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Alcohol and drugs in Standalone

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14 minutes ago, Deathlove said:

Not to mention all the trolling ppl could do with X amount of vehicles. Id rather have very little than a whole lot anyways. Were playing a survival game after all not a GTA simulator.

(We're) playing a survival game after all not a GTA simulator.

^ NOR is this G.O.A.T. walking simulator.. (yes this is now a walking simulator) because for all the time I've played the mod/standalone.. 2/3 of that time has been on foot.. 1/3 (mostly the mod time) was in choppers and cars.
thank you very much :D

and then again.. whats wrong with more cars in the game.. 

there are over 40 guns in the game... WHY so many guns (because Russia!) 
the only thing they need to do (if you don't like this GTA/GOAT simul) is make the cars abundent.. but the parts (spark plugs/wheels/car battery) etc. etc. etc. etc. extremely rare.. want a car? fine! :D goodluck finding a wheel for the next  hour and a half.. 

that'll drastically reduce the car jackers 'because we need to lug 20.000.000 rnds of ammo to our base) 
and give more interaction/trading/stick ups in general thus more action in the game.. 

Edited by veshcula

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1 minute ago, veshcula said:

(We're) playing a survival game after all not a GTA simulator.

^ NOR is this G.O.A.T. walking simulator.. (yes this is now a walking simulator) because for all the time I've played the mod/standalone.. 2/3 of that time has been on foot.. 1/3 (mostly the mod time) was in choppers and cars.
thank you very much :D

You can argue all you want about it but you should be working for your vehicles and gear. There shouldn't be 10 or 20 cars on a single map to pick up as you please. Its pretty much what ruined the survival aspect of Dayz mod.

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2 minutes ago, Deathlove said:

You can argue all you want about it but you should be working for your vehicles and gear. There shouldn't be 10 or 20 cars on a single map to pick up as you please. Its pretty much what ruined the survival aspect of Dayz mod.

there are over 40 guns in the game... WHY so many guns (because Russia!) <- WHY SO MANY GUNS!!!!
the only thing they need to do (if you don't like this GTA/GOAT simul) is make the cars abundent.. but the parts (spark plugs/wheels/car battery) etc. etc. etc. etc. extremely rare.. want a car? fine! :D goodluck finding a wheel for the next  hour and a half..

that'll drastically reduce the car jackers 'because we need to lug 20.000.000 rnds of ammo to our base) 
and give more interaction/trading/stick ups in general thus more action in the game.. 

have you seen The Walking Dead? how many cars does that show have? (yes its a bigger country.. still has shit tons of cars/gas)
have you seen Z nation? how many cars does that show have? (yes its a bigger country.. still has shit tons of cars/gas)

^ both these series are post-apoc settings like dayZ is...

Edited by veshcula

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13 minutes ago, veshcula said:

depends... do you think eating berries is a logic thing to do? what if the devs never told us blue berries are the bad one's or they add roots in the game.. poison ivy anyone?
living off the land is what that's called.. look it up.. there are tribes in the world.. that don't own a supermarket or an IKEA and they know exactly what they can eat... if you have 2-3 types of mushrooms.. in game... you'd have 3 choices.. 1 gets you killed, one makes you sick.. the other is just fine :) because mushroom soup is a thing ya know :)


No, actually. Berries contain a lot of water, and eating a lot in a short period of time will give you diarrhea in real life. You can't survive off berries, even without the diarrhea, because they contain little more than fructose. They don't provide enough calories.

It is also important to note that both "types" of berries we can pick in Day Z are both edible in real life. The "blue berries" in Day Z are elderberries, and are perfectly edible after getting cooked. The "red berries" are rose hips (and aren't even fucking berries), and are very edible (they taste kinda like apples, which makes sense, as apples are a member of the Rose family), and are high in Vitamin C.

