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Catapult suggestion

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a catapult would be awesome, less lethal, ability to just knock people out, silent and easy to find a stone. could even use the stone knife as a lethal projectile.


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Edited by Surviv0r1969
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If a weapon launches a projectile with enough velocity to knock someone out, then it is a lethal weapon. Taking a ping-pong-ball-sized stone to the head at 200 feet-per-second is a good way to turn your brain into paste.

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Not trying to troll you, bud...but the word LETHAL is usually synonymous with death. Knocking someone out just makes it easier to walk up and tea-bag him to death. ;-)

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11 hours ago, Whyherro123 said:


If a weapon launches a projectile with enough velocity to knock someone out, then it is a lethal weapon. Taking a ping-pong-ball-sized stone to the head at 200 feet-per-second is a good way to turn your brain into paste.

lethal = kills you

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12 hours ago, Surviv0r1969 said:


I like the idea, you can even shoot arrows with a slingshot. Not so sure about the stone knife though, that would just tumble around and would be more lethal due to its weight than its sharpened edge I presume.

Edited by nl
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I'd much prefer a sling. Very difficult to aim - not because it's particularly inaccurate but because, say, timing is a factor or there's some other mechanic that makes it a reasonably effective weapon if you know what you're doing, but utterly useless if you've not practiced. It should also have a fairly short effective range. It should be good for knocking players out with a headshot and for damaging limbs (breaking/fracturing arms and legs) rather than for outright killing people or zombies. Now, in real life a good shot with a sling can shatter a femur or turn your brain to paste... but videogames.

A catapult like this would be fine, though. I can't imagine they'd be very common, however.

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