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About Xelpherpolis

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  1. Xelpherpolis

    No RCon Support anymore?

    Will be much better when servers are not all stuck on the public hive, for hackers to destroy the experience, and "elite players" who gear up on 0 population servers then go KOS crazy on busy ones. The whole idea of the public hive is what killed the mod, it will kill standalone, the amount of hackers recently is beyond a joke. More control to the server admins.
  2. Xelpherpolis

    Delta-Zone DayZ Standalone

    Updates: Delta-Zone #3 nice and busy <3 Thanks guys no more fools can loot cycle!
  3. Xelpherpolis

    Experimental 0.47 overview

    And you must be new to sarcasm!!! Congrats sir, you made a funny... Though that aside, why polish the movement system in a alpha, get the base features working before polishing, that craps for beta.
  4. Xelpherpolis

    Experimental 0.47 overview

    I hope they revert back to 0.46 and just work on zombie pathfinding, the new movement system is terrible, along with the shoddy ragdolling.
  5. Xelpherpolis

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    Your ports 27016 not 2302 :P Nice server though.
  6. Xelpherpolis

    Delta-Zone DayZ Standalone

    Not at the moment, I will be setting one up today. Edit: Server #2 updated to Hardcore.
  7. Xelpherpolis

    Delta-Zone DayZ Standalone

    UK Timezone :) Yeah the public hive seems to be busier in the week, where the weekend we have had 64/64 on the private hives.
  8. Xelpherpolis

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    Ouch that's pretty high, but if its with Vilayer you may be okay with 250 ping, since I have noticed server side strain seems to be pretty low with them. Maybe not too many server instances per dedi.
  9. Xelpherpolis

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    Having a little cry after a KoS is not a bad thing :P Sometimes it really does suck, but that is DayZ
  10. Xelpherpolis

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    Indeed! I do not mind it at all. Its another reason we usually wipe the database after an event, it keeps it fresh and everyone who has been on my servers has said its has got them playing again, because the game had become stale just sitting there scared to loose your gear.
  11. Xelpherpolis

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    A lot of people do not like starting again :P But yes I love standalone I just do not agree with the public hive, far too many people loot up on empty servers, and then go KOS crazy on busy servers, they didnt earn the gear, they just run to NW Airfield and cycle empty servers. You see it enough with some streamers, they are nicely geared before the stream starts usually, but not pointing fingers, some streamers like lirik do actually work for the gear.
  12. Xelpherpolis

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    There is nothing illegal about it or hacking about it, the only difference with those two servers is your character data is saved to a separate database these servers provide. Characters created on those servers are only saved there. Think of it like DayZ Modded private servers. Same thing.
  13. Xelpherpolis

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    A lot of servers are like that, personally I love these types, actually roaming around at night with a headtorch on brings a new feel to the game, as you are more in danger too. I really want to see more servers like this. No more static times.
  14. Xelpherpolis

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    Hacked versions? Absolutely not, only steam registered versions can work with those. But they do run on my own hive, you are correct there. Also even if a server is restarted, day and night will continue based on the servers clock, but of course a lot of servers do specify static times.
  15. Xelpherpolis

    Where are all the DAY/NIGHT cycle servers?!?

    Actually no. These will restart only when I tell them to.