See, here is the thing: coming from someone actually trained in Wilderness Survival, almost 98-99% of the "survival" aspects of the game either 1) don't make sense, or 2) is completely incorrect. The devs just didn't do the research.

They should add roots to the game, and the fact that they haven't yet is starting to piss me off. Go to any body of water in Day Z (even the ocean, which is weird), and you will see some reeds with a sausage-looking thing on the tip. That is called cattail, and literally every part of that plant is edible, or otherwise useful for survival. The root is especially good, containing more starch than an equal amount of potatoes.

In real life, people eat mushrooms in the woods all the time ..... and then they die from liver failure. It is really easy to mix up edible and poisonous mushrooms, even when you are an expert at identifying them. Not even counting the fact that mushrooms provide next-to-ZERO calories, and take metabolic energy to digest.

You are actively hampering your survival chances by eating mushrooms. Don't do it. In places where you can find mushrooms, you can just as easily, if not more easily, find insects like grubs that are actually healthy and high in fat and protein. 

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18 minutes ago, veshcula said:

(We're) playing a survival game after all not a GTA simulator.

^ NOR is this G.O.A.T. walking simulator.. (yes this is now a walking simulator) because for all the time I've played the mod/standalone.. 2/3 of that time has been on foot.. 1/3 (mostly the mod time) was in choppers and cars.
thank you very much :D

and then again.. whats wrong with more cars in the game.. 

there are over 40 guns in the game... WHY so many guns (because Russia!) 
the only thing they need to do (if you don't like this GTA/GOAT simul) is make the cars abundent.. but the parts (spark plugs/wheels/car battery) etc. etc. etc. etc. extremely rare.. want a car? fine! :D goodluck finding a wheel for the next  hour and a half.. 

that'll drastically reduce the car jackers 'because we need to lug 20.000.000 rnds of ammo to our base) 
and give more interaction/trading/stick ups in general thus more action in the game.. 


Did you seriously not look at the map I posted?

Yes, Chernarus has a significant Russian population. and shares a border with Russia. BUT, Chernarus is based largely on the Czech Republic, both physically (almost literally) and culturally. The Czech Republic has very high levels of firearm ownership.

Russia, in all seriousness, does not. It is actually illegal for most Russian citizens to own firearms.

Not to mention that firearms and ammunition supplies will be decreased as the Alpha gets closer to completion.

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2 hours ago, Whyherro123 said:

Because eating mushrooms in a survival situation is, to be quite frank, stupid and Darwin-Award-worthy.


If you survive a walk through Chernogorsk about an hour after eating 15 grams of cubensis, you will fear nothing ever again.  Might be a cool initiation right for a berserker death-squad, but yeah, probably not the safest thing to do in the apocalypse.

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2 hours ago, Whyherro123 said:

WE.AREN'T.IN.FUCKING.RUSSIA.!                  Former soviet republic.  Clam yo tits.

Did you seriously not look at the map I posted?            Right next to Russia, which in Russian, means Russia.  Crimea anyone?



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9 minutes ago, emuthreat said:


It is a personal berserk-button of mine when people insist that, since Chernarus has AK-weapons and uses the Cyrillic alphabet, it is Russia. Sorry, not sorry.

It.... well, it isn't. The whole plot of ARMA II was a civil war between communist rebels wanting Chernarus to be more like (Soviet) Russia, and Chernarussian forces wanting to remain independent (read: keep Western-style government and values, which it had been adopting steadily since 1991)

Not to mention that many "Russian" things people take for granted are usually misinformed at best. Like, for example, firearms ownership, both legal and illegal. People think that Russians just wander around with guns a'blazin, that everybody has an AK under the seat in the Lada. In reality, private ownership of firearms in Russia is largely illegal. There is, on average, about 9 firearms (both legal and illegal) per 100 people in Russia. Firearm ownership for self-defense, and therefore, many handguns, is illegal. Most rifles are owned for sporting purposes, and restricted to 10 rounds or less. Weapons that fire in bursts, or can hold more than 10 rounds, are illegal.




