they suggest the server immediately went to black and show no time. I was there and there were at least 5 minutes between the restarts, the logs also showed that the server wasn't restarted for a very long time. For the restart after everything happened I'm actually quite sure that it either was a crash or an automatic server restarts which happens frequently to keep the server playable, just ask any server owner you know. Afterwards admin logged into the server to look what was going on with the crash and asked Nelis how he got there, as he said in our teamspeak channel that he walked from debug forrest to our first base (1.5 km north of road). So there also seems to be a mix up with the screens as presented here.

Futhermore what also wasn't told was that "jemoeder" and his playmates have complained for ages about admin abuse on our server. Like our automatic lock system which locks the server when there are 5 players in the lobby trying to load the game to prevent server lag for other players. Everytime the server is locked because of this they go to our teamspeak channel and complain to immediately let them in. With restarts when they are playing as well they also accuse admin in teamspeak channel that we just restarted because they find gear X in building Y, while in most cases there hardly is any admin influence on the server and most are just experimental scripts we use (see server description).

They found the camp with proper tactics by listening to our teamspeak for a couple of days and killed us in "fair" combat, although it may seem strange that you all have "end-gear" with just 0 zombie kills. This either suggests hacking -I don't think any of you guys are capable of that- or using an exploit to switch suit which resets all player stats and ammo.

SoH as server owners didn't ban anyone, didn't kick anyone and didn't kill anyone with administration powers. Only thing what happened was that a server was restarted just a couple of minutes after a fight took place, propably even an automatic restart with 0 admin influence. I guess our bodies were already looted by then, so I really don't see any point why this restart -even when executed by an admin- was abusive in any way.

Yes, like all server admins I think MrTurtleX tried to say that the server does not always get restarted for stability, but sometimes also in the night when nobody else is online and one of the ATV's gets flipped over for instance or gets bugged inside a dock. With a server restart all vehicles respawn in the proper orientation again. I think it's one of the least things a server admin can do if nobody else is affected by it.

But I think this topic has gone far way out of context and in actuality nothing really happened except 5 guys getting killed and we lost 2 or 3 vehicles of all vehicles we have. I would much rather spent my time on catching hackers and cheaters on our server, find and kick disconnectors during a gunfights than to spent anymore of my limited time on this discussion. The players complaining here are known for trolling for weeks now so that's propably why an outsider will see a couple of annoyed reactions here. It's not like we hear this for the first time from this group after we denied Jemoeder entrance to our clan (basically for being childish).

So if anyone would like to base an opinion on the situation, please inform yourself well and don't believe everything on the internet. I really couldn't care less if players do or don't want to play on our server, from my experience we've always offered a stable server and keep a pro-active prevention policy against hackers which I think is far more important than seeing a server restarting once in a while. It is thanks to those so called evil admins of SoH that a lot of users can daily keep enjoying our server with less worries about hackers and cheaters because we mostly weed them out ourselves quicker than anyone else can notice their presence.

Have a good day, I'm going back to actually playing the game. If there are any further questions just PM me, nothing more to say here in this thread.

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Salute from SCoB-Clan to SOH! Hope you guys are all that friendly like before. I dont think that you want our story in here :P

Nah, make a separate thread. I'm more then happy to debunk your story. I.e. multiple member from SCoB with a BattlEye global ban... Good luck budy. :)

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Oh yes? Who? Cause we are all playing right now. Stop lying bro & restarting the server ;)


You Mad Bro?

=SCoB= Spider, last login date 14th of June. Global bans were issued around that day. I myself saw him popping up on the logs, "bla bla GLOBAL BAN". Now he's playing as fettsack with a different cdkey. :)

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Did kampfkarnickel let you out of your cage? Oh dang, crappy chains I guess.

If you want a name you only have to start looking at your own site administrator who is a known hacker within ArmA, he is like the "Spider" of SCoB within the web (pun intended). kkthxbye.


Damn, Im getting old. Too late reaction.

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Never seen a person talking more bullshit than you sawyer. You should check your 'logs' better, cause he is playing with us.

Yes Kampfkarnickel let me out. Need to get some fresh air and take care of some bullshitters.

Oh he is a hacker? Got any proof? Same counts for you sawyer, got any proof that he has been banned?

Dang, if youre gettin old, go slow down a little bruh, dont wanna loose you to a heart attack BRUH

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bravo, about the bullshit story's...

Okay' date=' lets answer a bit more into detail then here as there seems to be some confusion.

Pictures are misleading as hell as they suggest the server immediately went to black and show no time. I was there and there were at least 5 minutes between the restarts, the logs also showed that the server wasn't restarted for a very long time. [/quote']

but before it was 15mins...

Oh lol' date=' really. Too tired to spent time at this guy again, don't feed the trolls.

Hard to tell from your screens how much time was in between them. It was more like 10 to 15 minutes between the server restarts according to the logs, so quit trolling and don't come up with half baked fantasy stories.


and i really dont get why you reply on all the post's you said it youre self youre not even an administrator. All i can see in all youre post's are insulting messages. Maybe you should stop trying to put fuel in the fire and let admins talk?

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