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As much I hate the drugs, and alcohol stuff that will probably be added later into the game....I can't deny that it would make RPers much happier. I personally hope that when server modding comes that I can turn / edit that dumb stuff off. xD 

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13 hours ago, DJ SGTHornet said:

As much I hate the drugs, and alcohol stuff that will probably be added later into the game....I can't deny that it would make RPers much happier. I personally hope that when server modding comes that I can turn / edit that dumb stuff off. xD 

these things add to the realism of things.. and yes RPers (like myself) enjoy realism.. the fact that you recent drugs.. and alcohol.. is just fine.. (as should every 12 yo but sadly thats not the case in my country) 
people tend to forget (hence the topic) that drugs/alcohol play a vital role in bartering.. when everything goes to shit.. as in society wise.. 

trade becomes the name of the game.. 

gold/silver a.k.a. precious metals..

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7 hours ago, veshcula said:

these things add to the realism of things.. and yes RPers (like myself) enjoy realism.. the fact that you recent drugs.. and alcohol.. is just fine.. (as should every 12 yo but sadly thats not the case in my country) 
people tend to forget (hence the topic) that drugs/alcohol play a vital role in bartering.. when everything goes to shit.. as in society wise.. 

trade becomes the name of the game.. 

gold/silver a.k.a. precious metals..

While I'm not going to contest your experience with IRL apocalypse,  I'm just going to blindly go on believing that drugs, alcohol, and precious metals are not at all required to survive. 

There are plenty of people in this world that don't use alcohol/drugs to mitigate extreme stress and they go on living day after day.  Please explain why you would need precious metals.  These things only seem important to me as a form of currency, they are malleable, non-ferrous metals.  How are they practical in an apocalypse?

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1 hour ago, Parazight said:

While I'm not going to contest your experience with IRL apocalypse,  I'm just going to blindly go on believing that drugs, alcohol, and precious metals are not at all required to survive. 

There are plenty of people in this world that don't use alcohol/drugs to mitigate extreme stress and they go on living day after day.  Please explain why you would need precious metals.  These things only seem important to me as a form of currency, they are malleable, non-ferrous metals.  How are they practical in an apocalypse?

They aren't. They only have value because we think they do. People that hoard silver and gold for the "apokalyps" are fools, that gold and silver will be little more than paperweights.

In "reality" (and exhibited in real-life events), the things most likely to be used as mediums of exchange are things that are 1) lightweight 2) capable of being made to a certain standard, and 3) useful. I personally (not that I seriously entertain the idea of a collapse of civilization) have sheet-metal arrowheads stocked up. Lightweight, easy to carry, and undeniably useful.

So, basically (in no particular order): weapons/ammunition, preserved food, materials to make clothing (measured lengths of cloth, animal hides), medication, safe drinking water, and, yes, drugs (lumping alcohol in with drugs).

In the Colonial US, various forms of alcohol were used as unofficial and even official currency. Roadbuilders were paid in applejack. Animal hides were another one. The reason US currency is called "bucks" is because on the frontier, a deer hide was worth $1 (which, back then, was a large amount), and deer (and other animal) hides were used directly to barter at trading posts.

Alcohol is just too plain useful to not have in a post-apocalyptic scenario. Safe drinking water, source of calories, disinfectant, and perfectly viable trade good.

Same thing with drugs, even though I am vehemently anti-drug in real life (my state has a severe opioid and drug problem, with associated gang violence). You can carry a bottle full of painkillers pretty easily. I ..... don't see much survival use for things like meth, coke, and arguably weed (willow-bark is an effective painkiller, and you don't have to inhale burning smoke that way), although I am undoubtedly biased against them. 

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I would think spices would become more valuable again over metal currency. Like salt, pepper and other things used to make your foods taste better. Which could arguably be a better currency as well.

Edited by Deathlove

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